Surry County, VA Court Records, 1691-1744
(C. Avis Catalog entry #569)
['Xo' was an abbreviation for Christopher']
3/1692 - Mr John Moring, being approved of to be of good integrity, skill and knowledge in the well tanning & currying of leather is appointed searcher or byer of leather for this county etc. (p. 32)
5/2/1693 - Last Will & Testament of William Simmons proved by oaths of Maximilian Mansell & Thomas Sowerby (p. 68)
11/21/1693 - Benja Harrison & Christopher Mooring securities for Elizabeth Simons, excx of Last Will & Testament of William Simons (p. 88)
5/28/1695 - Judgment for 550 pounds of tobacco granted to Eliza Simons, excx of Wm Simons who was excr of Anthony Haviland against Grantham and Eliza his wife as per court order dated 7br 4 1688 (p. 129)
5/16/1696 - Wm and John Simons, orphans of Wm Simons, choose Xo Moreing as their guardian (p. 160)
5/16/1696 - Xo Moreing substituted for Geo Foster as excr of Eliza Simons
5/16/1696 - Benja Harrison & John Moreing securities for Xo Moreing as exr of the estate of Eliza Simons (p. 160)
7/7/1696 - Joan, wife of John Moreing, relinquishes dower rights (p. 162)
7/6/1696 - Court directs Xo Moring and Mary, his wife, to present appraisal of the estate of Wm Simons at next court - Mr Walter Flood & Mr Jno Moring securities for Xo & Mary Moring (p. 182)
9/1701 - Christoper Mooring, guardian in law to Elizabeth, daughter of Wm & Eliza Symonds, now between 16 and 17 years of age etc. (p. 219)
11/4/1701 - Elizabeth Symonds, daughter of Wm & Eliza Symonds, dec'd, chooses Edward Bayley as her guardian (p. 220)
2/1710 - Certificate is granted Christopher Mooring to the patentage office for fifty acres of land for import of himself into this colony, he having proved the same according to law, being free when he arrived (p. 357)