
By cavis , 24 July 2019
Source Description
Wills associating Mooring, Simmons and White families - 1678-1738

Wills and Administrations of Surry County, Virginia 1671 - 1750 (Davis)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #953)

Davis, Eliza.  Smithfield, VA, 1955

p. 150
SIMMONS, Mary:  Leg. - To grandchild, Mary Simmons, ye daughter of my son, William Simmons, feather bed, cows, small trunk, silver bole, half doz. napkins and a fair Bible with her name upon it, looking glass, gold ring, large chest, etc.;  if she die, to return to my father.  To John Rutherford, a feather bed.  To Frances Gregory, a heifer when seventeen years old.  
Wit:  Maxililian Mansell, Jno. Flood.

Made - 16 Apr 1677.  Prob. May 7, 1678.
        Book 2 - p. 173.

p. 150
SIMMONS, Eliza:  Leg. - Makes Mr. George foster, executor of Will.  To daughter, Mary Moring striped gown and petticoat, side saddle etc.  To son, William Simmons, two negroes, and to keep Mary Haviland, until son, William is 21 years old.  To Eliza. and Sarah Simmons each a Bible.  To Eliza. Evans a couch.  To Two sons, William and John Simmons the rest of my estate to be equally divided.  To Geo. Foster - two daughters, Eliza and Sarah.
Wit:  Maximilian Manssell, Charles Basse.

Made - 16 Sept. 1695.  Prob. Mar. 2 1696/7.
        Book - p. 119.

p. 151
SIMMONS, John:  Leg. - To my wife, Rebekah, negroes, household goods, horses, etc.  To my son, William, all the land where I now live, and all the Land in Brunswick County, and cattle and stock on that land, To son, John Simmons, all my Land in Isle of Wight County and cattle and live stock on the Plantation I live on, negroes etc.  To Mr. Robert Gray a colt.  All the rest of my estate to be equally divided between my sons, William and John and daughter, Mary Simmons.  Wife Rebekah and son, Wm. exors. 
Wit:  Benj. Simmons, John Davis, Jos. Andrews.

Made - 18 Oct., 1737.  Prob. April 19, 1738.
        Book 8 - p. 826.

p. 151
SIMMONS, William:  Leg. - To son, William Simmons, all my land on the North side of Birchen Swamp, and all my land on South side of said Swamp ..  to Myrick's tanyard, also 250 acres on the north side at Bowling Alley, also cows, negro, fun, etc.  To son, John Simmons, all the remainder of my land I now live on, being at Branch at Owen Myrick and to 250 acres .. at Bowling Alley.  To Daughter, Elizabeth, 5000 lbs. of tobacco when of age, or married.  To daughter, Mary Moring, four ewes.  To daughter, Sarah Simmons, 5000 lbs. of tobacco when of age, or married.  I am guardian of Mary Haviland, and she is to be maintained by my son, William and she will be with my wife;  if they die, she is to be bound out.  Gives William the water mill, during the life of Mary Haviland, but at her death, to sons William and John.  Mr. Benj, Harrison and Mr. Chris. Moring, overseers of will.
Wit:  Benjamin Harrison, Jr., Maximilian Mansell, Thos. Sowerby.

Made 15 April 1693.  Prob. Oct. 21, 1693.
        Book 4 - p. 340.

p. 176-177
WHITE, John:  Leg. - To my brother, William White, my wearing apparel and a chest.  * To my cozen John Humphrey, son of my sister, Mary Humphrey, 30 shillings for learning, to the two eldest of my sister, Mary's children, 20 shillings to be for learning.  To my sister, Elizabeth White, five pounds money.  To my brother, Walter White, a bridle and saddle, and my great coat.  To my cozen Chris. Moring The Whole Duty of Man.  To Jane Moring a Prayer Book.  To my brother, Charles White's three children each 20 shillings to put them to school.  To Thomas and Mary Wrenn, each a Bible.  To brother Walter White's three children, to each 20 shillings.  Brother, Charles White, exor.
Wit:  Nich. Maget, Matthew Metcalf, Fran. Regan. 

Made March 14, 1727/8.  Prob, April 17 1728.
        Book 7 - p. 800 

* - [NOTE:  This abstract of John White's will differs from that received from another researcher which has the following phrase before the reference to John Humphrey:  " my uncle, Xto. Mooring, all that account that is between us excepting money."
Actually, both references to Christopher Moring/Mooring use the abbreviation 'Xto.'


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