
By cavis , 9 April 2023
Source Description
Marriage of Jo Ann Wiggins to Charles Jordan - 1940

Article in unknown paper around Maypearl, Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1247)

[Unknown date, but 1940 implied by another article on back]

Marriage Announced

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wiggins of Maypearl announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jo Ann Wiggins, to Sgt. Charles R. Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. n. B. Jordan, 207 Ross Avenue.  The wedding took place in Rankin at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. Wayne Sullivan, on September 13.  Attending the couple were Miss Billy Wesson of Boyce, and Buck Jordan, brother of the groom.  The bride is a graduate of Maypearl High School.  The groom attended Waxahachie High School, and was graduated from the Mechanics Training School in the Air Force in which he is now serving.  Following  a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will make their home in San Antonio.


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