
By cavis , 6 July 2023
Source Description
John Sevier (b. 1769) approved to practice law in Knox Co., Tennessee - 1793

Source Type


Minutes of the County Court of Knox County, Book O 1792-95
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1264)

Transcriptions of the County Archives of Tennessee

Originally published:  Nashville, March 1941
Reprinted 1976, Heritage House, Thomson, Illinois

p. 38

MONDAY MAY 6th 1793.

At a Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions began and held for the County of Know, at the Court House in Knoxville on the first Monday in May 1793 present James White, Luke Lea, John Kearns, and John Evans esquires  Justices & C & C.


John Sevier, Junior, John Lowry, and Samuel Mitchell, appeared and produced Licenses from Governor Blount authorizing them to practice as Attorneys in the Several Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions within this Territory who Severally took an Oath to Support the Constitution of the United States & also took the Oath prescribed by Law for Attornies they are therefore admitted. 


By cavis , 16 December 2021
Source Description
Elizabeth Anderson gets a new trustee - 1852

Source Type


Mason County, Kentucky Court Order Book P 1851-1859

(C. Avis Catalog entry #1156)


p. 214 film 8192458 image 143


November Term Mason County Court 1852


This day Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson came into court and made choice of Langhorne Tabb as her Trustee in the place of her son James J. Anderson deceased, the said Langhorne Tabb being in Court and accepting the same.  Whereupon it is ordered that the said Langhorne Tabb be and he is hereby appointed Trustee of the said Elizabeth Anderson as aforesaid.

By cavis , 17 November 2016
Source Description
John, William and Alexander Hodge in Lawrence Co., Ark. records

Source Type


Early Lawrence Co., Ark. Records 1817 - 1830
(C. Avis Catalog entry #793)

p. 8
Thursday, [February 8, 1821] the fourth day of the term
 It appearing by an account filed that the County of Lawrence is indebted to Alexander Hodge in the sum of $5.12 1/2.  Order that the same be approved.

p. 10
Wednesday, the third day of the term, June 6, 1821
Ordered that the following named persons be appointed Judges of the ensuing election for the County of Lawrence, to wit:
William Stuart, Alexander Hodge and Simon Miller for Spring River Township and that the election be held at the house of Robert Rogers in the Town of Davidsonville.

p. 13
Tuesday, the second day of the term, January 15, 1822
The commissioners appointed to view mark out a road from the line of Columbia Township near Mrs. Black's to pass by Mrs. Blacks, thence to Col. John Hinds, thence to intersect the main road leading from Davidsonville to Batesville [Independence County] having made their report, which is accepted by the court, it is ordered and Hiram West and Alexander Hodge, Esquires, be commissioned to apportion the hands to work on said road and to lay the same off into road divisions. 

p. 13
Wednesday, the third day of the term January 16, 1822 
Alexander Hodge is allowed $3.12 1/2 and William Hodge is allowed $6.42
Alexander Hodge, Esquire, is appointed to apportion the hands to work on the road from Davidsonville to Mrs. Black's on Eleven Points [River].

p. 14
[Monday, May 13, 1822]
Alexander Hodge is allowed to $3.00 dollars as per account filed .

The road which leads from Hardin's and Searcy's ferry to DeMun's mill is laid off into two road divisions, to wit:  The first division commence at the ferry and continue on to where the old and the new road intersect above Davidsonville. The second division to be from the north end of the first division to DeMun's mill.  Rezin Davis is appointed overseer of the first division and William Hodge of the second.

p. 17
[Monday, September 8, 1823]
Alexander Hodge is allowed $2.00.

p. 18
Wednesday, the third day of the term, March 3, 1824
Spence Crouch and Alexander Hodge, Esquires, are appointed to apportion the hands that are to work on the road divisions of Spring River Township, and the bounds of Spring River Township be extended so as to include all of the township 19 north in range 1 west.

p. 35
John Hodge apparently witness to deeds dated 3/6/1819 (2 deeds), 3/8/1819 (2 deeds).

p. 37
Alexander Hodge appointed JP for Spring River Township.  Sworn in 21 August 1819 before William Russell, JP.  Recorded 13 October 1819.

Deed acknowledged by John Clinton before Alexander Hodge, JP.

Deed attested to by John Clinton before Alexander Hodge, JP.

James Boyd sworn in as JP for Strawberry Township before Alexander Hodge, JP. 

George Gill sworn in as JP for White River Township before Alexander Hodge, JP. 

p. 38
Joseph Hardin, Sr. sworn in as JP for Union Township before Alexander Hodge, JP. 

p. 39
Deed attested to by Townsend Dickinson before Alexander Hodge, JP.

Deed acknowledged by Henry C. Wells before Alexander Hodge, JP.

Deed acknowledged by Richard Murphy before Alexander Hodge, JP.