Confederate Pension Application for Isaac Bush
(C. Avis Catalog entry #89)
Name of Applicant: Isaac Bush
Grayson County
Post Office: Farmington, Texas
Comptrollers File No. 1618
Received at Comptroller's office: 8/19/1901
Approved: 9/28/1899 by R. W. Finley, Comptroller
Notation (date unreadable) says "DEAD"
Application of Indigent Soldier or Sailor of the late Confederacy for pension under the Act of May 12, 1899.
The State of Texas
County of Grayson
To the Honorable County Judge of Grayson County, Texas.
Your petitioner, Isaac Bush respectfully represents that he is a resident citizen of Grayson County, in the State of Texas; that he makes this application for the purpose of obtaining a pension under the act ... and I do solemnly swear that the answers I have given to the following questions are true.
Q. What is your name? Answer: Isaac Bush
Q. What is your age? Answer: Sixty two
Q. In what County do you reside? Answer: Grayson
Q. How long have you resided in said County and what is your post office address? Answer: 32 years: Farmington
Q. Have you applied for a pension ... and been rejected? Answer: No
Q. What is your occupation if able to engage in one? Answer: Farming
Q. What is your physical condition? Answer: Under the average of men my age
Q. If your physical condition is such that you are unable by your own labor to earn a support, state what caused such disability. Answer: Impairment of vision
Q. State in what company and regiment you enlisted in the Confederate Army, and the time of your service? Answer: Company "C" Regiment 19th Virginia Cavalry
Q. State whether or not you have received any pension or veteran donation land certificate ... Answer: None
Q. What real and personal property do you own, and what is the present value of such property? Answer: Small house and lot in town of Farmington: Personal property None, Value Two hunderd fifty - no/100 dollars
Q. What property, and what was the value thereof have you sold or conveyed within two years prior to the date of this application? Answer: One lot in town of Farmington - unimproved. One horse and one cow: Total valuation Sixty one dollars
Q. What income, if any, do you receive? Answer: None
Q. Are you in indigent circumstances; that is, are you in actual want, and destitute of property and means of subsistence? Answer: No available means to support myself and wife
Q. Are you unable by your labor to earn a support? Answer: Yes
Q. Have you transferred to others any property of value of any kind for the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under this law? Answer: No
Q. Did you desert the Confederacy? Answer: No
Q. Have you been continuously since the first day of January, 1880, a bona fide resident citizen of this state? Answer: Yes
Signed: Isaac Bush
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of July A. D. 1899
Signed: W. W. Ferguson
Notary Public Gray Co, Texas
Affidavit of Witnesses.
The State of Texas
County of Grayson
Before me, J. D. Woods county judge of Grayson County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared J. M. Weems who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who being by me duly sworn on oath, state that they personally know Isaac Bush, the above named applicant for a pension, and they personally know the said Isaac Bush and that he further know that he, the said applicant is unable to support himself by labor of any sort.
Signed: J. M. Weems
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of August A. D. 1899
Signed: J. D. Woods county judge Grayson County, Texas
Affidavit of Physician.
State of Texas, County of Grayson
Before me J. D. Woods County Judge of Grayson County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared J. R. Bristow, who is a reputable practicing physician of this County, who being by me duly sworn on oath, states that he has carefully and thoroughly examined Isaac Bush applicant for a pension, and finds him laboring under the following disabilities which render him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a support for himself: He cannot see sufficiently to do effectual work in any branch of industry for this reason he was honorably discharged from the C. S. Army.
Signed: J. R. Bristow, M. D.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of July A. D. 1899
Signed: J. D. Woods
County Judge Grayson County, State of Texas
Approved by county judge J. D. Woods, Sherman, Texas 8/17/1899
Signed: J. D. Woods
Approved by county commissioners, Sherman, Texas 8/18/1899
Signed: J. M. Weems, W. P. Dugan, T. S. Basnett, W. E. Baird
State of Texas
County of Grayson
Ex parte Isaac Bush
Application for pension
To the Hon J. D. Woods County Judge of said County. Five days after service hereof we will apply to the Co. Clerk for a Commission to take the depositions of H. F. Bush and J. Bush who live in said County, in answer to the accompanying interrogations to be used as evidence by Isaac Bush on the hearing of his application for a pension.
Signed: J. W. Finley Atty for Applicant
To both witnesses
1. What is your name. Where do you live. Are you acquainted with Isaac Bush whose application for a pension is hereto attached and if so how long have you known him?
2. State whether the said applicant Isaac Bush enlisted in the service of the Confederacy, and performed the duties of a soldier as claimed by him in his said application, and state whether he the said applicant is unable to support himself by labor of any sort?
Signed: J. W. Finley Atty for Applicant
Notice, time, service copies and commission waived and it is agreed that said depositions may be taken instantxx(?) on the original direct and cross interrogations by any person authorized by law to take depositions.
Signed: J. D. Woods
Cross Int
1st Cross
State all the facts
you xxxx(?) his service
Signed: J. D. Woods
County Judge
State of Texas
County of Grayson
Ex parte Isaac Bush
Application of pension
Answers and depostions of H. F. Bush of Farmington Grayson County Texas to the accompanying interrogations propounded to him in the above entitled cause taken before W. W. Ferguson a notary Public Grayson County Texas. <seal>
Answer of the witness -
To the first interrogatory he answers: My name is H. F. Bush, my place of residence is Farmington Texas. I am acquainted with Isaac Bush: have known him for many years. To the second interrogatory he answers: the said applicant Isaac Bush enlisted in the service of the Confederacy in the fall of 1862 and performed the duties of a soldier as claimed by him in his said application: he served in the war for eighteen months and at that time was given an honorable discharge from the army on account of failure of eyesight. I am of the opinion that the said Isaac Bush is unable to earn a support by labor of any sort on account of age and weak eyes
To the first Cross interrogatory he answers - I was in the same company with the said Isaac Bush We enlisted at the same time, and served with him till he was given his discharge. We served together for 18 months under General John C. Breckenridge Command and were engaged in battle at Beverly and Droop Mountain Va. He made a good soldier and did his whole duty was never reprimanded for neglect of duty and to my personal knowledge was given an honorable discharge on account of the condition of his eyes.
Signed: H. F. Bush
State of Texas
County of Grayson
I W. W. Ferguson a Notary Public do here by certify that the forgoing answers of H. F. Bush the witness before named were made before me, and were sworn to and subscribed before me by said witness on the 8th day of August 1899. Given under my hand and official seal this the 8th day of August 1899
Signed: W. W. Ferguson
Notary Public in and for Grayson Co Texas
State of Texas
County of Grayson
In the matter of Isaac Bush applicant Pension before County Judge Grayson County Tex
By virtue of the direct and cross interrogatories hereto attached and the waiving in writing thereon of commission copies. I on the 4th day of August 1899 caused J. Bush the witness named to come before me at my office in the City of Denison Grayson County Texas who was by me first sworn as is by Law required and then and there under his said oath the witness answered to each and all direct and cross interrogatories as follows
to the first Int. he answers
my name is John Bush I reside in Denison Grayson County Texas I am 57 years old my acufature(?) laborer RR shop I am acquainted with Isaac Bush whose application is attached and have been personally acquainted with him for the past 40 years. I personally know Isaac Bush enlisted in the service of the Confederacy and performed the duties of a soldier as claimed by him in his said application as a private in Co C 19th Reg Virginia Cavalry I was a private in the same company and served with him. He had weak eyes I know nothing about the extent. This renders him unable to laborer make his support as I have not been with him much recently. I could state my opinion from his appearance but not from my own personal knowledge.
In answer to cross interogatory 1st
I was in the same company with him we enlisted at the same time and served with him until I was taken prisnor near Harpers Ferry Virginia 15th day of July 1864. Applicant was not captured and I did not see him anymore in the service as I was imprisoned 10 months at Elmyra, New York. We served together about 18 months under Genl Jno C Breckenredge Command and were engaged in battles at Beverly, Droop Mountain, Bull Run, Lynchburg, Tredsiv(?) City, Washington and various skirmishes. The applicant did his duty was never reprimanded or charged with insubordination or neglect of duty and to my personal knowledge he did his duty as a soldier.
John Bush which answers of said witness were by me reduce to writing and were by said witness subscribed and sworn to by me this the 4th day of August 1899.
Witness my hand and seal of office this day and date above written
Signed: F. N. Robertson
Notary Public Grayson
County Texas
Source Description
Isaac Bush Civil War pension application