Research Results

By cavis , 16 October 2012
Source Description
Don Norman files on the Goff familes

Source Type


Don Norman files on the Goff families

(C. Avis Catalog entry #620)


On-line only source from Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants, Inc. (

Start here to access Don Noman's Goff family files.


By cavis , 16 October 2012
Source Description
Don Norman files on the Bush family

Source Type


Don Norman files on the Bush family

(C. Avis Catalog entry #619)


On-line only source from Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants, Inc. (

Start here to access Don Noman's Bush family files.



By cavis , 16 October 2012
Source Description
Gray Little information

Source Type


Little Data from Gayle Lovelady Coberly
(C. Avis Catalog entry #626)

(from her info. On Rootsweb)

ID: I027136
Name: Gray Little
Sex: M

  1. Lydia Little b: DEC 1789 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  2. Elizabeth Little b: CIRCA 1791 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  3. Blake Baker Little b: 13 DEC 1793 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  4. Gray Little b: CIRCA 1802 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  5. Sylvia Little b: 27 DEC 1801 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  6. Mary Penelope Little b: CIRCA 1795 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  7. William Little b: 15 JAN 1805 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  8. Seth Little b: 30 MARCH 1807 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina
  9. Peninah Little b: 1809 in Edgecombe Co., North Carolina


By cavis , 12 July 2012
Source Description
Biography of William Hodge by Mildred Zschiesche

Source Type


William Hodge by Mildred Zschiesche
(C. Avis Catalog entry #435)
(Document ID #617)


William, the second son of Alexander and Ruth Hodge, was born ca. 1792 in Oglethorpe County Georgia. The family, after leaving Georgia in 1808, lived for a time in Tennessee, and then moved to Kentucky. Christian County was their home for about 7 years. Then, in the spring of 1815, they crossed the Mississippi River into what was then called the Missouri Territory. They settled on Spring River in what was later to become Lawrence County, Arkansas.

Here William married Margaret Welch, the date is unknown. The old records in Arkansas, which might throw some light on the matter, are closed to the public until after microfilming, which has been delayed. To this union two daughters were born, Mary, (Polly) in 1820, and Ruth in 1822. A short time later Margaret died.

William then married Rachel Marshall Houghes. Rachel, in Kentucky had first married a man named Houghes, but for reasons unknown, he soon disappeared from the scene. Rachel's 2 brothers were preparing to start for the Missouri Territory, so she bought a wagon, etc. and joined them. It is said she drove her own wagon through to Arkansas, accompanied by her little son. There she met William with his 2 baby girls. They were soon married, and when the Alexander Hodge wagon train started for Texas in 1824, they were part of it, arriving on the Brazos in December, 1825.

In November of 1826, William was killed by a falling tree, tradition says, while building a cabin. This occurred in what was later to become Brazoria County.

William's death left Rachel with the two little girls, her own little son, and a baby expected soon. On January 6th, 1827, Rachel gave birth to a son. She named him William, Jr. Sometime before 1828, Rachel married David Shelby, a prominent settler of Austin County. Alexander and Ruth took their two young granddaughters, and David and Rachel kept the baby and Rachel's little boy, and raised them along with their own children, which were numerous. WilliamÕs boyhood was spent in Austin and Fayette County.

When Alexander Hodge received his grant of land from Stephen F. Austin, his name was entered into the ledger as "Alexander Hodge and Heirs of Son" thus opening the way for Alexander to apply for, and receive an additional league of land in the children's name, located on the San Jacinto River. This land was left in Alexander's charge, until the children were to come of age. At the death of Alexander, his will passed the care of the two girls and this land to his son, Alexander Elliott Hodge. It remained in his care until the division of the children's estate in 1845.

In Fort Bend County, on January 17th, 1851, William Hodge, Jr. married Mary Eleanor Snedecer. To this union was born 3 sons, William A., James E., and Charles E., with 2 daughters, Lydia and Mary Eleanor. These 3 sons, along with William Jr. and Mary Eleanor, are buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, at Lake Victor, Burnet County, Texas.

The headstones at Pleasant Hill Cemetery read:

Wm. Hodge 1/6/1827-3/14/1910 
Mary Eleanor Hodge 1/18/2802-3/30/1904 
James E. Hodge 1/1/1855-7/27/1898 
Mary Field Hodge 12/14/1865-5/13/1947 
W. A. Hodge 10/13/1851-3/31/1923 
E. D. Hodge 1/18/1856-12/28/1926

In 1907, William Hodge Jr. was the oldest living person born in Texas. In that year, he signed a statement for some of his half-sister Mary's descendants to get into the DAR. In this statement, he told of Alexander and William arriving in Texas in 1825, and of his fathers death in 1826. Mary, the oldest daughter, married Eli F. Ross, June 4th 1844 in Ft. Bend County. Her children were; Frances Catherine,William Brown, Ruth, Oscar Wade, Francis Marion, Benjamin, Mary Alice and John Allison. Mary died in May of 1855. Ruth, the youngest daughter, married Granville Rose in Ft. Bend County February 2nd 1845. She had separated from her husband at the time of Mary's death, so she married her sister's widower, and undertook the care of Mary's motherless children, the youngest of which was only about 6 weeks old. Ruth died in 1870, and she and her sister Mary are buried side-by-side in Ebenezer Cemetery, about 10 miles west of Huntsville, Texas. So, the two little girls, who shared an orphan's childhood, later shared the same husband, and mothered the same children, also share a common resting place. Much of what we know of the Hodge history today, is due to these two orphan girls. They must have had but the faintest memories of their parents, and it was perhaps for that very reason tales told them by their grandfather, and later by their uncle, were treasures to be passed on to the next generation. We can be thankful also, to members of the next generation, who were interested enough to set some of those tales down on paper.

The sources of this 1979 sketch of William Hodge and his children, are traditional material of the Ross, Shelby and Hodge families, backed by public records. I am a great granddaughter of Alexander Elliott Hodge, who served as guardian of his brother's children after the death of his father Alexander Hodge in 1836.

(Updated 1986)

Mildred Zschiesche 
706 W. College 
Texas 76442


By cavis , 12 July 2012
Source Description
Hodge Bend Plantation by Mildred Zschiesche

Source Type


Hodge's Bend Plantation - 1828-1851 by Mildred Zschiesche
(C. Avis Catalog entry #434)
(Document ID #618)


On Oyster Creek, fronting a bend in the Brazos River, lay the plantation called "Hodge's Bend". It comprised the league of land settled by Alexander Hodge, one of the original settlers who made up the colony of Stephen F. Austin. History calls them the "Old 300Ó. In the early years, Alexander, along with the other settlers along Oyster creek, played a prominent part in the affairs of the community. Hodge's Bend was a place well known to many people who were to become famous in later Texas history. Socially, no dance was considered a success unless attended by "The girls from Oyster creek".

At the time of Alexander's death, as near as we know, the occupants of the main house at Hodge's Bend, were, Alexander, his son Alexander Elliott, (commonly called A. E.), the 2 orphan girls Mary and Ruth, and the 2 slaves Jim and Ann. In another house close by, still an Alexander's land, lived James Pevehouse and his wife, Alexander's daughter Mary, with their children. James Pevehouse had a grant of his own, but never lived on it. They lived close by Alexander, probably so Mary could help see after her father and the 2 girls. In a different house on Alexander's league, lived his son James Hodge and family. James Hodge also had a grant of land on which he never lived. A. E. had never applied for a land grant, although eligible. It is thought likely these 2 sons of Alexander, and perhaps James Pevehouse had actually furnished most of the labor and effort it had taken to take a wilderness and build homes etc.,and convert that wilderness into a land producing a living for the families concerned. It would be unreal to expect a man of Alexander's age to be physically able to do the necessary work. This might explain the wording of Alexander's will, where he left the major part of Hodge's Bend to the 2 sons, A. E. and James, leaving out the oldest son Archie, as far as Hodge's Bend was concerned. Of course we do not know what prior settlement Alexander might have made with Archie, and with his daughters at their marriages.

Soon after the War of Independence, Texas was swamped by an influx of half-educated and self-styled would-be lawyers from the United States, all looking for a fast buck. They made whatever courts the new nation had been able to set up, a farce. Land titles were a favorite target for these rapacious immigrants. It was not unknown for a person who had what they thought to be a perfectly good title, to suddenly discover their title to be in question. Then, when an attempt was made to defend their title in court, it was to discover they were playing with a stacked deck. Deserved or not when one checks the records, and gets a picture of what transpired during the estate settlement, that picture is not to the credit of AlexanderÕs son Archie. It makes one wonder if perhaps Alexander had few illusions in regard to his son Archie. and that might be the reason he passed over Archie as executor of his will, and guardian of the 2 girls Mary and Ruth, and named A. E. instead. It would normally be the oldest son so designated. It is unknown exactly what role Archie played in the court set-up, although it appears he had a certain amount of influence with the members of some of the courts. It is noted that Archie dearly loved to sue people, the records show he once entered suit against a man over $5.00. Also, when someone died, leaving no will, Archie seemed to be conveniently at hand when the court appointed an administrator for the estate. (Not all courts of course).

Alexander had died August 17th 1836. On the 20th day of March, 1837, A. E. presented Alexander's will to the court, and asked that probate be granted thereon. On April 17th, 1837, the witnesses to the will appeared before the court , and probate was granted. A. E. was sworn, and the court appointed John Hodge and Archie Hodge as appraisers for the estate. Why these 2 were appointed is a mystery. Normally a disinterested party is chosen. At any rate, they turned in an appraisal of $23050.00. The court then decreed that A. E. give bond with good security, in the sum of $40,000.00 That seemed to have stopped the works for awhile. I don't think A. E. could come up with the $40,000.00 bond. I doubt there was that much money in Fort Bend county at that time. No further action was taken until in January 1838, A. E. presented a petition to the court, stating all the heirs, 8 in number had a meeting and an agreement was reached, that an equal division of the land would be made between all the heirs, and that the lines of the various tracts be surveyed by Thomas H. Borden. The court accepted this, and ordered that the heirs file a joint and several bond in the sum of $23,000.00. The drastic reduction in the amount of bond required when an equal division was made makes one wonder if the $,40,000.00 required of A. E. wasn't simply a device to force him out.

The final settlement was very odd, and is not fully understood. Each heir, except Mary Lewis and John Hodge received a round-robin deed for 536 acres of land, for which each heir paid $1600.00. Mary Lewis received 736 acres for which she paid $2100.00. John Hodge received a deed for 536 acres for which he paid $1600.00, but the deed states that Archie was furnishing him $1450.00 of the $1600.00. John later sold 12 acres of land for which he received $300,00. It appears that was all John got out of the deal.

Why the division was handled in this manner, I have no idea, unless it was a form of bookkeeping. To the observer, it would seem that Archie insisted that John, who Alexander never claimed as his son, be included, which would give Archie 2 shares of the land, as he had furnished most of the money for John. This apparently caused A. E. to dig in his heels and insist the heirs of William come in for a full share. William, Jr. later bought his sistersÕ part of the share.

When the will was written, no mention was made of William, presumably because Alexander considered William's heirs share to be the land he had gotten in their name, and left in A. E.'s care until the heirs became of age. This would seem reasonable, as he had paid filing fees, survey fees, taxes and other expenses when necessary. This land was in what is today known as Montgomery County. It is hard to make an accurate judgment of the true facts, when all one has is the legal records recorded 150 years ago. But judging by the available data, Archie must have been something else again. A. E. comes through as a reasonably honest easy going man, who probably felt more at home out in the field supervising the care of the crops and livestock, than hanging around the courthouse, as Archie seemed to do.

Alexander had a daughter named Mary, who married James Pevehouse. There is indication James had health problems, but nothing definite is known. James Pevehouse had a special friend named Jonathan Lewis. Before he passed away in the early part of 1841, he made arrangements for Jonathan to be made administrator of his estate. This was done, and Jonathan filed an accounting with the court,in May 1842, listing sale of "perishables", which I take to mean crops. In the fall of 1842, business reasons caused Jonathan to make a trip back to the United States. On November 28, Archie petitioned the court for administration "on this vacant succession", claiming Lewis had left the Republic. Archie was appointed administrator of the James Pevehouse estate on the 25th day of December 1842. I can't imagine a court being being convened on Christmas Day without something 
funny going on. Archie and the court must have expected Lewis back soon, so they had to beat him to the punch. We don't know what Lewis' reaction was when he got home, and discovered what had happened. But on May 8th, 1843, Jonathan Lewis married Mary Hodge Pevehouse. Epidemics were a fact of life in that country at that time, and Mary died in early 1845.

Archie did not ask for custody of James and Mary's minor children, John Kegans, who had married the oldest daughter, did that, soon after Mary died. Kegans also filed an injunction to keep Archie from disposing of any more Pevehouse property, but the court disallowed the injunction, and Archie sold what he wanted to sell. The years passed by, until in 1852, all the Pevehouse children were of age, and they sued their uncle for a division of the Pevehouse estate. The court ruled that estate could not be divided without injury to some of the heirs. It said the property in Ft. Bend County should be sold and the money divided among the heirs, but the land in Montgomery County could not be sold or divided, it had to remain in the estate. John Walker, who had married John Hodge's daughter, bought the 536 acres which was Mary's share of Hodge's Bend. Archie furnished him the money. Archie continued on as administrator until his death in the 1860's. The situation remains today as it was left by the courts in 1852. Over 100 years later, in 1952, the Pevehouse heirs had a meeting in Abilene, to see if something could be done about the matter, 
Their contention is, when the court said that the estate could not be sold or divided, the State took full responsibility for the estate, and it was today still under the protection of the State. The lawyers consulted said the heirs had a case, but it would a take lifetime and a fortune to take it through the courts. It would be a very hard fought case, because besides the present occupiers of the land you would have to contend with the oil companies involved. It so remains today.

Alexander's son James Hodge and his wife both died in the late 1840's. Archie was conveniently at hand to be appointed administrator. He did not ask for custody of the minor children, although 2 girls were in his household in the 1850 census (Lucinda and Martha) they both died in the early 1850's, and Archie went before the court and said he had spent $968.00 on the girls and wanted permission to take it out of James' estate. He said there was another heir, a son of James, named James W. but he didn't know where he was. Said he didn't know whether he had a guardian or not, and asked the court to appoint a man named Bullock as guardian, this was done, and Archie got his $968.00. If James W. ever got any of his inheritance, it is well concealed in the records.

James W. was about 8 years old when his parents passed away. It appears he wanted no part of Archie, so A. E., who had just lost his wife in the epidemic, took him with his 3 sons and daughter. But A. E. was getting fed up The mosquito-ridden climate had taken all of his original family except 2 sisters who no longer lived in the vicinity, and one brother who he doubtless wished didn't live in the vicinity. He still had the original "Home place" of Hodge's Bend, so he sold that in 1851 to a man named Campell. Loaded up the boys and little girl, and went to Bell County, where he bought land. He spent the rest of his days there and on his grant in Comanche County. He died in Comanche County at age 87.

So passed Hodge's Bend.


By cavis , 12 July 2012
Source Description
Research summary by Mildred Zschiesche

Source Type


Notes On Our Hodge Family History by Mildred Zschiesche
(C. Avis Catalog entry #433)
(Document ID #619) 

A synopsis of our Hodge history by Mildred Zschiesche, a descendant.

Little is known as to when, or from where, the progenitor of our Hodge family came to America. It is believed the family is of Scotch-Irish stock, with perhaps a bit of Welsh intermixed.

The first Hodge of which we hare record, was John Hodge, of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Here he was a member of the Big Spring Presbyterian Church, where he was buried at his death in 1789. He was born in 1708, but where, is unknown. In his will, he left one/half of his estate to his wife Agnes. The other one/half was to be divided equally between his son William, and his grand-son John, the son of William. We do not know who Agnes was, or if she was the mother of William. It appears likely she was the second wife of John, and not the mother of William. Trace of other children have not been found. 

We do not know the exact birth date of William, the son of John, but it was probably about 1735. We are not sure of the name of his wife, although tradition says her name was Mary Elliot, and it is very likely true, however, no proof is available. William Hodge had these sons; John, Alexander, Francis, William, Elliot, and James. His daughters were: Mary, who married a Boyd, Elizabeth, who married a Murdock, Nancy, who married Elijah Allcorn, and Cynthia, who married William Barnhill. 

We find traces of William in Cumberland County until about 1786, when he disappears from the records there. We then find him appearing in what is today Oglethorpe County Georgia, where he and some of his sons bought land. He and his children lived there until his death in 1794.

In his will, William names all his children except Francis, who appears to have died in the late 1780's. After listing the children and their bequests, he stipulates that his sons William and Elliot were to receive the estate where he was then residing, they to see to the care and education of the youngest son James, and when he became of age, they were to buy him 200 acres of suitable land, which they were to convey to him free of all encumbrances. 

Our primary in the children of William Hodge, is his second son Alexander. Alexander was born in 1760, and is of record as of having fought in the Revolutionary War as a member of the brigade of Francis Marion, who was known as the "Swamp Fox". Alexander seemed to have been in the Carolina/Georgia section long before William moved there. At any rate, soon after William moved to Georgia, Alexander bought land on Fork Creek, and in 1788 married Ruth Hodge. Ruth was the daughter of Archibald Hodge. Archibald was an Englishman, and was of no kin to the family of William Hodge. Alexander and Ruth lived in this section of Georgia until most of their children were born. These children were Archie, William, Nancy, Ruth, Alexander Elliot, Mary, James, Cynthia, Robin, and Lucinda. John, considered by some researchers to be another son, was probably the son of Francis, Alexander's deceased brother. Alexander never claimed him as a son. 

After about 1808, we find Alexander and Ruth in Christian County, Kentucky. There their youngest child was born, and their oldest son, and their oldest daughter married. When the Missouri Territory was opened for settlement, the family, in-laws included, moved there, crossing southern Illinois on the way. Tradition has it, they heard the news of the battle of New Orleans as they were crossing the Mississippi River. This battle was fought January 8th 1815, so it would appear they moved in the spring of 1815.

Arriving in the Missouri Territory, Alexander settled on Spring River, in what today is Randolph County Arkansas. Here he was appointed Justice of the Peace by William Clark, Governor of the Territory. Alexander also became acquainted with Moses Austin and his son Stephen F. Austin, who was later to be called "The Father of Texas". Austin, at that time, was negotiating with the Mexican government, attempting to get permission to establish a colony in Texas. These negotiations succeeded, and Austin was authorized to settle 300 families in Texas. For this, he was to receive a land grant of approximately 22000 acres for himself. He picked this land on the Brazos River, about 20 miles from present-day Houston, and this land was not open to settlement by the colonists. 

When the colonists started arriving in Texas, the first one to arrive, was Alexander's sister Nancy and her husband Elijah Allcorn. Alexander himself arrived later, after stopping at the Red River to make a crop. He was accompanied by various sons and sons-in-laws and others. It is said he left 3 cases untried when he left Arkansas. He arrived at the site of Austin's colony in December, 1825. 

Complications had developed between Austin and the Mexican government, and Austin was away on a trip to Mexico, where he was detained for over a year under arrest. In the archives in the capitol at Austin, there is a letter Alexander wrote Austin, in which he expresses his displeasure at not being able able to contact him to find where he could procure land. This matter was ironed out, and Alexander wound up with 4528 acres of the land Austin had reserved for himself. At that time, this land was rated as the 3rd richest land in the world. Three of Alexander's sons, and a son-in-law also got land grants. Austin also appointed Alexander as Judge for the colony. 

During the time in Arkansas, Alexander's son William had lost his wife, the former Margaret Welch. This left William with two little girls, aged 8 and 6. 

These girls were named Mary (Polly) and Ruth. William remarried to a widow named Rachel Marshall Houghes. William and Rachel came to Texas with the rest of the Hodge's, and William, while building a cabin in Brazoria County, was killed by a falling tree, in 1826. Rachel gave birth to William's son within a month of William's death. Rachel named the baby William Jr. After about a year Rachel married David Shelby, and William Jr. grew to manhood in the David Shelby household, Alexander and Ruth took the two little girls to raise. 

Ruth died in 1831, and was buried on the land grant, which was known as "Hodge's Bend Plantation". Alexander sent to Bastrop, where the nearest cedar grew, and planted one on her grave. It is still there, although it has been struck by lightning. 

When the Texas War of Independence came, Mexican army under Santa Ana invaded Texas with orders to shoot anyone who possessed a gun. A gun being a necessity on the frontier, this order really meant death to all the settlers. The Alamo fell, and the massacre at Goliad, where 350 Texans, who had surrendered as prisoners of war, were taken out and shot, aroused the country to the fact they were at war. Alexander's daughter Ruth lost her husband at Goliad. 

The flight of the settlers began, as the Texas Army, under Gen. Sam Houston, and numbering about 700 men, kept retreating before the Mexican Army of about 5000 men. Alexander, then 76 years old, took the women and grandchildren and headed for the border and safety about 200 miles away. The rivers were all out of banks, and walking was the only way traveling could be done. The Trinity River was 10 miles wide at the crossing. The refugees would walk for a time and then rest, then walk again. Alexander insisted that each woman and child hold hands when on the march, so no one could become separated from the family. No one was allowed to drink water that didn't have vinegar in it.

After crossing Hodge's Bend, Santa Anna had divided the Mexican Army trying to trap the Texas Army in the maze of bayous in that vicinity. Gen. Houston crossed one stream, and at the crossing left his supplies and wounded with 35 volunteers with orders to hold the crossing as long as possible, to prevent one segment of the Mexican Army from reinforcing the other. Three Hodge men were in this group. Meanwhile, Santa Anna, with his segment of the Mexican Army, crossed a bridge on another stream, trying to get to Houston. When about 1500 Mexicans had crossed, the Texans destroyed the bridge, isolating the Mexicans from reinforcements. The Texas Army then Attacked, When it was over, Texas was an independent nation. 

When this battle was fought, Alexander and his little band of refugees were just a few miles away, resting in a grove of trees. A grand-daughter of Alexander, 12 years old at the time, told in later years, she always remembered as he was at that moment, leaning against a tree, with his hat pulled down over his face, listening to the guns at San Jacinto. One might imagine his thoughts as the battle raged; here he was, a man 76 years old, attempting to take the women and children of his sons and grand-sons families to safety through 200 miles of flooded wilderness while the badly outnumbered Texas Army, in which there were sons, grand-sons, brothers and husbands of those present, was gambling everything on a single throw of the dice. 

When the guns stopped, they were sure it was the Alamo all over again, and the flight was resumed. They were moving after dark that night, trying to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the Mexicans, when they were overtaken by a messenger on a badly lathered horse, who called out to them as he passed, "Turn back, the Mexicans are beaten, its all over". 

After all this commotion, Alexander was about at the end of his rope. He made his will and died August 17th, 1836, and was buried in Hodge Bend Cemetery, on the old land grant. 

In his will, he named all his children, he left one-half of the land to his son James, the other one-half was left to his son Alexander Elliot, who was also to get the house etc., also the two slaves Anne and Jim. He also charged Alexander Elliot to take charge of, and see to the raising and education of the two orphan girls, Mary (Polly) and Ruth. 

In the city of Houston, in Sam Houston Park, there stands a memorial to Alexander Hodge, "One of Marion's Men, A hero of Two Republics". Also, on the San Jacinto Monument, is inscribed the names of the three Hodge volunteers. 

The son of Alexander in which we (I) have the greatest interest, is his son Alexander Elliot, usually referred to as "A. E. " or "Alexander E.". This son was the one picked by Alexander as executor of his will, and the one entrusted with the care and raising of the two orphan girls. Archie, the oldest son, seems to have been a trouble maker, and after about 10 years the estate was finally settled by splitting Hodge's Bend evenly between all the children. A. E. received 536 acres including the house etc. He also got the slaves Jim and Anne, but had to pay the estate $1200.00 for them. 

A. E. married Elizabeth Barnhill Sept. 5th, 1839. They had sons Sylvanus, Sylvester, and William. Also a daughter Eliza. Elizabeth died in an epidemic in 1848. The Hodge family lost heavily in this epidemic, and A. E. sold his part of Hodge Bend, and bought land in Bell County. While there he married Malinda Clary. They had these children; Texas (a dau.), Sarah, Ruth, Jeff Davis, Elizabeth, Frank and Mary. After the Civil War, Bell County was a hotbed, completely lawless, and the gun ruled. A. E. and family left Bell County and moved to Comanche County, onto a land grant he had been awarded in 1838, but had never used. This move was about 1878. A. E. had a stroke and died in 1887. Malinda died 3 years later. No one knows where either is buried although it is believed they are buried on the old land grant. 

A. E. had a son named Jeff Davis, from whom I descend. He was born in Bell County, 4/8/1862. On 12/18/1882 he married Rosa Jane Wetzel. They had one daughter named Ollie. Jane died in 1883 of typhoid fever. On 1/11889 Jeff Davis married Mildred Alcess Darnell, whose father had been killed in a gunfight during the troubles after the Civil War. When they married, Jeff and Alcess moved to Coryell County. It is believed onto land left by her father. They stayed there for a while, then moved back to Comanche County where they spent the major part of their remaining years. Mildred Alcess died Feb. 2nd, 1951. Jeff Davis died 3 days later. They are both buried in Sardis Cemetery, at Hasse, Comanche County, Texas. 

Jeff Davis and Mildred Alcess had these children. 
Archie Ray married Pearl Chiles 
Ewing Elliot - Single 
Ruth (my mother) married Lonnie Reed 
Alredge married Oyce Westerman 
Lottie married Joe Chiles 
Jeff Davis Jr, married Marie Myers 
Mansel Welburn married (1) Louise Kinman (2) Jean (3) Edith 

The sources of this paper on our Hodge Family History, are public records, traditional material from various sources, and personal knowledge. 

My line of descent is - 
John Hodge 
William Hodge 
Alexander Hodge 
Alexander Elliot Hodge 
Jeff Davis Hodge 
Ruth Hodge Reed (my mother) 

                Mildred Rae Zschiesche 

Supplement- As a matter of interest, the following account is taken from the "Biography of Alexander Hodge" by Mrs. Solon P. Crain of Midland Texas. 

I quote Mrs. Crain, a descendant of Alexander-

In her Memoirs, Alexander's granddaughter, Clarinda Pevehouse, 1824/1898, tells how Alexander urged his family to accept the customs of their new homeland. They learned the language, and also learned to appreciate the culture of Mexico. He served his section of the colony as comisario and alcalde which brought to Hodge's Bend, settlers who would later take prominent places in the history of Texas. According to Clarinda, Martin de Leon and his sons were guests of her grandfather as they traveled between Victoria and Louisiana; Lorenzo de Zavala, Mirabeau B. Lamar, Erastus (Deaf) Smith, and Ben Milam were frequent visitors. 

Clarinda also recalled her family in the beginning opposed the war for independence, believing the differences with Mexico could be worked out peaceably, and did what they could to quiet the "fire brands" pouring into Texas from the United States. The letter to Austin from her father James Pevehouse, and uncles John and Elliott Hodge requesting, a convention be called, verifies her opinion. However, when Austin made his statement requesting a declaration of independence, the Hodge family dropped their opposition and contributed their material possessions and services to that end. While his sons and son-in-law served in the Texas army, Alexander, 76 years old and on foot, led his daughters and grandchildren toward safety in the "Runaway Scrape". His granddaughter recalled how they huddled in a clump of trees and listened to the gunfire at the Battle of San Jacinto; 

"We sat quietly on the grass and listened. Some cried softly, and others sat staring into space. Grandfather stood beside a tall tree, his arms folded across his chest and his hat pulled low over his forehead, while his white hair moved in the soft breeze. He seemed to be so still I could not see his eyes blink. As I think about it now, I realize that during his long life his broad shoulders had carried many burdens, but none probably as heavy as the one resting there that day. To move to Texas had been his decision. With the memory of the Alamo and Goliad so fresh on his mind, he could only wonder how many of his sons and grandsons would die before the day ended. Would he be even able to get us to safety." 

            - End Quote -

Another anecdote, source not recalled -

Alexander loved fine horses, and had a stallion of which he was very proud. The families had all gathered at Hodge's Bend, the sons and grandsons doing what they could to get Alexander and their families started for the Louisiana border, the intention being for them to get the families on the way, then the remaining able-bodied men and boys would go and join the Texas army. When on the point of leaving, Alexander rode up on his prize stallion, dismounted, handed the reins to a grandson, and said "Take him and give him to the army, son, I'll walk with the rest". 


By cavis , 1 July 2012
Source Description
Descendants of Josiah Stafford compiled by Barbara Poston

Source Type


This received from Barbara Poston <> about 4/1/2000.

Descendants of Josiah Stafford

Generation No. 1

1. JOSIAH1 STAFFORD was born 1757 in Pasquotank, N C, and died May 16, 1835 in Bedford Co, Tn. He married SARAH IVEY in Pasquotank,N C, daughter of ROBERT IVEY and ELIZABETH TURNER. 

Burial: Bedford Co, Tn

Marriage: Pasquotank,N C

i. IVEY2 STAFFORD, b. Abt. 1788, Johnson Co. N C; d. Aft. 1850, Clark County Ark.

Generation No. 2

2. IVEY2 STAFFORD (JOSIAH1) was born Abt. 1788 in Johnson Co. N C, and died Aft. 1850 in Clark County Ark. He married POLLY Abt. 1810. She was born Abt. 1794 in N C, and died Aft. 1850.

Marriage: Abt. 1810

Children of IVEY STAFFORD and POLLY are:
i. ROBERT S.3 STAFFORD, b. 1813.
ii. JOSIAH SORRELLS STAFFORD, b. September 15, 1816.
iii. FEMALE STAFFORD, b. Abt. 1820.
iv. GEORGE FRANKLIN STAFFORD, b. February 08, 1825, Lawerence Co. Tn; d. 1916, Limestone Co. Tx.
v. WILLIAM STAFFORD, b. July 1827.
vi. FEMALE STAFFORD, b. Abt. 1830.
vii. JAMES W. STAFFORD, b. Abt. 1839.

Generation No. 3

3. GEORGE FRANKLIN3 STAFFORD (IVEY2, JOSIAH1) was born February 08, 1825 in Lawerence Co. Tn, and died 1916 in Limestone Co. Tx. He married (1) LETHE JOHNSON Abt. 1845. She was born Abt. 1824, and died Abt. 1866 in Ms. He married (2) SARAH JOHNSON Abt. 1867 in Ms.. She was born October 24, 1828.

Mississippi State Archives-Muster Rolls Civil War Records 

George Franklin Stafford enlisted in 1862 under Capt. Cochran with the "Rough and Readies" in what is now Lee County,Ms. Muster Rolls state he is wounded in action at Knoxville in 1863. He is returned to infantry after only six days He is captured in Berryville,Va on Sept. 4,1864. Pvt. George F. Stafford was released from Prison in Camp Chase Ohio on June 11,1865 without being given a horse or money. He walked home with only the clothes on his back, foraging for food along the way. His wife Lethe, died about three weeks after George came home from the Civil War. His occupation in 1861, before enlisting for duty: Farmer in Holly Springs, Ms. According to Application of Confederate Pension, George Stafford moved to TX on Nov. 26, 1885. Confederate Pension # 31779 Limestone Co TX.

Burial: Old Armour Cem. Coolidge, Tx Limestone County

Marriage 1: Abt. 1845
Marriage 2: Abt. 1845, ms

Sarah Johnson was a Sister to Lethe Johnson She had her first and only child at age forty.

Marriage: Abt. 1867, Ms.

i. NANCY C4 STAFFORD, b. 1845, Ms; m. JOSEPH H. SILLS, March 18, 1872, Benton, Ms.

Marriage: March 18, 1872, Benton, Ms

ii. SARAH LOUISA STAFFORD, b. 1848, Ms; m. LEONARD C,. RHODES, November 06, 1872, Benton, Ms.

Marriage: November 06, 1872, Benton, Ms

iii. MARTHA ANNA STAFFORD, b. 1849, Ms; m. J. J. JERRY RHODES, September 04, 1878, Benton, Ms.

Marriage: September 04, 1878, Benton, Ms

iv. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STAFFORD, b. 1852; d. 1893, Tehuacana, Tx Limestone Co..
v. MARY K.J. STAFFORD, b. 1855, Yalobusha MS; m. A. E. AUTRY, May 04, 1874, Benton, MS.

At one time after coming to Texas they had a flour mill in Grandbury, later they moved to OKLA. Told to me by the G-Granddaughter of George Franklin Stafford. (Sybil Brown)

Marriage: May 04, 1874, Benton, MS

vi. JAMES H. STAFFORD, b. 1858, Yalobusha, MS.

vii. THOMAS JEFFERSON4 STAFFORD, b. August 03, 1868, Ms.; d. September 29, 1936, Waco, TX McLennan Co..

Generation No. 4

4. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN4 STAFFORD (GEORGE FRANKLIN3, IVEY2, JOSIAH1) was born 1852, and died 1893 in Tehuacana, Tx Limestone Co.. He married (1) MARY L. RHODES March 18, 1872 in Ms. She died December 21, 1886 in Tehuacana, Tx Limestone Co.. He married (2) SARAH RHODES May 12, 1887 in Limestone County , Tx. She was born 1853 in Benton, Ms.

More About MARY L. RHODES:
Burial: Tehuacana, Tx Limestone Co.

Marriage: March 18, 1872, Ms

Sarah Rhodes was a widow of A. Autry. She was a sister to Mary L. Rhodes, Benjamin Franklin's first wife.

Marriage: May 12, 1887, Limestone County , Tx

i. ZELPHIA5 STAFFORD, b. Abt. December 1872.
ii. JAMES STAFFORD, b. 1873; d. Stamford, Tx Jones County.
iii. REBECCA STAFFORD, b. 1875; m. J. E. BACON, September 21, 1892, Techuacana, Tx Limestone County.

Marriage: September 21, 1892, Techuacana, Tx Limestone County

iv. LUCINDA ELIZABETH STAFFORD, b. February 05, 1877, Pine Grove, Ms; d. January 05, 1942, Maypearl, Tx Ellis County; m. JAMES FRANKLIN WILLIAMS, April 03, 1892, Techuacana, Tx Limestone County; b. July 30, 1874, MS; d. September 19, 1945, Maypearl, Tx Ellis County.

Burial: Maypearl Cemetary Maypearl, Tx Ellis County

Burial: Maypearl Cemetary Maypearl, Tx Ellis County

Marriage: April 03, 1892, Techuacana, Tx Limestone County

vi. LOUIS OLIVER STAFFORD, b. October 19, 1880.
vii. EDNA STAFFORD, b. 1885; d. Rule,Tx, Haskell, County; m. FOWLER.
viii. INFANT DAUGHTER STAFFORD, b. December 18, 1886.

5. THOMAS JEFFERSON4 STAFFORD (GEORGE FRANKLIN3, IVEY2, JOSIAH1) was born August 03, 1868 in Ms., and died September 29, 1936 in Waco, TX McLennan Co.. He married EMMA HERRING. She was born December 23, 1870 in Coolidge ,TX Limestone County.

i. LORA MAE5 STAFFORD, b. July 26, 1894.
ii. GEORGE HENRY STAFFORD, b. August 02, 1895.
iii. ALMEDIAF STAFFORD, b. June 28, 1900.
iv. WILLIAM THOMAS STAFFORD, b. April 18, 1902.
v. VESTER GERTRUDE STAFFORD, b. August 24, 1905.