No. 165
Montague Co.
Citizens of
Relating to their count seat.
Dated: Dec. 12, 1859
File Box No. 62
Letter No. M
State of Texas Montague County
October the 26th AD 1859.
To the Honerable Legislator and house of Reprasentatives of texas we your petitioners Respectivey represent unto your Honerable body a few facts concerning our County the condition it is in at this time it is said by some that our county is not Lawfully organised and there is some contention in our county concerning our county seat Some are in favor of mooving it which we your petitioners believe would be a grate injury to our county for those reasons first the it is with in a half a mile of the cente of the county and secondly the county has done a grate eal of publick work which has cost it several hundreds of dollars thirdly and lastly that we shall mention at this time believing that your Honerable Body in its wisdom duly concider all the advantages of a county seat located in the center of a county the last reason above menntioned is that the Honerable Lgisltor granted this county 320 Acors of land for the use of our county therefore we your petitioners wold pay your Honerable bdy to pass a law to permanently locate the county seat of Montague County where it now stands and also a Law to make this county lawfuly organised and also to legalise the acts of her officers.
We your petitioners leave those few facts that we have stated in this petition for your concideration we your petitioners in duty bound will ever pray.
1. John H. Cox
2. William Fanning
3. Davis B. Cox
4. G. W. Cox
5. David Avis
6. W. B. Savage
7. Rufus Wheeler
8. L. C. Glass
9. Wm. Musick
10. Wm. D. Barnes
11. William Sulivan
12. William H. Taylor
13. John Moris
14. John Ramsey
15. Austin Moris
16. David G. Parkhill
17. John Mcelroy
18. M. M. Hagler
19. C. G. Barnes
20. D. S. Hagler
21. Anderson White
22. James White
23. F. M. Totty
24. L. P. Totty
25. J. E. Totty
26. Wm. Totty
27. J. B. Anderson
28. Isaac Burnett
29. F. Hamelton
30. A. D. Brdon
31. J. P. Braden
32. Henry Braden
33. J. F. Campbell
34. Alford Campbell
35. A. C. Terry(?)
36. Thomas Savage
37. John Campbell
38. M. W. Estas
39. Thomas Mcfarland
40. Gerald Mcdonal
41. Aaron Haining
42. Finas Mcfarland
43. John R. Row
44. J. R. Baggett
45. John W. Holding
46. Samuell Holding
47. Samuell Baird
48. James Row
49. Ithame(?) Singletary
50. Joseph Singletary
51. B. B. Thopson
52. T. H. B. Poston
53. Henry Mason
54. Sincler Jones
55. Savil Wilson
56. William Pitman
57. Thomas Mason
58. W. C. Wilkerson
59. William Willis
60. John Miller
61. William Freeman
62. David Vance
63. N. H. O’Polly
64. John Burgett
65. Rubin Deck
66. Collin M. Milam
Memorial of the citizens of Montague in relation to the county seat.
Dec. 12 59 Refd to Com on County Boundaries