Wichita Daily Times 6/20/1921
(C. Avis Catalog entry #800)
p. 4
Mrs. Carl Waelder was hostess Saturday evening at a shower and bridge party honoring Miss Gladys Roberson, whose marriage to Jake Avis is set to be solemnized Tuesday afternoon.
The party was given at the home of Mrs. J. C. Mann, which was attractively decorated with bowls and baskets of shasia daisies, and the shower of miscellaneous gifts very prettily and informally presented to the guest of honor on her arrival. After the shower, which was featured by the presentation to Miss Roberson of the sterling silver salad forks from the Girls Friendly club, tables were arranged for bridge, and a very delightful evening spent by a score of guests. In the score count Miss Lillian Fain was most successful and was presented a beautiful leather bound bridge set of cards, which she presented in turn to the guest of honor. Fruit punch was served during the evening, and a dainty ice course at the close, to the following: Mesdames Van Allmen, Harry Baum, Julian McFall, Charles Reed, Saim, Fred Weeks, Anna Hood, Henry Ehlert, J. C. Mann, Mart Roberson and R. H. Gracey and Misses Leona Lorimer, Kate Balkema, Florence Jackson, Katherine Brothers, Ruby and Gretchen Avis and Gladys and Jennie Roberson.