Death Records

By cavis , 12 December 2021
Source Description
Death Certificate of Nora Roberson - 1956

Source Type


Death Certificate of Nancy Herring Roberson
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1151)

State File No.  56386

Place of Death:  Wichita County, Wichita Falls, Tex. 3012 Speedway; inside city limits
Usual Residence:  Wichita County, Wichita Falls, Tex. 3012 Speedway; inside city limits

Name of Deceased:  Mrs. Mart Roberson
Date of Death:  October 13, 1956
Female, White, Widowed
Date of birth:  Aug. 28, 1866
Age:  90 years 1 months 15 days
Occupation:  Retired Housewife
Birthplace:  Tenn.
Father:  Wm. Henry Herring  Birthplace:  Tenn.
Mother:  Martha Jane Broyles  Birthplace:  Tenn.
Informant:  Miss Jennie Roberson

Cause of death:  
    Disease or Condition:  Pneumonia
    Interval between onset and death:  
    Other significant conditions:  Hypertensive and arteriosclerotic heart disease
Autopsy:  No

I hereby certify that I attended deceased from Oct. 13, 1956 to Oct. 13, 1956, that I last saw the deceased alive on Oct. 13, 1956, and that death occurred at 2 am from the causes and on the date stated above.
Signature:  [?????] M. D.   1300 8th St. Wichita Falls, Texas  10-17-56

Burial, Cremation, Removal:  Burial
Date:  10-16-56
Cemetery:  Riverside, Wichita Falls  Texas
Funeral Director:  Hampton-Vaughan Funeral Home  W. R. Hampton [signed]
Registrar's File No. 556
Dated Rec'd by Local Registrar:  OCT 17 1956
Registrar's signature:  Paco Lee Blevins

By cavis , 29 November 2021
Source Description
Death Certificate of Jake Avis, Jr. - 1961

Source Type


Death Certificate of Dr. Jake Avis, Jr.
(C. Avis Catalog entry #424)


Place of Death:  Travis County, Austin, Brakenridge Hospital (within city limits)
Usual Residence:  Travis County, Texas, Austin, 1510 Rainbow Bend (within city limits, not a farm)
Name of deceased:  Jake Avis, Jr.
Date of death:  February 21, 1961
Male, White, Married
Date of Birth:  April 21, 1922
Age: 38
Usual occupation:  Dentistry  Kind of business or industry:  Dentistry
Birthplace:  Wichita Falls, Texas
Citizen of USA
Father's Name:  A. W. (Jake) Avis, Sr.
Mother's Name:  Gladys Roberson
Was deceased ever in U.S. Armed Forces:  Yes, WW II
Social Security No.:
Informant:  Mrs. Jake Avis, Jr. [printed and signed]

    Immediate cause:  Intrathoracic hemorrhage 
    Due to:  Gunshot wound, left chest
    Interval between onset and death:  1-2 hr
Was autopsy performed:  No
Accident, Suicide, Homicide [none checked]
Time of injury:  2-21-61
Injury occurred:  Not while at work
Place of injury:  home, Austin, Travis County, Texas

I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from Feb. 21 1961 to Feb. 21, 1961 and last saw the deceased alive on Feb. 21, 1961.  Death occurred at 1:15 p.m. on the date stated above to the best of my knowledge, from the causes stated.
Signature:  R. Maruice Head  M.D.
Address:  Medical Arts Square, Austin, Texas
Date signed:  7-27-61

Burial, cremation, removal:  Burial
Date:  Feb. 23, 1961
Name of Cemetery:  Austin Memorial Park, Austin, Travis Cty, Texas
Funeral Director's Signature:  Gordon Pennington, Jr. [printed and signed], Weed-Corley Funeral Home, Ltd.  #2858

Registrar's file no.:  969
Date recorded:  8-1-1961
Registrar's signature:  B. M. Premer, M. D. [signed]  Austin, Texas


By cavis , 28 November 2021
Source Description
Obituary of Ruby Garrett Cook - 1973

Source Type


Obituary of Ruby M. Garret Cook
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1138)

 "Mrs. Ruby M. Cook" The Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Tuesday, June 19, 1973, page 2A, column 8.

Mrs. Ruby M. Cook
MONAHANS (Staff) - Funeral services for Mrs. Ruby Myrtle Cook, 80, were set for 3 p.m. at graveside today in Scurry.  Wilson-Miller Funeral Home of Monahans handled arrangements.
    Mrs. Cook died at 8 p.m. Sunday in War Memorial Hospital after an eight month illness.
    She was born June 28, 1892, in Scurry.  Her husband died in 1925.  She had lived in Monahans 10 years.
    Survivors include two sons, Paul Cook and Odell Cook, both of Fort Worth; a half-brother, Monroe Garrett of Los Alomitos, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Ora Ayers of Alpine and Mrs. Jewell Lanier of Seagoville; eight grandchildren, and five great grandchildren.


By cavis , 25 November 2021
Source Description
Inventory and Sale of Estate of Thomas Patton - 1830

Source Type


Will Records Fleming Co., Kentucky 1828 - 1834 Vol. D
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1137)
"Kentucky Probate Records, 1727-1990," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Fleming > Will records, Index, 1828-1834, Vol. D > image 65 of 307; county courthouses, Kentucky. 

Thomas Patton Inventory & Sale - Abstract 

p. 103  - 107

Patton Inv
In pursuance of an order of the Fleming County court appointing us the subscribers the appraisers to appraise the personal property & slaves of Thos Patton deceased ...

divised the widow vis:   

Property sold son John P. Patton viz
    one Negro Man Joseph   #300

Property Divised John & M. Patton viz 
    one Negro Girl Louisa   $300

Property Divised My Daughter Mary Ann viz

Property Divised son James C. P. Patton viz
One whip Filly ...

Property Divised Daughter Cynthia viz

Property Divised Daughter Sophia F. viz

We do hereby Cerify that the foregoing Inventory contains a true list of the whole of the whole of the personal Estate & Slaves of Thos Patton Deceased of which have come unto our hands as his Exrs  Apl 30th 1830
    William Summers
    John P Patton
    Aw. M. Patton

Patton Sales

Sale Bill of Thos Patton Deas,
February 12th 1830

John P. Patton  Iron saddle & Gears waggon  $15.66
Plough & Rakes & Brak  $5.76
Horse on Slay $57.00
John S. Patton  Tongue & Groves  $0.25

Andrew M. Patton  Gears Coall Plow & Sadle Bags $35.89

David Patton ...

The Widdow 1 mare 20 sheep at 4/  1 shovel plough 1.25   $46.25
Elizabeth Patton   Cuting Box oats stack  $8.60
    Cows & steers  $25.43  
    2 Heifers Shingle & Saddl Bags $13.56

We do hereby Certify this Cappy contains true account of proprety sold at the sale of Thos Patton Decease Given under our hands this April 30th 1830.
    William Summers
    John P Patton
    AW M Patton
execus of Thos Patton Ded


By cavis , 21 November 2021
Source Description
Will of Thomas Patton - 1829

Source Type


Will Records of Fleming Co., Kentucky 1828-1834
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1136)

"Kentucky Probate Records, 1727-1990," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Fleming > Will records, Index, 1828-1834, Vol. D > image 54 of 307; county courthouses, Kentucky.

Vol. D p. 80-83

Patton Will
I Thos Patton of Fleming County & state of Ky being weak of Boddy but of sound & perfect mind & memory blessed bee the allmighty God for the same & considering the uncertainty of this mortal life do make publish & declare this to be my last will & Testament revoking all former wills by me and made in mannar & form following {?}  First after all my Just debts shall be paid I give and bequeath to my Beloved wife Elizabeth Patton one third of all my real and personal estate & monies including the mansion house togather with kitchen stables outhouses &c Allso the following slaves Simon Spencer Peggy & Mariah in her third part allso extra of her third part It is my will that she shall have to horses of his own choosing & all the household & Kitchen Furniture except the articles hereafter mentioned allso the little farm on the east side of Johnson Creek above the mill dam to be given to the use of either of my sons who remain with her during her natural life 2nd To my oldest son John P I bequeath of my land in the estate of Misourie Section 11 Township 54 range 4 north east quarter allso my Black Boy Joe also an equal part with the rest of my children of money arising from the sale of the surplus property money on hand & counting what he has received as part of his share also the money I have of my fathars Legacy paid to him is to be considered as a part of his Share also one feather bed bedstead and bedding  3rd To my second son Michell I bequeath of my land in the state of Missourie 1/2 the South east quarter of Section 18 Township 54 Range 3 west also an equal part with the rest of my children of the money on hand and money arising from sale of the surplus property also one black girl named Louisa also one feather bed bedstead and bedding.  4th To my Third son James I bequeath of my land in the state of Misaurie the south west quarter of Section 1 Township 54 Range 4 W.  allso 2 Blk Boys children named Adam and Scipio allso an equal part with the rest of my children of the money on hand & money arising from the sale of the surplus property allso one Feather Bed Bedstead and Bedding  5th to my three daughters I bequeath as follows to wit: 
It is my will hereafter my wife shall have receid the little Farm above the mill dam afrso & at least 90 acres including the houses & aferso that they my three Daughters have the ballance of my home Farm equally divided among them allso that they have the following slaves To my daughter Maryann my negro girl named Charlotte To my daughter Cynthy my negro girl named Sophia and to my daughter Sophia my negro boys named Orick & John & they my three daughters are to have an equal part of the rest of the children of the money arising from the sale of the surplus property &c and each of them to have one Feather Bedstead and Bedding 6th And I do farther request that all my property not mentioned in the foregoing legacies shall be sold as soon as convenient after my decease except a lot of land in the state of Misourie containing 72 acres which land my son Michel may have at $2 dollars pr acre.  7th and I do further request that my wife shall not be held to give security in any manner or shape whatever for the return of her legacy 8th and I do farther request & appoint my two sons John P & Michell & my friend William Summers Junior (Colonel) Sole executors of this my last will & Testament allso that the above named Sommers is by my Special request appointed to be guardian for my four minor children In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal this 6th day of June 1829 - 

    Thomas Patton [signed]

Evan Mills   
Thos Blair   
G S Bnice  
William Sommers

Upon further reflection in disposing of my property it is my will that my wife shall have 2 milk cows added to what I have aforementioned for her part allso I have given to my son John P Patton one young Bay horse & to my son Michell one young Bay mare & to my daughter Maryann one young Brown mare saddle bridle & Beureau & to my son James one bay whip philly and to my daughters Synthia & Sophia forty dollars each to be put in the hands of their Guardian for their benefit this seventh day of december 1829 - 

    Thos Patton [signed]

Evan Neillis
Thos Blair

At a court held for Fleming County on the 4th Jany 1830 this writing perporting to be the last will and testament of Thos Patton decd was produced in court proven by the oaths of Evan Mills & Thos Blair & ordered to be recorded which in done 
Att  Joseph Stockton clk

By cavis , 20 November 2021
Source Description
Death Certificate of Louis Abner Cook - 1968

Source Type


Death Certificate of Louis Abner Cook
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1150)

State File No.  93973

Place of Death:  Ward County, City of Monahans, D. O. A. Ward Memorial Hospital; inside city limits
Usual Residence:  North Loop Road, Monahans, Ward County, Texas 
Outside city limits; not a farm

Name of Deceased:  Louis Abner Cook
Date of Death:  December 22, 1968
Male, White, Married
Date of birth:  June 15, 1916
Age:  52 years 6 months 7 days
Occupation:  Mechanic; Automobile
Birthplace:  Scurry, Texas  Citizen of what country:  U.S.A.
Father:  Pedro F. Cook
Mother:  Ruby Garrett
Ever in Armed Forces:  No
Informant:  Mrs. Mildred Cook

Cause of death:  Myocardial Infarction
Interval between onset and death:  Sudden
Autopsy:  No

I hereby certify that I attended deceased from 9-22 1965 to 12/22 1968 and last saw the deceased alive on 12/22 1968.  
Death occurred at 2:20 am on the date stated above, and to the est of my knowledge, from the causes stated.
Signature:  C. S. Patterson M. D.   Box 325 Monahans, Tex  1/3/69

Burial, Cremation, Removal:  Burial
Date:  Dec. 24, 1968
Cemetery:  Monahans Municipal Cemetery, Monahans, Texas
Funeral Director:  Hammond Funeral Home  C. R. Wilson [signed]
Registrar's File No. 1111
Dated Rec'd by Local Registrar:  1-6-69
Registrar's signature:  D. H. Reagan


By cavis , 9 November 2021
Source Description
Paul Monroe Cook

Source Type


Laurel Land Memorial Park, Fort Worth, Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1139)

In Loving Memory
Paul M. Cook
1914 - 1977 Memorial #72933571


By cavis , 29 October 2021
Source Description
Will of Elizabeth Mitchell Patton - 1857

Source Type


Will Records of Fleming Co., Kentucky 1855-1859 Vol. H,
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1140)

"Kentucky Probate Records, 1727-1990," database with images, FamilySearch (… : 20 May 2014), Fleming > Will records, 1855-1859, Vol. K > image 235

p. 453
Patton Elizabeth

Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Patton of the county of Fleming and State of Kentucky being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of life;  do make & declare this my last will and testament.
1st I give and bequeath to my son John P. Patton one coverlet and one Quilt.
2nd I give and bequeath to my son James P. Patton one coverlet and one Quilt.
3rd I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann one Red Coverlet.  One Quilt.  One Sheet.  Two of my dresses of her own selection.  One sett[sic] of Windsor chairs & my Riding Mare Suse.
4th I give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Elizabeth Patton (Daughter of A. M. Patton deceased).  One Bedstead. One Feather Bed.  Two Pillows  One Quilt and one Sheet and one Cow.
5th I give and bequeath to my daughter Sophia Francis.  One Feather Bed. One under Bed.  One Boutster.  Two Pillows.  One Sheet.  Two Blankets.  Three Comforts or Flannel Quilts.  One Stand Curtains.  One high post Bedstead.  One sett[sic] Windsor Chairs.  All the split bottom chairs.  All my cupboard ware and pot metal.  All The Picture Frames.  Two Looking Glasses.  One Safe.  One Large Trunk.  and all it contains.  All my Silver Ware.  All my clothing not otherwise devised.  My Family Bible.  My Saddle & Bridle.  One Cow.  My Carpeting.  The Clock.  One Desk and Book Case.  One small Trunk and also all other articles of what ever kind or sort that my be found in my 
p. 454
possession. and not otherwise herein disposed of together with one pair of Round-End Tables.  Also all my Farming Utensils.
6th It is my will and wish that the money on hand at my demise my Funeral Expenses and debts be paid.  that white Slab with appropriate inscription there on be put upon a solid stone wall over my grave.  and also that (if not done before) one of the same kind and style be put upon my husbands grave.  and head and foot stones for our children.  Should there be any money left. the one half must be given to my daughter Sophia Francis and the other half to be divided equally between my son A. M. Patton's children.
Lastly:  I hereby appoint and constitute my friend Henry B. Porter my executor to carry out and superintend the distribution of my last Will and Testament,  which completely annuls all former devises made by me.  In testimony whereof I afix my hand and seal.  This 27th day of September 1857. 

    Elizabeth Patton [signed]

Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for the last Will and Testament of the above named Elisabeth Patton in presence of us.

    John N. Proctor
    Charles E. Proctor

    In addition to the above my further will and desire is that my daughter-in-law Lucinda Patton have a portion of the old corn for bread for her family and a part of the wheat, sufficient for her bread.  2. my sorrel mare & colt and my waggon I give to my daughter Sophia Frances.  3rd The balance of my stock and grain to be sold, and appropriated as above directed.  Signed and acknowledged this 12th day of July 1859.

    Elizabeth Patton [signed]

    Ellridge Bell
    John N. Proctor

At a court held for Fleming County on the 25th day of July 1859.  This writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Elizabeth Patton deceased was produced in court and the principal will was proved by the oaths of John N. Proctor and Charles E. Proctor subscribing witnesses to the same.  And the codicil of said will was proved by the oaths of Ellridge Bell and John N. Proctor subscribing witnesses to said Codicil.  And said will and codicil are ordered to be recorded, which is done.
    Att.  W. T. Dudley  Clk.


By cavis , 28 October 2021
Source Description
Death of William A. Hodge - 1910

Source Type


Death Certificate of William A. Hodge
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1148)

"Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2021), entry for Wm A Hodge, 14 Mar 1910; citing certificate number 10470, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,050,200.

Note:  The presence of "[__]" indicate areas of missing text in the original

Texas State Board of Health
Standard Certificate of Death

Place of Death:  County:  Lampasas   City:  Lampasas
Registered No.  8

Name:  Wm. A. Hodge
Male, White, Widowed
Date of Birth:  January 6, 182[__]
Age:  84 yrs
Occupation:  Farmer
Birthplace:  Texas Brazoria Co.
Name of Father:  Wm Hodge
Birthplace of Father:  South Carolina
Maiden Name of Mother:  Rachel Marshall
Birthplace of Mother:  
Informant:  C. E. Hodge  By Roy Morris

Date[__]th:  March 14 1910
[__]by Certify, that I attended deceased from Nov[__] 1909 to March 14 1910 that I saw him alive on 26th Feb 1910 and th[__]eath occurred on the date stated above at March 14, 1910
The Cau[__]f Death was as follows:
    Senile Debility
    Duration 6 months

Signed:  J. W. Ellis,  M.D.
3/15/1910  Lampasas Tex

Place of Burial or Removal:  Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Date of Burial:  March 16, 1910
Undertaker:  Blair Durnila  Lampasas


By cavis , 27 October 2021
Source Description
Will of Andrew Mitchell - 1784

Source Type


Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania Will Book 1 1773-1819 
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1147) film 7727205 image 608

Andrew Mitchall

Will 574
In the name of God Amen.  Kno[sic] ye that I Andrew Mitchall of Westmoreland County State of Pennsylvania & Mount Pleasant township do make ordain and appoint this my Last will and testament to be as follows 

In the first place I do Recommend my Soule unto the hand of God gave  Second I do allow all my Just debts and Funeral Expenses to be paid ; 3d I do allow my Beloved wife Mary Mitchall the third of my whole Estate & her living on the place during her Life 4th I do leave to my daughter Elizabeth Mitchall the Remainder of my whole Estate real & personal but in case she the said Elizabeth should die before she should have any Heirs of her body lawfully begotten then I do leave it to my beloved wife Mary Mitchall during her life & at her death I do allow my Brother Hugh and Charly Mitchall to have the place my fathers lived on to be Equally divided between the[sic] and the plantation that I live on I do allow it to Jeremiah Proctor or his Heirs & lastly I do appoint my beloved wife Mary Mitchall & John Procter to be my Executors to see this my last will put in Execution according to my true intent and Mening[sic] as witness my hand & seal this fourth day of Februy[sic] one thousand seven hundred eighty foure
Signed and sealed in presents[sic] of 

Ann Fletcher    Georg Moore   

William Lackey
            Recorded May 10th 1816          Andrew Mitchall  [signed]