
By cavis , 8 February 2019
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J. R. Rudd confederate service in Tennessee

J. R. Rudd Confederate Service in Tennessee
(C. Avis Catalog entry #925) 



Athens Post, Athens, Tennessee


p. 4


More of the Monroe Boys


Editor Post:  I hope you will bear with my frequent communications on the same subject, and not think that I am puffing my county, when I assure you that the General’s office at Knoxville will bear me out in the facts.  When I last wrote you it was to give you an account of what the Monroe boys were doing.  Knowing that you would like to be kept posted in what we are still doing, I write you again.  On Sunday morning last Old Monroe started the fifth Company to the wars, commanded by Capt. Ed. Hankins; 1st Lieut. Joseph R. Rudd — the other two Lieutenants not known — 1st Sergeant A. D. Scruggs[?].  This gallant Company, am told, will complete the 3d East Tennessee Regiment.  I am credibly informed that C. M. McGhee, Esq., is a high private in the Company at his own request.  Charley is a wheelhorse, sure.  Our best wishes are with the fifth Company from Monroe.  Sam, don’t you want to [..?..] and join Monroe?  I know if you don’t say yes, you think it.  There are two other Companies in progress, and we all intend to go and meet our Northern brethren of our Northern boundary, should they ever be so unfortunate as to reach that place, and give them a welcome. 

July 16th, 1861.


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