
By cavis , 16 March 2021
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Obituary of James Seth Mooring - 1906

Bryan Daily Eagle 11/27/1906
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1057)

Annual memorial services will [sic] held next Sunday thoroughout [sic] Elkdom, and Bryan Lodge No. 859, F. C. Oliver, exulted ruler, will hold services at the opera house at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, with a program of ritualistic work, addresses and music.  Judge Muse, a leading lawyer and gifted [?] of Dallas, and Hon. G. F. McNulty of San Antonio, grand trustee of the order, and well known here, will be the orators of the occasion.   The name of the deceased members of the lodge together with dates of their deaths are as follows:  A. M. Rhodes, Oct. 28, 1903; G. W. McMichael, Oct. 5, 1904; T. H. Castles, Jan. 2, 1905; G. W. Smith, May 6, 1905; J. S. Mooring, Nov. 24, 1906.

p. 5
    The funeral of Mr. J. S. Mooring was held at the Exchange hotel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the presence of relatives and a large assemblage of friends, a number of them from other points.   The service was held in the hotel lobby and surrounding the casket were many exquisite floral tributes.  Rev. J. Wendel Davis, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal church, conducted the service, assisted by Dr. George B. Buttler, pastor of the Baptist church.  Members of Camp J. B. Robertson were present in a body and were honorary pall bearers.  The active pall bearers were Mayor J. E. Butler, A. A. Farley, Jno. M. Lawrence, Jno. E. Astin, R. M. Gordon, Judge A. G. Board, Jno. K. Parker, H. G. Rhodes.  A very long procession followed the remains to the city cemetery.
    Among those here from other points for the funeral were John Mooring of Bedias, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowen, Mrs. J. T. Bowen, Wayman Taliaferro and little daughter, Capt. W. E. Barry and Miss Mamie Barry of Navasota, Mrs. A. D. McConnice of Houston, Mrs. Sam R. Frost and Mrs. F. N. Drane of Corsicana, C. M. Winkler and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Winkler of Ennis.

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