
By cavis , 7 February 2021
Source Description
Harry Morris, Jr. marries Margaret Day - 1942

Jefferson Co., Alabama Marriage Book 165
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1102)

["Bham" = Birmingham]

"Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950," database with images, FamilySearch (… : 16 July 2015), 004670418 > image 764

p. 264
Marriage License issued to:
Harry Rembert Morris, Jr.
Residence:  Rt. 1 Box 470, Bham, Alabama
White, age 22, born:  5-31-19, Fairfield, Ala.
Occupation:  Staff sergeant U. S. Air Corps
Father:  Harry Rembert Morris
Mother:  Sue Mary Chiles
first marriage
Margaret Day
Residence: 3919 Cliff Rd., Bham, Alabama
White, age 22, born: 2-11-20
Bham, Alabama
Occupation: --
Father:  Julius Francis Day
Mother:  Mary Harrison
first marriage

Bond by:  H. R. Morris, Jr. & Charles A. Snavely
Date:  5/4/1942


I certify that the within named Harry Rembert Morris, Jr. and Margaret Day were by me, the undersigned, joined in marriage by the authority of the within License.
Done this 6 day of May, A. D., 1942, at Bham, Alabama
William H. Marmion, priest, Bham, Ala.


Source Type