
By cavis , 13 February 2022
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Account of crash that killed Charles Rudd - 1919

San Diego Union, San Diego, California 11/13/1919
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1166)

p. 1

Lieut. Charles Rudd Believed To Have Lost His Way in Darkness Near Stockton.
(Associated Press)
    STOCKTON, Nov. 12. - Lieut. Charles Rudd of Mather field was killed and Antonio Salcido, also of Mather field, was painfully injured when the De Haviland plane in which they were riding crashed into a tree about four miles north of Linden at 7:30 o'clock tonight.
    The aviators left San Francisco at 4 o'clock this afternoon and it is believed they lost their way in the dark as they passed over Stockton at 6:30 o-clock.
    When the aviators reached the vicinity of Linden they circled about a field fire as if planning to make a landing.  Suddenly a terrific crash was heard by ranchers gathered about the field and the plane fell to earth.  Lieutenant Rudd lived for 30 minutes after the accident but was unconscious.  Private Salcido is resting easily at a Stockton hospital and is expected to recover.  Lieutenant Rudd's body was brought to Stockton by Coroner Pope.  The inquest will be held within a few days.


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