David Avis Confederate Service Record (at fold3.com)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1119)
Avis, David
Co. F, 14 Texas Cavalry
(Johnson's Reg't Mt. Vols. 1 Reg't Johnson's Brig.)
3 Lieutenant
Card numbers 50507947
A 14 Cav. Texas
David Avis
3 Lieut, {Capt. D. S. Hagler's Company, Johnson's Reg't Texas Mtd Vols.*
Age 44 years
Appears on
Company Muster Roll of the organization named above.
Roll dated Dallas, Texas Feb. 15, 1862
Muster-in to date Feb. 15, 1862
Joined for duty and enrolled:
When 1/8/1862
Where Montague Co.
By whom D. S. Hagler
Period 12 months
Valuation of horse $175; equipments $75
* This company subsequently became Company F, 14th Regiments, Texas Cavalry
The 14th Regiments, Texas Cavalry was organized and mustered into the service of the Confederate States February 15, 1862 and reorganized May 8, 1863. It was also known as Johnson's Regiment Texas Cavalry and as the 1st Regiment Johnson's Brigade Texas Mounted Volunteers.
A 14 Cav. Texas
Danl Avis
2 Lt Co. F 14 Regt Cav Texas
Appears on a
containing Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States
Date of appointment [blank]
Date of resignation, death, transfer or promotion} Dropped
Confed. Arch., Chap. 1, File No. 92, page 26