
By cavis , 17 July 2019
Source Description
Alexander Hodge receives payments for service - 1788

Accounts Audited of Revolutionary Claims against South Carolina
(C. Avis Catalog entry #947)

Salley, A. S.  Columbia, SC:  The State Company, 1935

Vol. 1 p. 91-92

PURSUANT to an ACT of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY passed the 16th of March, 1783, We the COMMISSIONERS of the TREASURY, have this Day delivered to Mr. Thomas Adams late Private in N Martins Troop Polk's regt Sumpters Brigade this our INDENTED CERTIFICATE, for the Sum of Ninety four pounds Sterling amount pay and bounty due him for Services in the Troop with Interest thereon from first of April 1782 to date hereof agreeable to resolution of Gen'ral Assembly of Eleventh March last

Edward Blake
Peter Boequet
Commissioners of the Treasury

Endorsements on the indent:"


Summarizing the remainder the entry:

Annual interest:  6.1.1
- Hugh Pollock received the interest for years 1784, 1785 and 1786
- John Costin received the interest for 1787
- Alexr Hodge received the interest for 1788
- Phillip Hart received the interest for 1789


Source Type