Marriage Records

By cavis , 14 February 2018
Source Description
B. F. Stafford marries M. L. Rhoades

Source Type

Marriage Bond and Return, Benton Co., MS
(C. Avis Catalog entry #885)


The State of Mississippi
Benton County
    Know all Men by the Presents, that we Benjamin F. Stafford and Joseph F. Sills of the County of Benton, and State of Mississippi, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Mississippi aforesaid, in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, lawful money of said State, for which payment, well and truly to be made and performed, we, and each of us, do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, jointly, severally an firmly by these presents.
    Sealed with our seals, and dated this 18th day of March eighteen hundred and Seventy Two.
The condition of this Obligation is such, That, whereas, a marriage is shortly intended to be celebrated between the above bound Bejn F. Stafford and Miss Mary L. Rhoades.  Now, if there is no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
    Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of us,
    Wm Ayres [signed[
B. F. Stafford [signed]
Jos. F. Sills [signed]
The State of Mississippi
Benton County
To any Judge, Minister, Justice or any other person lawfully authorized to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony:
You are hereby licensed to celebrate the Rites of Matrimony between:
Mr. Benjamin F. Stafford and Miss Mary L. Rhoades
and for doing so this shall be your warrant.
    Given under my hand and official seal, this 18th day of March in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and Seventy Two
William Ayres [signed] clerk
The State of Mississippi
Benton County
    In Virtue of a LIense from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County of Benton, I have this day celebrated the Rites of Matrimony between Mr. Benjamin F. Stafford and Miss Mary L. Rhoades.
        Given under my hand and seal, this 20th day of March A. D. 1872
        J. B. Fuller [signed]


By cavis , 11 November 2017
Source Description
David & Mary Ann Avis divorce judgement

Source Type


Court Records, Monroe County, IN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #877)

p. 326

Sept Term of CC 1843  12 day

Mary Ann Avis
vs                       Divorce
David Avis

    Comes now the complainant by Mr. Watts her solicitor, also comes P. C. Deming prosecuting the pleas of the State of Indiana and this defendant having been [illegible] with process herin according to law - And this case is now submitted to the court for trial.  And after having the proofs and allegations herin, it is considered by the court that the prayer of said petition ought to be granted.  It is therefore ordered, adjudged and, and decreed that, the bonds of matrimony, heretofore entered into between the parties be in all things dissolved and held for nought, and that said defendant pay the costs of this suit.


By cavis , 11 November 2017
Source Description
David Avis marries Mary Ann Deming

Source Type


Marriage Records, Monroe County, Indiana
(C. Avis Catalog entry #876)

p. 149
Be it remembered that on this 2d day of May A. D. 1837 a license issued to David Avis for his marriage with Mary Anne Deming - Bloomington June 7th 1837.  This certifies that Mr. David Avis and Mary Ann Deming were united in matrimony on the 2nd of May by 
Ranson Hawley
Minister of the Gospel


By cavis , 2 November 2017
Source Description
Marriage of Eula Cook (sister of Pedroe) & W. E. McGee

Source Type


Marriage records, Union Co., AR
(C. Avis Catalog entry #870)

Book J, page 120 at courthouse in El Dorado, Union Co., AR

Bond for Marriage License

W. E. McGee makes a bond with W. H Gerderw[?] as security on 1/4/1893 for a license authorizing the marriage of W. E. McGee and Eula Cook.

Attested that W. E. McGee is 25 and Eula Cook is 16.

Marriage License

State of Arkansas, County of Union:
To any person authorized by law to solemnize marriage - Greeting:  You are hereby commanded to solemnize the rite and publish the bans of matrimony between Mr. W. E. McGee of Woolly in the county of Union and State of Arkansas aged 25 years, and M__ Eula Cook of El Dorado in the county of Union and state of Arkansas, aged 16 years, according to law, and do you officially sign and return this license to the parties herein named.
Witness, my hand and official seal this 4th day of January A. D. 1893
C. W. Hearin County Clerk
W. J. Prinson D. C. 

Certificate of Marriage

State of Arkansas, County of Union:
I, J. R. Tatum do hereby certify that on the 5th day of January A. D. 1893 I did, duly and according to law, as commanded in the foregoing license, solemnize the rite and publish the bans of matrimony between the parties therein named. 
Witness, my hand this 7th day of January A. D. 1893.
(My credentials are recorded in Recorder's Office, Fulton Co., Ark.)
J. R. Tatum

Certificate of Record

State of Arkansas, County of Union:
I, C. W. Hearin, Cleark of the County Court of said county, certify that the above license for and certificate of the marriage of W. E. McGee and Eula Cook were, on the 7th day of Jany 1893 filed in my office, and the same are now duly recorded on page 120 of book "J," of Marriage Records.  
Witness, My hand and the seal of said county, this 14th day of January A. D. 1893
C. W. Hearin  Clerk
W. J. Prinson  D. C.


By cavis , 2 November 2017
Source Description
Marriage of Wm. C. D. & Nancy Ginn

Source Type


Louisiana Marriages 1718-1925
(C. Avis Catalog entry #868)

As recorded in Ancestry database

Name:    Nancy C. Ginn
Spouse:  W. D. Cook
Marriage Date: 5 Feb 1879
Marriage Pace: Lincoln

Source Information:
Hunting For Bears, comp.. Louisiana, Marriages, 1718-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original Data: Compiled from a variety of sources including original marriage records located in Family History Library microfilm, microfiche, or books. Original marriage records are available from the Clerk of the Court where the marriage license was issued.


By cavis , 2 November 2017
Source Description
Marriage of Wm. C. D. & Elizabeth T.

Source Type


Georgia Marriages 1699-1944
(C. Avis Catalog entry #867)

As recorded in Ancestry database

Name:   Elizabeth T. Cook
Spouse: William Cook
Marriage Date: 12 Oct 1838
County: Henry
State: Georgia

Source Information:
Hunting For Bears, comp.. Georgia Marriages, 1699-1944 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original Data: Georgia marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.

By cavis , 2 November 2017
Source Description
Marriage bond for John Patton and Julia Anderson

Source Type


Marriage records in Mason County, KY courthouse
(C. Avis Catalog entry #862)

Marriage Records book 1831, p. 26
    Know all Men by these Presents, That we John P. Patton & Peter S. Anderson are held and firmly bound unto "the Commonwealth of Kentucky," in the penal sum of fifty pounds, current money, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors or administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents; sealed with our seals, and dated the 16th day of April 1831.  
    The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas, a marriage is intended to be had and solemnized between the said John P. Patton and Julia ann Anderson:  Now, if there be no legal cause to obstruct the same, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue. 

John P. Patton [signed]
Peter S. Anderson [signed]

John S. Patton
To M L Bond

Marriage Records book 1831, p. 62
The Clerk of the County Court of Mason will grant a License to Mr. John P. Patton to marry my Daughter Julia Ann and for so doing, this shall be his justification.

Given under my hand & seal this 16th day of April 1831
Clayborne Anderson [signed]

Jno. W. Anderson jr [?] [signed]
Peter S. Anderson [signed]

proved P. S. And [cut off]


By cavis , 2 November 2017
Source Description
Marriage bonds for John Chiles and Amanda Patton

Source Type


Marriage records in Mason County, KY courthouse
(C. Avis Catalog entry #863)

Marriage Records book 1855, p. 1
    I, ROBERT A. COCHRAN, Clerk of the County Court for this County aforesaid do certify, that Mr. John L. Chiles hath entered unto bond and security to procure a license to intermarry with Miss Amanda Patton
    This shall, therefore authorize you to join in MATRIMONY the said John L. Chiles and Amanda Patton according to the forms and customs of the church to which you belong, and this shall warrant you in so doing.
    In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of February 1855.

Robt. A. Cochron [signed] Clerk

To any Minister legally authorized to celebrate the Rites of Matrimony.

[cut off top and right side]
of John Patton in[?] Mason 
Ky and that in Bless[?] and
J. Patton were present and
imtrussed[?] the ceremony.
Given under my hand this
27th of Febry 1855

L. G. Hicks
minister of M. Z. Chur[ ]


By cavis , 31 October 2017
Source Description
Marriage bond for Lewis Chiles and Elizabeth Craig

Source Type


Marriage records in Mason County, KY courthouse
(C. Avis Catalog entry #861)

Marriage Records book 1821, p. 1
    Know all Men by these Presents, That we Lewis C. Chiles and John Craig are held and firmly bound unto "the Commonwealth of Kentucky," in the penal sum of fifty pounds, current money, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors or administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents; sealed with our seals, and dated the 13th day of October 1821.
    The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas, a marriage is intended to be had and solemnized between the said Lewis C. Chiles and Elizabeth B. Craig.  Now, if there be no legal cause to obstruct the same, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue. 

Lewis C. Chiles [signed]
John Craig [signed]

Lewis C. Chiles
To M L bond


By cavis , 23 March 2017
Source Description
Marriage of Jesse Nave and Mary Darden

Source Type


Perry County Alabama Marriages 1820-1900 Groom's Index A-Z (Snow, Joy L.)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #827)

Volume 1 p. ?
license date / return date

Nave, Aleck     m. Perry, Easter      4-12-1869 /  8-22-1868   Book 1867-1876 p. 159
Nave, Ben       m. King, Annie        3-18-1878 /  5-20-1878   Book A         p. 149
Nave, James     m. Flinn, Frances    12-29-1868 / 12-30-1868   Book 1867-1876 p. 133

Nave, Jessee B. m. Darden, Mary M.    3-21-1826 /  3-23-1826   Book 1820-1832 p. 225

Nave, Randal    m. Pool, Ellen        2-15-1873 /  2-15-1873   Book 1867-1876 p. 470
Nave, Ransom    m. Nave, Cassandra   12-24-1869 / 12-25-1869   Book 1867-1876 p. 214
Nave, Thomas    m. Wallace, Sarina   10-23-1871 / 10-29-1871   Book 1867-1876 p. 354
Nave, Thomas    m. Jemison, C. A.     1-17-1878 /  1-17-1878   Book A         p. 119
Nave, William   m. Oliver, Edie       1-14-1873 /  1-14-1873   Book 1867-1876 p. 456
Nave, Young     m. Hurt, Margaret     4-25-1878 /  4-25-1878   Book 1867-1876 p. 112