
By cavis , 22 September 2018
Source Description
John Mooring deeds to grandson James

Source Type


Pitt Co., NC Deed Book O
(C. Avis Catalog entry #530)

p. 524

John Mooring to James Mooring, grandson (son of James Mooring, dec'd)
100 acres
Love & affection



By cavis , 22 September 2018
Source Description
John Mooring deeds to grandsons James and Christopher Mooring

Source Type


Pitt Co., NC Deed Book O
(C. Avis Catalog entry #525)

p. 523

John Mooring to James Mooring, grandson & Christopher Mooring, grandson
4 negroes
Love & affection
Witness:  John Mooring, Jr.


By cavis , 22 September 2018
Source Description
John Mooring deeds to son John

Source Type


Pitt Co., NC Deed Book O
(C. Avis Catalog entry #527)

p. 522

John Mooring to John Mooring, son
4 negroes
Love & affection



By cavis , 22 September 2018
Source Description
John Mooring deeds to son Christopher

Source Type


Pitt Co., NC Deed Book O
(C. Avis Catalog entry #528)

p. 511

John Mooring to Christopher Mooring, son
4 negroes
Love & affection
Witness:  Josiah Carney, Pleasant Little


By cavis , 22 September 2018
Source Description
John Mooring deeds to son William

Source Type


Pitt Co., NC Deed Book F
(C. Avis Catalog entry #524)

p. 577

John Mooring to Wm. Mooring, son
Love & affection
Witness:  Josiah Carney, Pleasant Little


By cavis , 22 September 2018
Source Description
Edgecombe Co., NC deed relating Moorings & Statons

Source Type


Edgecombe Co., NC Deed Book 18
(C. Avis Catalog entry#543)

p. 478
Susannah Mooring, wife of John Mooring, Jr. was daughter of Arthur Staton, dec'd.


By cavis , 29 August 2018
Source Description
Cook and Shaw land acquisition in Louisiana

Source Type


Bureau of Land Management General Land Office records
(C. Avis Catalog entry #916)

William D. Cook in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana
10911 9/01/1852 “William Cook of Jackson Parish Louisiana” acquires patent after having paid for land
12324 9/01/1853 “William D. Cook of Jackson Parish Louisiana” acquires patent after having paid for land
12308 9/01/1853 “William D. Cook of Jackson Parish Louisiana” acquires patent after having paid for land
13107 9/15/1854 “William D. Cook of Jackson Parish Louisiana” acquires patent after having paid for land
14757 9/01/1856 “William D. Cook of Jackson Parish Louisiana” acquires patent after having paid for land

William H. Cook in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana
17939 1/23/1879 “William H. Cook of Claiborne Parish Louisiana” acquires patent after having paid for land

John Shaw in Claiborne Parish:
02/01/1851 (2) “John Shaw of Claiborne, Louisiana”
10/01/1852 (5) “John Shaw of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana”; “John Shaw of Bieneville Parish, Louisiana”
09/15/1854 (2) "John Shaw of Claiborne County, Louisiana”
09/01/1856 (2) “John Shaw of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana”
04/01/1859 (1) “John Shaw of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana”
01/03/1860 (3) “John Shaw of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana”

21311 07/24/1907 “Dock Cook” acquires patent after having paid for land (Calhoun county)
[Probably the wrong one who died in Calhoun county in 1927]

7792 11/07/1918 “Frank Cook” acquires patent after having paid for land (Howard county)

By cavis , 5 August 2018
Source Description
Sharp Roberson deed 1850

Source Type


Sharp Roberson Deed in Giles Co., TN 1850
(C. Avis Catalog entry #913)

Tennessee State Library and Archives
Certified Copy
County:  Giles
Roll No.:  79
Book:  U
Page:  103
Type Record:  Deed

Sharp Roberson
to                                Deed Trust        Registered March 13th 1850
L. W. Ezell

I have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents bargain and sell to L. W. Ezell the following property to wit:  One bay horse, one clock, sixteen head stock hogs, one shotgun, one bed, bedstead & furniture & one cow & calf.  I bind myself to warrant and forever [defend] the above property to the said Ezell against myself & all and every other person whomsoever.  But this conveyance is made in trust & for no other purposes.  That is to say I am indebted to one Thos Arnett in the sum of Eighty Dollars by note dated the 4th of this month, due & bearing interest from date.  Now if I shall will and truly pay off & discharge said note on or before the first day of March 1851, then this Deed to be void.  But if I should not then the said Ezell as Trustee after giving ten days written notice in three public places in civil District No. 11 may expose said property to public sale & sell it to the highest bidder for cash and apply the proceeds to the satisfaction of said note of Eighty dollars, & if there be any overplus pay the balance to me.  This 11th March 1850.    Sharp Roberson

State of Tennessee   }
Giles County            }
Personally appeared before me Edward D. Jones Clerk of the County Court of Giles County the within named Sharp Roberson with whom I am personally acquinted and who acknowledged that he executed the within Deed for the purposed therein contained.  Witness my hand at office this 11th day of March A.D. 1850.

{ No. 21 March Recd 4 o'clock March 13th 1850 }    E. D. Jones Clerk

By cavis , 6 March 2018
Source Description
Land surveyed for Ivey Stafford

Source Type


Early Land Registers of Tennessee 1778 - 1927
(C. Avis Catalog entry #887)


Source: Tennessee, Early Land Registers, 1778-1927 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016. Original Data: Tennessee. Division of Archives, Land Office, and Museum. Early Tennessee/North Carolina Land Records, 1783–1927, Record Group 50. Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee. 

Ivey Stafford
10 acres

Scale 20 poles [?] inch


State of Tennessee
East District

By virtue No. 15750 dated 2nd October 1815 founded on a certificate no. 2004 issued by the Register of West Tennessee for 30 acres I have surveyed for Ivey Stafford [?] originally of William Albu[?] Ten acres of land in Smith County on the [?] of the long fork of [?] in the fork of a large branch which runs into said creek at James Whitely Beginning at a [?] and ash running West fifty two poles to a white oak thence north thirty one poles to a beech and sugartree thence East fifty two poles to an oak and two beeches thence south thirty one poles to the Begining Including same trees deaded by

Samuel Taylor
William B. Robertson
Thomas Dotson


Surveyed 1st Octr 1816
Josiah Howele DS
Filed 21st March 1817

Survey withdrawn & Entry [?] Septr 22nd 1824 by Heccorn[?] Casey


By cavis , 29 October 2017
Source Description
Land purchases by Avis, Jarboe, Wheatley families

Source Type


Avis-related land acquisitions in Perry Co., IN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #872)

Records at Perry Co., IN courthouse

Book for Township 5S and Range 1 West

[all purchases were of 'U.S' land and therefore have no deeds recorded in Perry Co..  Possible records at U. S. Bureau of Land Management.]
[all entries have description of tract (location and acres) and certificate number.  Only recording name and date below.  This is the only page with an Avis, could be other Wheatley's and Jarboe's.]

James Avis - 6/9/1840, 5/13/1850, 10/18/1854

George Wheatley - 5/14/1838, 2/8/1834

James Jarboe - 8/5/1834, 3/27/1839, 10/27/1854
Benedict Jarboe - 6/3/1850
John Jarboe - 10/10/1854
William Jarboe - 5/9/1848, 10/8/1852, 10/10/1854, 10/18/1854