
By cavis , 18 September 2023
Source Description
Marriage of Martha Alice Rudd and David Thompson - 1877

Whitfield Co., Georgia Marriage Record A
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1289)

"Georgia, County Marriages, 1785-1950," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 23 July 2019), > image 1 of 1; Georgia Department of Archives and History, Morrow.

p. 103

To any Judge, Justice of the Peace, or Minister of the Gospel:  You are hereby authorized to join in the Holy State of Matrimony  David Thompson  and  Miss Alice Rudd  according to law; and for so doing, this shall be your sufficient License.

Given under my Official Signature, this 17th day of July 1877

        W. J. Underwood   Ordinary


Certificate to be returned to the Ordinary.

I hereby Certify, That on the 17th day of July 1877
David Thompson  and Alice Rudd
by me duly joined in Matrimony   R. T. Hanks, M. G.

Source Type