Montgomery County, Tennessee Wills & Inventories, Guardian & Bond Book A 1797-1810
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1265) film 4769041 image 315-316
p. 62
(114) Know all men by these presents that we John Sevier, Robert Dunning, James Huling, & John Stewart of the State of Tennessee and County of Montgomery are held & firmly bound unto the Governor of the State aforesaid and his successors in office in the sum of five thousand Dollars to be paid to the Governor and his successors or their Assigns which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and Administrator jointly and severally firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 29th day of July 1800.
The condition of' the above obligation is such that if the above bounden John Sevier, Administrator of all and singular the goods and Chattles rights and Credits of Valentine Sevier deceased do make or caused to be made a true & perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods & chattles rights and Credits of the deceased which have or shall come into the hands knowingly or possession of the said John Sevier, or into the hands …
Acknowledged in open Court
Test -
W. C. Jamison, C.M.C
J. Sevier (seal)
Robert Dunning (seal)
James Hurling (seal)
John Stewart (seal)
p. 63
(116) Inventory of the Estate of V. SEVIER, Deceased.
one house & lot in Clarksville, five head of Cattle, hoggs number to me unknown, one sett of Plough Irons, one Brass Blunderbuss, one pair of hand mill stones, one Grindstone, four bedsteads, seven chairs, one Table, one big wheel, one flax wheel, two Looking Glasses, one knife Box, Crockery ware, knives & forks, some pewter quantity unknown, one black walnut chest, three old barrels, three Water pails, one ax, three weeding hoes, three large potts, one small post, four dutch ovens, one pair fire Dogs, one Smoothing Iron, two waiters, one house bible, two Candle sticks, one Chizel, one pair shovel & tongs, one spice Mortar, one file, one pair Candle Snuffers, one note on William Campbell for two hundred Eight two Dollars which is believed to be a bad debt, one pair pott hooks, one drawing knife, one shovel Plough.
July 29th 1800. signed- J. Sevier, Administrator