
By cavis , 24 November 2016
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Avis-Roberson wedding

Wichita Daily Times 6/22/1921
(C. Avis Catalog entry #801)

p. 4


The marriage of A. W. J. Avis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Avis, and Miss Gladys Roberson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mart Roberson, both of this city, was quietly solemnized Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Roberson home, Rev. Nat M. Grafton saying the ceremony.

The living and dining room suite was very beautifully decorated with ferns and shashia daisies in pots and tulle-tied baskets,  the potted plants and flowers banked about the double doors and vines trailing above to form a setting for the service.  When the relatives and a few close friends of both families have assembled, welcomed at the door by Mrs. Carl J. Waelder, Mrs. Fred Weeks, sister of the groom, sang "O Promise Me", accompanied at the piano by Miss Ruby Avis.  A few moments later Mr. Avis and Miss Roberson entered, unattended, to the music of the Lonhengrin processional, and the ceremony was performed.

Miss Roberson wore a handsome suit of midnight blue cloth, with a fall model hat of dark blue duvetyn, and carried a lovely shower bouquet of sweet peas and maidenhair fern.

Mr. and Mrs. Avis left for a short wedding trip and will be at home shortly after their return in their new home on Ninth street now nearing completion.  They received many handsome gifts from the wide circle of friends of both families which will add attractively to the furnishings of the new home.  Among the relatives present at the wedding were Clyde Roberson of Fort Worth and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grayson of Sherman.


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