
By cavis , 9 July 2012
Source Description
Contempory biography of Mart Roberson

Farwell Times Pictorial Edition 2-13-1908, p. 25
(C. Avis Catalog entry #340)


Mart Roberson

Mart Roberson. 

Possibly the best and most favorably known man in this part of the plains country is Mart Roberson, whose likeness we herewith produce.  Mr. Roberson was born in Young county, Texas, August 24th 1859 and just prior to the Civil War he moved with his parents to Freestone county, Texas. Afterwards moving to the Choctaw Nation I. T. At the age of 19 years Mr. Roberson returned to Young county and engaged in the cattle business. First associated himself with Hardisty & Neal, exclusive cattle raisers of Young County. Several years later Mr. Roberson came to the plains of the Panhandle and afterwards came to Roosevelt county, New Mexico, where he has been the leading cow man of this country for several years. During the time Mr. Roberson has been in the Cattle Business he has the distinction of having the praise and confidence of all the Cow boys that have been in his employ, as he has always been courteous and obliging to them. At present Mr. Roberson is a director of the Hopping & Roberson Mercantile Co., President of the Farwell Wholesale Grocery Company.     

Mr. Roberson being a pioneer in this country is considered authority oil all questions pertaining to the Plains Country and is looked upon as being one of the best posted cattle men on the plains. He is favorably known all over the plains by all the leading cattle men and if he has an enemy we have failed to hear him speak or spoken of. Mr. Roberson is a great believer in the possibilities of our new country and takes every opportunity of praising it to the many newcomers and prospectors here.     

He has a suburban home in east Farwell that will compare favorably with the residences in cities much larger than Farwell and one that Farwell feels justly proud of.     

We hope that "Uncle Mart" as he is familiarly known to his friends may live to see many more summers, that we may enjoy his company and association.    




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