Avis-Chiles Wedding Article in Roberson Scrapbook
(C. Avis Catalog entry #345)
(Document ID #425c)
Former Wichitan Wed in Austin
Of interest in Wichita Falls is announcement of the marriage of Miss Margaret Mooring Chiles of Austin to Sgt. Jake Avis Jr., USMCR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Avis, former Wichitans now residing in Austin. The groom is a grandson of Mrs. J. D. Avis, 1318 Tenth Street, Wichita Falls.
The couple was married in Austin April 29, the rites taking place in the Presbyterian Seminary Chapel with Dr. Michael M. Yosip, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Temple, officiating. Music was provided by the choir and by Lester Brenizer, soloist.
The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Lt. Charles Dwight Chiles Jr., USAAF. She wore a gown of old ivory satin and Chantilly lace topped by her mother's wedding veil of French illusion and Chantilly.
Miss Hilda McElhenny was her cousin's only attendant. She was attired in green marquisette.
Jake Avis was best man for his son, and ushers were Cpl. John N. Schulke, Cecil Bouldin, Thomas Rudd McElhenney and Van Felts.
The wedding was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. C. Dwight Chiles. The affair preceded the departure of the bride and groom for a short wedding trip before they go to Camp Pendleton, San Diego, Calif., where Sergeant Avis will receive further orders. He now is on a month's furlough after two years' duty with the marines in the Pacific. He is a graduate of Austin High School, attended Texas A&M College and the University of Texas.
The bride also is an Austin High School graduate and attended Arlington Hall in Washington, D. C., and the University of Texas. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority.
Wichitans attending the wedding included Mrs. Mart Roberson, Mrs. J. D. Avis, Miss Jennie Roberson, Mrs. Lillian A. Baum, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Baker.