Death Records

By cavis , 14 March 2019
Source Description
Administraor actions for estate of Archibald Hodge

Source Type


Oglethorpe Co., GA Wills
(C.Avis Catalog entry #214)

Misc. Records from Office of Ordinary 

Hodge, John, dec'd.
Archibald & Alexander McCoy, administrators paid Jacon Elsberry, receipt in full, a legatee, 12-31-1801; paid John Hodge, a legatee, in 1800.

By cavis , 11 March 2019
Source Description
Archibald Hodge on list of deceased persons

Source Type


Names of Deceased Persons Book A 1799-1821
(C. Avis Catalog entry #42)

Office of Ordinary, Oglethorpe Co., GA

entry #112
Archabald Hodge, dec'd
Alexr Hodge & Alexr McCloy - Administrators
David Criswell, Isham Smith, Woody Jackson - security


By cavis , 9 March 2019
Source Description
Administrator bond for estate of Archibald Hodge

Source Type


Ogethorpe County, Georgia Administration Bonds 1799-1807
(C. Avis Catalog entry #41)


Ordinary's Office

State of Georgia          }
                                    }  Jany Term 1801
Oglethorpe County     }


Know all men by these presents that we Alexr Hodge Alexr McCloy Isham Smith David Creswell and Woody Jackson are held and firmly Bound unto their honors the Judges of the Court of Ordinary for said county in the sum of three thousand dollars for the payment of which sum to the said Court & their successors[?] in office, we bind ourselves our heirs exrs admrs firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this 24th day of January 1801 ---

    The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Alexr Hodge & Alexr McCloy admrs of the goods chattels & credits of Archibald Hodge decd do make a just & true Inventory of all and singular the goods Chattels and --- Credits of the said decd which have may or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the sd Alexr Hodge & Alexr McCloy, or into the hands of any other person for them, & the same so made do exhibit[?] into the said court, when the shall Be thereunto Required & such goods Chattels & Credits Do well and truely administer according to law & do make a Just and account of their accting[?] and doing when there unto Required by the said Court, all the Rest of the goods Chattels & Credits which shall be found remaining upon the account of the said admrs the same being the first allowed by the Court shall deliver & pay to each person Respectively as are intitled to the same By law & if it shall hereafter appear that any last will & testament was made by the said decd & the same be proved before the & the [?] obtain a certificate of the probate thereof & the said Alexr Hodge and AlexrMcCloy do in such case if Required Render and deliver up said letters of admn then the above obligation to be Void else to Remain in full force power and Virtue ---


    [unreadable signature] C.C.O.O.C. } Recorded Feby                    Alexr Hodge    seal

                                                                24th day 1801                     Alexr McCloy     seal

    [unreadable signature] C.C.O.O.C.                                                Isham Smith    seal

                                                                                                            David Creswell    seal

                                                                                                            Woody Jackson    seal


By cavis , 8 February 2019
Source Description
Obituary of William Maples

Source Type


Obituary of William Maples
(C. Avis Catalog entry #920)



Athens Post, Athens, Tennessee


p. 4





DIED — At his residence in this county, on Tuesday morning, the 25th inst., Father and Grandfather MAPLES, who for many years had been a member of the excellent society from which he is now taken, and on which he ever exerted so salutary an influence.  Mr. Maples was a man in his younger days of excellent mind, and one, too, of business habits, managing well all to which he ever attended, and so preceding in all his business as to keep the friendship and gain the esteem of those with whom he chanced to deal.  He was honest, prudent and punctual — his word was his bond — no man who knew him feared to trust him — none suspected him being their enemy.  He possessed the traits peculiar to the christian — he loved his neighbor as he loved himself — he wept with those who wept around him and rejoiced with such as rejoiced.  In short, he was one in whose manly bosom burned the fires of christian love.  He kept the commandants (or tried at least,) and lived not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.  He was liberal to the faults of misguided friends, and bore with patience the wrongs of the world.  Around him he raised his excellent family and early taught each member to fear God.  The father is gone.  But God will bless the children, for the Psalmist said, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.” But I will cease to make an effort to delineate the outlines of Mr. Maples’ worth, or to portray to an inquiring world the true character of so an inestimable a man.


McMinn co., May 29, 1858 Little Hope.



By cavis , 19 November 2018
Source Description
Will of John Llewelling

Source Type


Martin Co., NC Wills 
(C. Avis Catalog entry #520)

[typos need to be corrected by going back to original]

John Lewelling of Martin Co. 22 Oct 1793 Aug Ct 1793

My wife's daughter Mary Bowers- pewter dish, lend Negroes Lucy and Milly, and after my wife's death lend her Negro Nepon for her lifetime with reversion to her children. To my wife's daughter Chole Bowers - pewter plates, pewter dish, and a Negro girl is to be purchased out of my estate to be lent to the said Chloe and her husband William Bowers for their lifetime; also lend Chloe Negreso silvy and Jim at my wife's death, and at the death of Chloe and her husband these Negroes will revert to her children. To my wife's daughter Clary Southerland pewter plates, pewter dish, Negroes Rachel and Pine, and at my wife's death, Negro Sam for her lifetime and that of her husband John Southerland, with reversion to her children. To my wife's daughter Charlotte Staton - pewter plates, pewter dish, and money to purchase a Negro girl for her, also lend her Negro Chane and Negro Isaac at my wife's death, for the lifetime of Charlotte and her husband Arthur Stanton with reversion to her children. To Gracy Mooring - pewter plates, pewter dish, Negroes Trebany and Charles, and at my wife's deand at my wife's death, lend her Negro Lewis, for her lifetime and that of her husband John Mooring with reversion to her children. To my wife's daughter daughter Anness Moore- pewter plates, pewter dish, lend Negroes Nance and Chane, and at my wife's death, lend her Negro Toney for her lifetime ant that of her husband William Moore with reversion to her children. To my wife's daughter Susannah Mooring- pewter plates, pewter dish, lend Negroes Hasty and Sampson, and at my wife's death, leand her Negro Luke for her lifetime and that of her husband James Mooring, with reversion to her chilldren. To my wife's son John Lewelling - Negroes Philip, America, Harry, Charlotte, Bob and Bob is to make my wife's shoes for her lifetime, and at my wife's death I give John Negro Bett. Lend wife all furniture, etc. and at her death to be divided among her daughters. Negroes Toney, Isaac, Nepton, Sam, Lewis, Luke are to he hired out each year and Son John all my lands except as much as his mother can tend.

Ex. Col Nathan Mayo, William Wallace, my son John

Wit. Mathew Burnett, Matthew Cross, Frances (F) Burnett


By cavis , 19 November 2018
Source Description
Petition re estate of John Llewellyn

Source Type


Records of Estates Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1761-1825, Vol. 1 (David B. Gammon) 
(C. Avis Catalog entry #519)

[This doesn't look like a verbatim transcript]

Gammon, D. B.. Records of Estates Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1761-1825. Raleigh, NC: D.B. Gammon,1989. p. 90

p. 90

Clara Sutherland Petition (May, 1813) for division by John Sutherland, admr. of the dec'd., who states that John Lewelling died testate in 1794 bequeathing certain furniture and Negroes to his wife for her lifetime with reversion to their five daughters at her death.  Record indicates the widow Mary Lewelling survived her husband fourteen years and her property was to be divided among her seven daughters, namely (1) Mary, now widow of Benjamin Bowers of Pitt Co., (2) Chloe, wife of William Bowers of Pitt Co., (3) Clara, wife of John Sutherland, who survived the said John who had died in 1801, (4) Charlotte wife of Arthur Staton, (5) Gracey, wife of John Mooring of Pitt Co., (6) Annis, wife of William Moore of Pitt Co. and (7) Susannah Mooring, now wife of Nathan Mayo. 

By cavis , 19 November 2018
Source Description
Will of Arthur Staton

Source Type


Abstracts of the Wills of Edgecombe Co., NC 1733-1856 (Williams & Griffin)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #559)

p. 311

Nov. 24, 1821. 
May Ct., 1822. 
Bk. E, p 300. 

Wife: CHARLOTTE, land bought of NATHAN MAYO and WILLIAM BARFIELD: liberty to distill her liquor in still I give to KENNETH C. STATON, my hand mill, negro boy, horse, bay mare, 4 sows and pigs, 12 shoats, 10 head sheep, furniture, riding chair, and harness, cart and wheels, plow stocks, hoes and gear, 2 weeding hoes, 2 grubbing hoes, 2 Pewter dishes, 3 earthen dishes, 1 doz. earthen plates, 1 doz. cups and saucers, half doz. knives and forks, half doz. tablespoons, 2 pots and hangers, half doz. setting chairs, 1 walnut table, 2 chests, Beaufot, that has no glass, 1 looking glass, pr. of firedogs, tongs and shovel, 2 Pewter Basins, 2 earthen basins, 2 butter pots, 2 chump bottles, 2 jugs, half doz. milk cups, 2 bowls, 1 decanter, 2 tumblers, 1 small trunk, 1 loom and gear, 2 tubs, 2 pails, 2 wooden wheels, 1 flax wheel, 1 skillet,. 1 Dutch Oven, 1 frying pan, 1 gridiron, 1 griddle, 1 noggin, half my cider casks, having her choice of everything, except otherwise described during her natural life and 3 negroes; 

son &  exr: WINFIELD D. STATON, the Savanah land bought of WARREN SAVIDGE, 100 A, 50 A I bought of JAMES BRYAN and 150 A I bought of JOHN GRIFFIN, WILLIAM HANSEL, LEWIS BRYAN and JAMES BRYAN and $100; 

dau: NICEY HOUSE, $350 to pay for negro woman Lewcy, mare, bridle, saddle, furniture, 2 cows and calves, 1/2 the land I bought of NATHAN MAYO, 1/2 land I bought of WILLIAM BARFIELD, at death of my wife; 

dau. & Extx: SUSANNAH MOORING, negro woman Faun, $50, mare, briddle, saddle, 3 cows and calves, lands; 

son & exr: KENNETH C. STATON, plantation and lands I bought of ISAAC HILL, DAVID DAVIDSON and JOHN H. JONES, and 100 A bought of WILLIAM JONES, 100 A of JOHN BURNETT, 50 A of THOMAS BRYAN, and 32 A of new entered land, my still and 1/2 my cider casks, horse, briddle and saddle, furniture, 3 cows and calves, etc. ; 

gr. son: ARTHUR S. COTTON, $300 to buy him a negro boy, horse, briddle, saddle, etc.; 

sons: WINFIELD D. STATON and KENNETH C. STATON and dau: SUSANNAH, grist mill known as Mayo Mill. 



By cavis , 3 October 2018
Source Description
Will of Mary Simmons

Source Type


Surry Co., VA Deeds and Wills
(C. Avis Catalog entry #518)

Book 2 - 1671-1684
P. 173 
Will of Mary Simmons


In the Name of God Amen 

The last will and testament of Mary Simons of the Burchen Swamp in ye County of Surry in Virginia

Mary Simons being sick & weake in body but of perfect memory, God be praysed do make this my last will and testament. I give my Soule unto God my Creator and Redemer & my body to the Earth to be desently buried at the discretion of my dutiful son William Simons & for such worldly goods & Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give & bequeath as followeth

Imps I give & bequeath to my grand child Mary Simons the daughter of my son WSimons two young mares & half a doozen of [blot] cowes[?] & a good feather

bed, bolster & pillir & a _ [?] good Rug & a small trunk & a silver bole &

half a doozen diaper napkins & a diaper tablecloth & half a doozen of holland napkins and a holland tablecloth and a faire bible with hir name upon it, and a looking glass & a faire gold ring & a large chest with a lock & key to it, and if the Mary Simons my grand child dies before she enjoys it then to return to said father & to the next [?]

Item I give John Rutherford a feather bed, bolster & a Red Rug and two iron pots & two pewter dishes

Item I give to Francis Gregory a heifer of two years old to be delivered unto him when he is seventeen years old

Item I give to my son William Simons all the rest of my goods, chattels, moveables & make him my hole Executor to sd this my Last Will & Testament truly performed according to sd words Exprest in it. In wittness that this is my Last will &  testament I have whereunto set my hand and seale this 16 of Aprill 1677

signed, sealed and delivered                                                 the marke 
in the presence of us                                                      of Mary MS Simons
Maximilian Mansell 
Jn° F flood
  his marke

Proved in court May 7 1678

By cavis , 2 October 2018
Source Description
Christopher Mooring, Jr. and wife Rebeccah mentioned in Simmons estate records

Source Type


Surry County, Virginia Deeds and Wills

(C. Avis Catalog entry #511)


Book 8 - 1730-38

P.826 Will of John Simmons dated 18 Oct 1737 

Wife Rebeckah

Son William - his legacy includes lands in Brunswick

Son John - ditto in Isle of Wight 

Dau Mary Simmons 

to Robt Gray, a small gray colt

prob. 19 Apr 1738

witt: Benj Simmons, John Davis, Jos Andrus 


Book 10 - 1754-1768 

P. 76 Accts. Current - Estate of John Simmons, dec'd. - 16 Nov. 1756

paid John Collier

paid Christopher Moring, Senr.

paid Christopher Moring. Junr. to legacy given to his wife

Christopher Moring 

Rebeccah Moring


[This indicates that Christopher Mooring, Jr. married the widow of John Simmons. This must be John Simmons whose will is recorded in Book 8, p. 826 above.]



By cavis , 2 October 2018
Source Description
Estate records for William and Elizabeth Simmons

Source Type


Surry Co., VA Deeds and Wills
(C. Avis Catalog entry #513)

Book 4 - 1687-1694
P.35 Will of Anthony Haveland dated 23 Feb 1687/8
Gives entire estate to daughter Mary and places it in the hands of his loving friend Wm Simmons to act as guardian in trust for daughter - if Mary die, entire estate to W Simmons

Book 4 - 1687-1694
P.51 Deposition of Maximilian Mansell aged 33 years or thereabouts -
29 May 1688 - that said deponent was requested by his "brother" Wm Simons to go with him to the house of Jn° Warren. 

[William Simons referred to several times as "my Brother”]

Book 5 - 1694-1709
P.41 Eliza Simons, relict and executrix of Wm Simons, decd., appoints friend Jeremiah Ellis her lawful attorney - 12 Jan 1694

P.44 Eliza Simons granted execution of last will and testament of Wm Simons, decd. - 21 Apr 1695

Book 5 - 1694-1709
P.96 Inventory of the estate of Eliza Simons, dec'd., presented by X° Moring, Adm. - 15 May 1696