
By cavis , 13 September 2012
Source Description
The Shooting

Galveston Daily News 6-3-1893
(C. Avis Catalog entry #669)


W. F. Gilmartin Dies at Temple by the Hand of O. G. Mooring

TEMPLE, Tex., June 2. - Late this evening C. G. Mooring shot and instantly killed W. F. Gilmartin.  Mooring is proprietor of the Exchange hotel and Gilmartin was a sporting man and one of the parties implicated in the attempted shooting of Billy Strong last Sunday morning.  The trouble of last Sunday had nothing to do with the killing to-day.
    Gilmartin boarded with Mooring and slept at a house on Sixth street which was furnished by Mooring and in which he and his family slept, renting one room to Gilmartin.  Mr. Mooring missed his daughter and hunted for her, finding her in the house mentioned with Gilmartin.  He entered the house and shot Gilmartin through the heart.  Mooring sent for an officer and surrendered.


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