Death Records

By cavis , 10 January 2021
Source Description
Alice (Pridmore) Sugg family

Source Type


Valley Mills Cemetery, Valley Mills, Bosque Co., Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1088)

APR 27, 1843
MAR 6, 1891

DEC. 15, 1839
MAR 31, 1933

MAY 11, 1876
DEC 4, 1900


By cavis , 10 January 2021
Source Description
Obituary of Alice (Pridmore) Sugg

Source Type


Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas 4/2/1933 p 5
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1087)

Mrs. Alice E. Sugg Dies at Valley Mills

Special to The News
    WACO, Texas, April 1 - Mrs. Alice Elizabeth Sugg, 93, oldest resident of Bosque County, died Friday night.  Funeral Services were conducted Saturday afternoon at Valley Mills Baptist Church by the Rev. R. B. Stanton.
    Mrs. Sugg had been a member of the Baptist Church for eighty years and was a liberal contributor to Baylor University, Baylor College of Belton, Buckner's Orphan's Home and Baptist causes generally.
    She had been a resident of Valley Mills for fifteen years and before that lived at Mineola and at Dallas for twenty years, going to Valley Mills from Dallas.  She had been a stockholder in banks at Dallas, Mineola, Terrell and Hillsboro for many years.  She is survived only by distant relatives.

By cavis , 10 January 2021
Source Description
William and Alice Pridmore come of age - 1861

Source Type


Will Book F McMinn Co., Tennessee
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1086) film 4776246 image 505 

p. 421 
Wm. M. Pridmore and Alice E. Pridmore are now of age.  Wm. S. Chesnutt turns over to them $1080.90 as their share of estate of William Maples [their grandfather]

By cavis , 10 January 2021
Source Description
Guardian appointed for William and Alice Pridmore - 1858

Source Type


County Court Minutes McMinn Co., Tennessee 1857-1873
(C. Avis Catalog entry #198) film 8264167 image 107

July Session 1858
Wm. S. Chesnutt appointed guardian to Wm. M. & Alicy E. Pridmore

July 5, 1858
Rayleigh Chesnutt appointed administrator of estate of William Maples.
He and Wm. H. Maples (executor) put up $20000 bond.

Will admitted the same day.

By cavis , 4 January 2021
Source Description
Obituary of William H. Maples - 1889

Source Type


Dallas Morning News 7/16/1889
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1082)

p. 2

Meridian, TX July 15
    Col. W. H. Maples, an old settler and prominent citizen of this county, died at his home on Hog creek yesterday morning, aged 67 years.

By cavis , 3 January 2021
Source Description
Division of estate of Esther Herring - 1815

Source Type


Charleston Co.Probate Court Estate Inventories 1810-1818
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1064) 

p. 403 film 4754686 image 222
"South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," image, FamilySearch, Charleston > Probate Court, Estate inventories > 1810-1818 > No File Description Available > image 215 of 288; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.

Agreeable to the will of Mrs. Esther Herring and at the request of Dr. Benjamin Howarth (acting Executor) we the subscribers have appraised & Divided the Estate in the following manner.  June 8th 1815

Lot to William Herring -
Abraham $200 Rose 500 Ambrose 400
Andrew 300 Posthumus 250 Simon 150 Celinda 100
1900 --

Lot to Eliza Lynes - 
Elcy $300 Patty $450 Henry $350 Amoretta 300
London 250 Carlos 150 Richard 100
1900 --

L. Richbourg  J. L. McKelvey  Robt. J. Kirk


By cavis , 3 January 2021
Source Description
Inventory of estate of Esther Herring - 1813

Source Type


Charleston Co.Probate Court Estate Inventories 1810-1818
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1063)

p. 199 film 4754686 image 118
"South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," image, FamilySearch, Charleston > Probate Court, Estate inventories > 1810-1818 > No File Description Available > image 111 of 288; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.

A just and true Appraisement of the Estate of Mrs. Esther Herring dec'd made April 8 1813

-- Negroes --
Abram $250 - Libby $350 - Elsey $400 - Rose $500
Patty $400 - Ambrose $250 - Amiritta $200
London $200 - Prothumus $100 - Carlos $150 - Richard $100
Selina $100 - Henry $300 - Andros $200 - Simon $180 ---- $3700.--

Bedding - A Feather Bed bolster, 2 pillows $25
A Feather Bed & do do $30 - A do do $20 - A Bed $15
A Bed Mattress & furniture $45 - 3 mattresses $6  ---- $141.--

Furniture - A Mahogonay Tea Table $5
A Dining Table (square) $6 - A do round $2
Writing Desk $1 - 2 Pine Tables $1 - 1 Doz Settg chairs $6 ---- $21.--

3 Bedsteads $6 - 4 Old Trunks $4 
Linen - 3 Table Clothes $4.50 - 1 Bed Coverlid $4
1 Looking Glass 50/100 - 1 Sett Gilt Castors $3 - 1 Set plain do $1.50 ---- $23.50

Decanters Tumblers &c $2 - 1 Lot crockery ware $8
Japan Ware &c  - 1 Lot Waiters Bread Trays &c - $10
1 Tea Caddy 50/100 - 11 Tea Spoons $7 - 1 Lot Books $2 ---- $29.50

A Rifle Gun $5 - 3 Jars 3 Jugs $6 - 1 Old Gin Case & 10 Bot $1
1/2 Doz Knives & Forks $1.50 - 4 Pots 1 Dutch Oven $3
Sundry other Kitchen Utensils $1.50 - A Lot Caspers Ware $1
Lot Carpenters Tools $2 - A Lot Iron $4 ---- $25.00

2 Spinning Wheels 2 Pr Cards $5 - 1 Cupboard 50/100
Stock - 1 Horse $60, 7 Head Cattle @ $7 each $49
21 Head Goats @ $1each - 4 Head Hogs @ $2 each
1 Horse Cart & Tackle $1 ---- $144.50

Robt J. Kirk - Robt McKelvey - John Cahusac


By cavis , 3 January 2021
Source Description
Will of Esther Herring - 1813

Source Type


Charleston Co., SC Will Book E 1807-1818
(C. Avis Catalog entry #71)

"South Carolina Probate Records, Bound Volumes, 1671-1977," image, FamilySearch, Charleston > Wills, 1807-1818, Vol. 032 > image 192 of 500; citing Department of Archives and History, Columbia.



In the Name of God, I Esther Herring of St. John's Parish Charleston District, Widow, being very Weak and low of Body and disposing mind and Memory, blessed be God for the same, calling to Mind the Mortality of my body, and knowing that is is appointed for all once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in Manner and form following.  First and Principally I recommend My Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and my body to the Earth of which it was made, to be buried in a decent and Christian like Manner nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God.  As touching such worldly Estate as it hath been Pleased God to bless me with in this Life.  I Give, devise and bequeath in the following manner.
Item. To my dearly beloved daughter Eliza Lynes, and my dearly beloved son, William Herring I give devise and bequeath the Plantation whereon I now reside to be equally divided between them agreeably to quantity and quality, to them and their heirs, forever, also all my stock of every kind.  Item. All the Negroes of which I may die Possessed,  interested in or entitled to,  I give devise and bequeath them to my daughter Eliza with all their future increase to her and her heirs forever. Item to my beloved Son Benjamin Randolph, I give and bequeath one feather bed and furniture.  All the rest, Residue and remainder of my Estate whatsoever and wheresoever found, after the payments of my just debts and the above legacies, I give and bequeath to my said daughter Eliza, and my Son William to them and their heirs forever.  Lastly I do hereby Nominate constitute and appoint my beloved friend Nathl Marion and Benjamin Howorth Executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made, acknowledging and Proclaiming this and no other to be my last Will and testament.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and in the thirty Seventh Year of American Independence.


Esther   X   Herring (LS)  


Signed, Sealed Published Pronounced and declared by the testatrix to be her last Will and testament in Presence of:

Elizabeth A. Cahusac - Elizabeth Howorth - Susannah McKelvey

Proved (by Virtue of a Dedimus from James D. Mitchell Esquire D.C.T.D.) before Robert McKelvey Esquire, January 22nd, 1813

Qualified Dr. Benjamin Howorth Executor 4th February 1813.

Recorded in Will Book E 1807-1818

Recorded on Page 308


By cavis , 28 December 2020
Source Description
Death notice for a son of T. J. Herring - 1887

Source Type


Death notices and obituaries, Savannah Courier, 1885-1890, Savannah, Tennessee (Brewington, Romney R.)

(C. Avis Catalog entry #1076)


Book at


p. 22

Savannah Courier v. 3 no. 16 Thurs. Apr. 21, 1887


Lowryville Scraps

Death has again visited our town and claimed for its own little Harry, son of Dr. T.J. and Lizzie Herring, aged one months and six days.


By cavis , 28 December 2020
Source Description
Support for widow of Samuel Broyles (1866), estate inventories for Samuel W. Broyles (1866), J. S. Broyles (1870), S. H. Broyles (1870), Elizabeth Broyles (1876)

Source Type


Inventories of estates 1865-1878, Hardin Co., Tennessee
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1072)

familysearch film 4776530

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (… : 22 May 2014), Hardin > Inventories, 1865-1878 > image 115

p. 175
We the undersigned commissioners being appointed by the County Court of Hardin County to set apart one years support for Mrs. Victoria Broyles widow of Sam'l Broyles dec'd make the following allowance
    800# Pork
    50# Coffee
    100# Sugar
    10 Bbl Corn
    500# Flour
    $10 in Money for Sundries
    $25 in Money for Shoes &c
        [signed] J. H. Herring, D. F. Street, W. T. Powers   com
Oct 29th 1866

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (… : 22 May 2014), Hardin > Inventories, 1865-1878 > image 138

p. 220
Inventory of the personal property of Samuel W. Broyles Dec'd
- Lists persons owing listed amounts to decedent
- Lists persons with debts to decedent via "Notes"
- Lists persons with debts to decedent via "Judgements"
Signed by Thomas McWell, Adm'r  31 March 1868 before H. R. Hinkle, Clerk

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (… : 22 May 2014), Hardin > Inventories, 1865-1878 > image 153

p. 251
A list of property sold at J. H. Herring's estate sale

p. 252
James Broyles  1 Dish 60    2 Bl Brushes 50    1 10
Jas Broyls     10  TT Alum 1 00   Sulphur 1 60    2 60

p. 253
James Broyles  1 lot Hogs  21 00      21 00
James Broyls  1  Sow & Pigs  7 25     7 25
James Broyls  1 Harrow  3 00    3 00
Mrs. Herring   Sundries  1 00  Clock Jars etc  2 00     3 00
Clark Broyles  1 Grindstone  1 80     1 80
Mrs. Herring   1 set Teas  1 00     1 00

Aprile 4# 1869                        933 97 
G. W. Hamilton  Adm

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (… : 22 May 2014), Hardin > Inventories, 1865-1878 > image 115

p. 260
State of Tennessee
Hardin County
To the Worshipful County Court of Hardin County, Tennessee, I Thos Maxwell Administrator of the Estate of J. S. Broyls Dec'd do hereby report that no personal or effects belonging to Estate of said J. S. Broyls dec'd has come into my hands or within my knowledge except I find [?] a bill in the Chancery Court at Savannah Tennessee to which I am a party defendant that the said Broyls owed about $500.00 worth of personal effects at the time of his Death. I further Report that said bill is now pending in Said Court for the purpose of settling up said estate and as adm'r I can have no Controle of said fund unless it is deemed to me by said Court.  I further report that I know of no debts or liabilities against said Estate and that the only indebtedness within my Knowledge is the cost of this Administration.

Sworn unto and Subscribed before me this Feby 19th 1870 H. K. Hinkle, Clerk

    Thos Maxwill Adm'r

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (… : 22 May 2014), Hardin > Inventories, 1865-1878 > image 162

p. 269
An Inventory of the Estate of S. H. Broyles dec'd submitted to the County Court of Hardin County Tennessee at its September term 1870.  

Debts due said Estate by Note.
1 Note on Buy Debury payable to E. Harbour due 25th Decr 1869    $1000.00
"  "  balance due 4th July 1868   $328.48
1 Note on U. S. Jones due 11th Feby 1869    $140.00
1 Note on C. S. Broyles due 25th Decr 1862    $517.13
1 Note on F. T. Barnhill due 25th Decr 1867   $80.81
1 Note on F. T. Barnhill due 25th Decr 1868   $85.31
1 Note on Broyles Smith & Co. Balance due 25th Decr 1869
Afft of last note on Wm. Russell to Broyles & Son  2nd Jany 1860    $123.07
1 Note Welton Whithers  $60.00
Affidavit of last Note on R. H. Russell due 1st January 1857    $39.89
Affidavit of last Note on R. H. Russell due 1st January 1859    $59.91
Affidavit of last Note on Robt S. Church due 2nd January 1860  Balance    $104.51
One half Interest in Mercantile Establishment at old town to be settled and accounted for by N. I. Sevier surviving Partner
1 Account on R. East for Rent of Houses & lot 1867, 8 & 9 Balance $263.79
1 Account on W. T. Powers for Rent of Houses & lot 1869 Balance $30.00
1 Account on L. H. Broyles for Judgement Collected from P. Howard 1869 less 10%  $60.00
Cash on hand  $45.00

Insolvent Claims
Affidavit of last Note on Anderson & Warfield for $864.56
And on James Anderson for $539.40
And on J. D. Martin for $350.19.            $1784.15

    The above claims on Wm. Russell & R. H. Russell an entitled to other credits the amounts not now Known said claims together with the one on R. S. Church are doubtful.  These and other claims in Judgements on Alexander Dockell the amount number & solvancy of which has not been ascertained.

C. S. & S. H. Broyles Executors of said Estate in submitting this necessarily imperfect report big base[?] to have the privelege of amending & correcting the same in any was that a further Investigation of said estate may warrant.
C.  S. & S. H. Broyles  Executors

Personally appeared before me H. R. Hinkle Clerk &c  S. H. Broyles one of the Executors of S. H. Broyles decd & made oath that the forgoing Inventory is just & true so far as the assets of said Estate have come to his Knowledge.
        C. S. & S. H. Broyles  Ex.
Sworn to & subscribed before me this 2d day of September 1870
        H. R. Hinkle Clerk

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (… : 22 May 2014), Hardin > Inventories, 1865-1878 > image 241

[undated, but others in nearby pages are from March - July of 1876

p. 425
Inventory of Elizabeth Broyles dec'd Estate
    1 Mule $65.00
    2 Milch Cows each $21 $24.00
    3 Beds (Feather) each $10  $30.00
    3 Bed Steads each $3 1/2  $10.50
    4 Bed Quilts & 3 Counter Panes &c for  $10.00
    1 Safe  $4.00
    15 Barrels of Corn @ $.50  $22.50