Surry Co., VA Deeds and Wills
(C. Avis Catalog entry #513)
Book 4 - 1687-1694
P.35 Will of Anthony Haveland dated 23 Feb 1687/8
Gives entire estate to daughter Mary and places it in the hands of his loving friend Wm Simmons to act as guardian in trust for daughter - if Mary die, entire estate to W Simmons
Book 4 - 1687-1694
P.51 Deposition of Maximilian Mansell aged 33 years or thereabouts -29 May 1688 - that said deponent was requested by his "brother" Wm Simons to go with him to the house of Jn° Warren.
[William Simons referred to several times as "my Brother”]
Book 5 - 1694-1709
P.41 Eliza Simons, relict and executrix of Wm Simons, decd., appoints friend Jeremiah Ellis her lawful attorney - 12 Jan 1694
P.44 Eliza Simons granted execution of last will and testament of Wm Simons, decd. - 21 Apr 1695
Book 5 - 1694-1709
P.96 Inventory of the estate of Eliza Simons, dec'd., presented by X° Moring, Adm. - 15 May 1696