Surry Co., VA Probate Records 1694-1715
(C. Avis Catalog entry #516)
L.D.S. Film # 034101
Deeds and Wills Book 5 1694-1715
Page 119
Will of Elizabeth Simmons
In the Name of God Amen,
The last Will & Testament of ElizaSimmons of Surry County in Southwark Parish being very sick & weak in body but by the Grace of God of perfect sence & memory doth make this to be her Last Will & Testament in like maner and forme as followeth.
Impremis I give & bequeath my soule unto the Almighty God which gave it unto me hoping through the pious merrits of my Saviour Jesus Christ that he will save it, and my body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Ever Loveing Friend Mr. Geoffoster which I do make my Excr& as for my worldly effects which God hath been pleased to bestow upon me, I give & bequeath after this maner and form as followeth.
Impremis My just debts being first paid & funerall Expenses discharged I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Moring my striped[?] gowne & petticoats & my Side Saddle.
Item I give & bequeath unto my son Wm Simons my two old negroes named Cane & Bess his wife but their labour for the keeping of Mary Haviland until my son WmSimmons be of full age & then to be delivered unto him & all their increase since my Husband dyed.
Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughters Elizaand Sarah Simmons Each of them a Bible.
Item I give & bequeath unto ElizaEvins a couch bed & blanket
Item I give & bequeath unto my two Sons Wm & Jn° Simmons all the rest of my Estate to be Equally divided betwixt them both.
Item I give & bequeath unto my loveing Friend Mr. George ffoster my two daughters Eliza& Sarah Simmons whereof I do make my hole & Sole Excrof this my last Will & Testament: In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand & Seale Sixtenth day of 8brin 1695
Asigned and Sealed in the presence of us upon the backside
Maximilian Mansell ElizaSimons (Seale)
Charles X Basso[?]
John X Binaham [Bynham?]
Pr. in court 2 Mar 1697
8br= October