Prairie Hill

By cavis , 12 June 2012

This is a Reunion on the Spurlin Farm at Paririe Hill Texas - Mrs. Spurlin's birthday.
At the post on the porch Lillie Oscar next Steve & Doe in Sailor suit Clay in the other sailor suit Dana is by Clay.
Papa & Mama on 2nd Row from the left Papa is holding Dollie Mama Vera & Zora in between them. From Mama 3rd down is Edna, I (Ida) am in front of the old woman next to mama white dress & braided hair. I was 12 & on my knees. Floy is right in front of Mr. Spurlin and Brother Joe is the 2nd boy in row on right side the one with suspenders. Papa has mustache.

Written on front: "Reunion of Mrs. ? ? Spurlin
Feb 21, 190?"

Ida was 12 in 1908 and baby Vera born in 1908.

Type of Original
paper 3x4
Source Collection
Nina Williams Cook
Williams family
Paririe Hill, TX