Surry Co., VA Deeds and Wills
(C. Avis Catalog entry #518)
Book 2 - 1671-1684
P. 173
Will of Mary Simmons
In the Name of God Amen
The last will and testament of Mary Simons of the Burchen Swamp in ye County of Surry in Virginia
Mary Simons being sick & weake in body but of perfect memory, God be praysed do make this my last will and testament. I give my Soule unto God my Creator and Redemer & my body to the Earth to be desently buried at the discretion of my dutiful son William Simons & for such worldly goods & Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give & bequeath as followeth
Imps I give & bequeath to my grand child Mary Simons the daughter of my son Wm Simons two young mares & half a doozen of [blot] cowes[?] & a good feather
bed, bolster & pillir & a _ [?] good Rug & a small trunk & a silver bole &
half a doozen diaper napkins & a diaper tablecloth & half a doozen of holland napkins and a holland tablecloth and a faire bible with hir name upon it, and a looking glass & a faire gold ring & a large chest with a lock & key to it, and if the Mary Simons my grand child dies before she enjoys it then to return to said father & to the next [?]
Item I give John Rutherford a feather bed, bolster & a Red Rug and two iron pots & two pewter dishes
Item I give to Francis Gregory a heifer of two years old to be delivered unto him when he is seventeen years old
Item I give to my son William Simons all the rest of my goods, chattels, moveables & make him my hole Executor to sd this my Last Will & Testament truly performed according to sd words Exprest in it. In wittness that this is my Last will & testament I have whereunto set my hand and seale this 16 of Aprill 1677
signed, sealed and delivered the marke
in the presence of us of Mary MS Simons
Maximilian Mansell
Jn° F flood
his marke
Proved in court May 7 1678