Abstracts of the Wills & Estates Records of Rowan County, NC 1753-1805 and Rowan County Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778 (Linn, Jr., Mrs. S., 1979)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #224)
p. 25
Will Book B, p. 78.
JOHN CONGER SR. 7 Feb. 1784. prb. 1784.
Oldest son Jonathan and youngest son John, each to have £10 and no more.
Daughters: Sarah Rounsavall, Phebe Randle, Hannah Ross.
Granddaughter: Janes Ross, dau. of Nicklas Ross.
Exrs: Edward McGuire, Thomas Smith.
Wit: Benjamin Rounsavall, Joseph Warford.