File Box No. 62
Letter No. M
Montague October the 26th 1859
To the Honerable Legislator of The State of Texas Holding session At the City of Austin on the first Monday in November AD 1859 your petitioners would respectfully represent to your Honerable Body That whereas there is a conflict in the Laws creating the boundary Lines of Montague Wise Denton and Jack Counties Therefor it makes a conflict in the boudary lines of said Counties your petitioners earnestly pray your Honeable Body to remove said conflict so that the lines may be Established according to Law we your petitioner believing that wise County has run her North boundary line between Wise a Montague Counties to far North and that Cooke County has run the Line between her and Montague without any authority of Law she has commeced at one of the Northwest corners of Denton County there being two north west corners of Denton County thence west six miles thence North one mile Making the south west corner of Cooke County thence North to Red river your petitioners believeing that Cooke County has more than 900 square miles and Montague County has not got 900 square miles therefor we your petitioners of Montague County pray your Honeable Body to pass an act Authorizeing Montague County to commece 5 miles due west of the North west corner of Denton County thence west to a point 4 miles due west of the north East corner of Jack County thence due north to Red River thence Down said River with its Meanders to a point due north of the beginning your Honerable Body will please pass an act to Establish those Lines pemanently according your best judgements of the same after making a fair ivestigation of the same For which we in duty bound ever pray
1. William Fanning
2. John H. Cox
3. Davis B. Cox
4. David Avis
5. G. W. Cox
6. Willie B. Savage
7. Rufus Wheeler
8. Wm. Musick
9. Wm. D. Barnes
10. William Sulivan
11. William H. Taylor
12. David G. Parkhill
13. Austin Moris
14. John Mcelroy
15. John Ramsey
16. M. M. Hagler
17. C. G. Barnes
18. L. C. Glass
19. D. S. Hagler
20. Isaac Burnett
21. J. E. Totty
22. L. P. Totty
23. J. B. Anderson
24. A. White
25. James White
26. Gearl Mcdonald
27. J. R. Row
28. F. Hamilton
29. S. N. Beard
30. B. B. Thompson
31. A. Hainning
32. F. M. Totty
33. Thomas Mcfarland
34. N. W. Estes
35. A. Campbell
36. Wm. Totty
F. R. Baggett
Petition of Citizens of Montague County in reference to County Boundary
refer to Committe on County Boundary