Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas 4/2/1933 p 5
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1087)
Mrs. Alice E. Sugg Dies at Valley Mills
Special to The News
WACO, Texas, April 1 - Mrs. Alice Elizabeth Sugg, 93, oldest resident of Bosque County, died Friday night. Funeral Services were conducted Saturday afternoon at Valley Mills Baptist Church by the Rev. R. B. Stanton.
Mrs. Sugg had been a member of the Baptist Church for eighty years and was a liberal contributor to Baylor University, Baylor College of Belton, Buckner's Orphan's Home and Baptist causes generally.
She had been a resident of Valley Mills for fifteen years and before that lived at Mineola and at Dallas for twenty years, going to Valley Mills from Dallas. She had been a stockholder in banks at Dallas, Mineola, Terrell and Hillsboro for many years. She is survived only by distant relatives.
Source Description
Obituary of Alice (Pridmore) Sugg