Account of the wedding of Harry Roberson and Hazel Stearns
(C. Avis Catalog entry #720)
(Document ID #400c)
The marriage of Harry Richard Roberson. son of Mr, and Mrs. Mart Roberson of this city, to Miss Hazel Louise Stearns of Santa Rosa, N. M., occurred Saturday, Oct. 20, in Santa Rosa, according to announcements received by friends and relatives here. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stearns of Santa Rosa. The groom has many friends of school days in this city, where he resided with his family until 1905. when the family went, to Mexico, returning several years ago to again make their home in Wichita Falls. Mr. Roberson, however, remained in New Mexico and is now cashier of the First National Bank of Santa Raso. The bride and groom are now on a wedding tour, in Colorado and other points and will make a short visit in Wichita Falls with Mr. Roberson's family before their return to Santa Rosa.