
By cavis , 15 June 2013
Source Description
Roberson family reunion picture in newspaper

Source Type


Account of Roberson family reunion
(C. Avis Catalog entry #733)
(Document ID #377)

Pioneer Family Gathers At First Reunion In 15 Years

Mr. and Mrs. Mart Roberson, 1653 Pearl, celebrated the holiday season this year with their entire family group for the first time in 15 years. Mr. and Mrs. Roberson are long-time residents of Wichita Falls and this section. Mr. Roberson was a pioneer cattleman before organization of Wichita county. The sons and daughters with their parents in the picture, from left to right, are H. R. Roberson of Durango, Colo., Mrs. R. H. Gracey of Oklahoma City, Mr. and Mrs. Roberson, Clyde Roberson of Fort Worth, Mrs. Jake Avis of Wichita Falls and Miss Jennie Roberson of this city.