
By cavis , 14 August 2023
Source Description
Will of Samuel Stafford - 1773

Wills 1720-1804 v. 6, Pasquotank Co., North Carolina
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1278)


Samuel Stafford 
Recd in Book I folio 74 & 75 [?]

Saml Stafford's Will 1773

No Carolina
Pasqoutank County

Know all men by these presents that I Samuel Stafford being sick and weak of body but of sound & Disposing sence and memmory thank be given to god Therefore calling to mind the mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for men once to Die do make and ordain these presents to contain my Last will in manner & form as is hereafter mentioned.

Imprimas  I give to my son Josiah Stafford one horse colt and hand gunn & one large ovel Table to his children
Item  I give to my Daughter Sarah Stafford one silver sizers chain & Two Silver spoons to her & her heirs
Item  I give to my son Samuel Stafford one Large bible one Ewe & Lamb & half a Dozen pewter plates to him & his heirs
Item  I give to my Daughter Mary Stafford Two silver spoons and one case of bottels to her and her heirs
Item  I give to my son Joseph Stafford one Feather bed & furniture to him and his heirs
Item  I give to my wife the use of the above mentioned Legusies during her natural life
Item  I give to my wife all the Residue and Remainding part of all my Estate to her and her Disposal
Item  I also nominate Constutute and appoint my wife Executrix and Robert Hosea & my son Josiah Stafford Executors of this my Last will and Testament hereby Revoking and Disanuling all other Wills before this time made by me Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will & Testament in wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of 8th mo. 1773.

Signed Sealed and Delivered                                                                            Samuel Stafford [signed]
in the presents of
Test.   Oprah  Bundy    [by mark]
          Mary White     affirmed
          William Albertson

North Carolina
Pasquotank County

June Infr Court of Pleas & Quartor Sessions 1774
Present His Majesty's Justices

The last Will & testament of Samuel Stafford was Exhibited by Naomi Stafford Executrix therein Named proved by the Oath Solemn
Affirmation of Mary White at the same time the Executrix Qualified by taking the Solemn Affirmation by Law
[unreadable line]



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