- Mary Hodge married Eli Franklin Ross in 1844
- William Hodge married Margaret Welch in 1819
- Alexander Hodge married Ruth Hodge (daughter of Archibald) in 1788
- William Hodge married _______ in <1760>
- John Hodge married _______ in <1730>
- 158 - Eli Ross with Ruth and Mary Hodge
- 354 - Alexander Hodge and family
- 724, 54 - Letters about Alexander Hodge grave site
- 729 - Houston Post article about Alexander Hodge grave site
- 730 - Charles Avis at Alexander Hodge grave site
Research Results
- 433 - Research summary by Mildred Zschiesche
- 434 - Hodge Bend Plantation by Mildred Zschiesche
- 435 - Biography of William Hodge by Mildred Zschiesche
Marriage Records
- 207 - Early Texas marriage records
- 238 - Marriages in Oglethorpe Co., GA
- 208 - Marriage records of Ft. Bend County, Texas
- 1357 - William Hodge, Jr. marries Mary Snedecor
- 235 - Marriage of James Hodge and Zulema Kyrkendall - 1830
- 209 - Marriage of Arche Hodge in KY
- 57 - Rachel (widow of Wm. Hodge d. 1826) married to David Shelby
Will & Estate Records
- 942 - William & Jon. Hodge witness Pennsylvania will - 1771
- 1219 - William Hodge mentioned in will of James Elliott - 1771
- 368 - William Hodge in Maryland records - 1775
- 251 - Abstracts of wills of William and John Hodge
- 84 - Will of John Hodge - 1789
- 85 - Will of William Hodge - 1794
- 41 - Administrator bond for estate of Archibald Hodge - 1801
- 214 - Administrator actions for estate of John Hodge - 1801
- 42 - Archibald Hodge listed as deceased person
- 53 - Will of Alexander Hodge - 1836
- 946 - Summary of some probate records for estate of William Hodge (d. 1826) - 1845
- 212 - Record of death of Lucinda Hodge Richardson - 1880
- 1148 - Death Certificate of William A. Hodge - 1910
Land/Tax Records
- 369 - Hodge land grants in Georgia - 1785-1808
- 211, 382, 943 - Hodge's in Wilkes Co., GA - 1784-1791
- 239, 371 - Hodge's in Elbert Co., GA - 1791-1801
- 50 - William and Alexander Hodge in Franklin Co., GA - 1792
- 926 - Archibald, William and Alexander Hodge in Oglethorpe Co., GA deeds - 1793-1808
- 1217 - Hodge family in Oglethorpe Co., Georgia tax records - 1793-1816
- 383 - Hodge's deed land in Georgia - 1797
- 372, 928, 206 - Alexander and Archibald Hodge draw for GA land - 1804 & 1805 & 1807
- 366 - Hodge's in Christian Co., KY - 1807-1814
- 46 - Letter from Alex. Hodge to S. F. Austin - 1826
- 588 - Abstracts of Republic of Texas land grants
- 51, 52, 43 - Hodge's and Ross' in Fort Bend Co., TX - 1828-45
- 792 - Lawrence Co., Ark. tax records 1829-1838
- 793 - Lawrence Co., Ark. court records 1819-24
- 945 - Hodge settlers register with S. F. Austin - 1826
- 679 - Hodge landowners in Texas around 1830
- 955 - Heirs of Wm. Hodge (d. 1826) receive land grant in Austin Colony
- 48, 49, 184 - Hodge persons taxed in Texas - 1838, 1839, 1842
- 1298 - William Hodge, Jr. registers to vote - 1868
Census Records
- 367 - William Hodge - 1790 SC
- 370 - John, William, Alexander, Francis Hodge - 1790 GA
- 45 - Arch., Alex., William's and John Hodge families - 1800 GA
- 40 - Alexander Hodge family - 1810 KY
- 365 - Arche Hodge family - 1826 Austin Colony
- 210 - A. E., A. H., Archey Hodge families - 1850 TX
- 373 - Rachel Marshall Hughes Hodge Shelby family - 1850 TX
- 374 - William Hodge, Jr. family - 1860 TX
- 930 - Lucinda Hodge Richardson family - 1860 TX
- 929 - Lucinda Hodge Richardson and son - 1870 TX
- 1037 - Ruth Hodge Ross family - 1870 TX
- 237 - Lucinda Hodge Richardson and son - 1880 TX
Letters & other notes
- 350 - Hodge worksheet from Kemp
- 61- Hodge family history by William Brown Ross
- 271 - Notes from W. B. Ross' history taken by Maggie Rudd
- 351 - Summary of Descent from Hodge's by Margaret Chiles Collins
- 260 - Mary Fowler letter to Maggie Mooring about Ross' and Mary Hodge
- 272 - Another Mary Fowler letter to Maggie Mooring about Ross' and Mary Hodge
- 270 - List of children of Eli Ross and Mary Hodge
- 939 - Biography of Alexander Hodge by Marguerite Crain
- 47 - Obituary of Alexander Hodge - 1836
Military & Public Service
- 364 - A William Hodge during Revolutionary War
- 176, 927, 947 - Alexander Hodge Revolutionary War service
- 236 - Alexander Hodge as Justice of Peace - 1816-1818
Oral History
- 55 - Conversation with Fay Rudd Chiles about the Hodge family
- 58 (imagep1,p2,p3,p4) - Daughters of the Republic of Texas application of Frances Mooring
- 59 (imagep1,p2,p3,p4) - Daughters of the Republic of Texas application of Ross Hall
- 60 (imagep1,p2,p3,p4) - Daughters of the Republic of Texas application of Maggie Rudd