
By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac Ross, Jr. Revolutionary War service - SC

Source Type


Abstract of DAR Membership #26413
(C. Avis Catalog entry #263)

Member #26413 - Buckley
Isaac Ross, Jr. (1760 - 1836) was Captain of SC volunteers under Sumter.  He was in many battles and was wounded at Cowpens.  He died in Jefferson Co., Miss. where his tomb is well preserved.


By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac Ross, Sr. Revolutionary War service - SC

Source Type


Abstract of DAR Membership #36866
(C. Avis Catalog entry #267)

Member #36866 - Wright
Isaac Ross (1712 - 1804) although an old man served in his son's company in the warfare in SC - see #26413


By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac and A. B. Ross paid for services - SC

Source Type


Stub Entries to Indents of Revolutionary Claims Against South Carolina
(C. Avis Catalog entry #269)

Volume for Books C - F p. 192
Book E #162
Issued to Mr. Arthur Brown Ross for 44 pounds 9 shillings & 10 pence Sterling.

Volume for Books G - H p. 90
Book H # 147
Issued 7-17-1784 to Arthur Brown Ross for 116 pounds 12 shillings and nine pence Sterling.  Sundries for Militia use in 1779.

Volume for Books L - N p. 179
Lib. M #381
Issued 10-1-1784 to Mr. Isaac Ross late a Captain in Mydleton's regiment Sumpter's Brigade State Troops for 188 pounds Sterling being amount pay and bounty due him for services in that Regiment together with interest from 4-1-1782 to date.

Volume for Books O - Q p. 300
Book Q #581
Issued to Mr. Isaac Ross 5-27-1785 for 24 pounds 4/9 Sterling for 138 bushels Corn Supplied Militia in 1780.

Volume for Books V - Z p. 83
Lib: Y #495 
Issued 11-21-1785 to Mr. Isaac Ross, Jr. for 5.5 pounds Sterling.  Corn for the station at Camden in Aug. 1781.

By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
More Isaac Ross pre-Revolution military service - NC

Source Type


State Records of North Carolina
(C. Avis Catalog entry #179)

vol. 22  p. 396-398
List of the men that formerly were in Capt. Adam Alexander's company in 2-24-1756: 
Isaac Ross, Sr.   Rank:  "Young Man".
Jno. Ross    Rank:  "Private Man"
Isaac Ross  Rank:  "Ensign"

Reported from Mecklenburg Co., NC  6-7-1766

vol. 22  p. 384
Isaac Ross and Alexander Ross were on muster roll of the Willmington Company dated  11-27-1752.  Stationed on the coast.


By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac Ross Cherokee War service - SC

Source Type


South Carolina Colonial Soldiers and Patriots
(C. Avis Catalog entry #178)

p. 28
Isaac Ross was an ensign in the Cherokee War from South Carolina.  Under Col. Richard Richardson whose men were mainly from Camden District of Craven County, SC, and some from the western area of Williamsburg County.

<Cherokee Expeditions were 1759-60>


By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac Ross Revolutionary War service - NC

Source Type


Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution
(C. Avis Catalog entry #223)

p. 214
Claims allowed for District of Wellington between 7-16-1783 and 3-19-1784
Isaac Ross issued certificate #2397 on 7-1783 in Salisbury District
Lt. William Ross issued certificate #4877 in Salisbury District
Francis Ross issued certificate #?
Lt. William Ross issued certificate #4871
John Ross issued certificate #534 (Dragoon)


By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac Ross Revolutionary War service - SC

Source Type


Mississippi Official and Statistical Register
(C. Avis Catalog entry #264)

#1 Mississippi Genealogy Notes p. 85

Isaac Ross
b. about 1775
d. 1836
captain in Revolution with SC troops
to Jefferson Co., Miss 1808

His daughter Jane Brown Ross
b. about 1789
lived in SC and Jefferson Co., Miss.
married Daniel Wade


By cavis , 11 July 2012
Source Description
Isaac Ross & Alexander Hodge Revolutionary War service - SC

Source Type


South Carolinians in the Revolution
(C. Avis Catalog entry #176)

p. 119
Isaac Ross was a SC revolutionary soldier who removed to Alabama.

Alexander Hodge was a revolutionary soldier buried in Texas.

p. 83-84
Isaac Ross was a captain in Gen. Sumter's brigade, South Carolina, in Col. Chas. Myddleton's regiment, 2nd Regiment State Dragoons.


By cavis , 6 July 2012
Source Description
Summary of Isaac Bush Civil War service record

Source Type


Summary of Isaac Bush Civil War Service Record
(C. Avis Catalog entry #201)

Isaac Bush
Private 19th Virginia Cavalry Company E

Appears on these documents:

Private Isaac Bush listed on Company Muster Roll for Company B

Enlisted 3/13/1863 ant Frankfort for 3 years or the war.

Nurse Isac Bush listed on Hospital Muster Roll for Company B 19th Regiment of W. L. Jackson's Brigade hospital at Warm Springs, Bath Co., Virginia.  Appears for 4-1-1863 to 1-1-1864.

Enlisted 9-2 at M. Point for war.  Attached to hospital 8-15-186_ as nurse.

Isaac Bush issued clothing 3-1-1864

By cavis , 6 July 2012
Source Description
Louisa Bush Civil War widow pension application

Source Type


Confederate Pension Application for Louisa M. Bush
(C. Avis Catalog entry #90)

Name of Applicant:  Louisa M. Bush
Grayson County
Post Office:  Farmington

Comptrollers File No. 8324
Received at Comptroller's office:  8/19/1901
Approved:  9/18/1901 by R. M. Love, Comptroller
Notation dated 6-10-1925 says "Dec'd"

Application of Indigent widow of Soldier or Sailor of the late Confederacy for pension under the Act of May 12, 1899.  

The State of Texas
County of Grayson

To the Honorable County Judge of Grayson County, Texas.

Your petitioner, Mrs. Louisa M. Bush respectfully represents that she is a resident citizen of Grayson County, in the State of Texas; that she is the widow of Isaac Bush, deceased, who was a Condederate soldier (or sailor), and that she makes this application for the purpose of obtaining a pension as the widow of said Isaac Bush, deceased, under the act ... and I do solemnly swear that the answers I have given to the following questions are true.

Q. What is your name?  Answer:  Louisa M. Bush
Q. What is your age?  Answer:  68 years
Q. In what County do you reside?  Answer:  Grayson
Q. How long have you resided in said County and what is your post office address?  Answer:  34 years  Farmington Texas
Q. Have you applied for a pension ... and been rejected?  Answer:  No
Q. What is your occupation if able to engage in one?  Answer:  None
Q. What is your physical condition?  Answer:  Very poor
Q. What was the name of your deceased husband?  Answer:  Isaac Bush
Q. Were you married to him anterior to March 1, 1866?  If so, on what date were you married to him and where?  Answer:  February 12th 1857 to Isaac Bush Gilmer Co., W. Va
Q. What was the date of his death?  Answer:  24th day of March 1901
Q. Are you unmarried, and have you so remained unmarried since the death of your said husband ...  Answer:  Yes
Q. State in what company and regiment your deceased husband ... enlisted in the Confederate Army, and the time of his service therein?  Answer:  Company "C" Regiment 19th Virginia Cavalry
Q. State whether or not you have received any pension or veteran donation  land certificate ...  Answer:  None
Q. What real and personal property do you now own, and what is the present value of such property?  Answer:  Small house and lot - 150 dollars
Q. What property, and what was the value thereof have you sold or conveyed within two years prior to the date of this application?  Answer:  None
Q. What income, if any, do you receive?  Answer:  None
Q. Are you in indigent circumstances; that is, are you in actual want, and destitute of property and means of subsistence?  Answer:  No means of subsistence
Q. Are you unable by your labor to earn a support?  Answer:  Yes
Q. Have you transferred to others any property of value of any kind for the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under this law?  Answer:  No
Q. Did your deceased husband for whose services you claim a pension, ever desert the Confederacy?  Answer:  No
Q. Have you been continuously since the first day of January, 1880, a bona fide resident citizen of this state?  Answer:  Yes
Signed Louisa M. Bush

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22 day of April A. D. 1901
J. D. Woods, County Judge Grayson County, Texas

Affidavit of Witnesses.
The State of Texas
County of Grayson

Before me, W. W. Ferguson a Notory Public Grayson County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared A. Bush and R. C. Bush who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they personally know that Mrs. Louisa M. Bush, applicant for a pension and the widow of Isaac Bush, deceased, is in truth and fact the widow of the said Isaac Bush, deceased; and that they further know that the said Mrs. Louisa M. Bush, widow of the said Isaac Bush, deceased, is unable to support herself by labor of any sort.

Signed:  Anderson Bush
Signed:  J. M. Weems

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of May A. D. 1901
Signed:  J. D. Woods, County Judge Grayson County, Texas

Comptroller's Office, Texas
Austin, May 6, 1901.

I, R. M. Love, Comptroller of Public Accounts for the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the records of this office show the following facts: 
1st. The application of Isaac Bush for Confederate pension (See file 1618) was duly approved by R. W. Finley, Comptroller, Sept 28th, 1899.
2nd. The proof on file with said application shows that Isaac Bush served in Company "C",  Regimant 19th Virginia Cavalry, serving eighteen months.

Signed on the 6th day of May A. D. 1901,  R. M. Love, Comptroller

Approved at Sherman 5/28/1901 
Signed:  J. D. Woods

Approved at Sherman 8/15/1901 by the County Commissioners of Grayson County (Signed: J. W. Weems, Jr., J. D. Skaggs, O. B. Fisher, W. E. Baird)