Maury Co., Tennessee Will Book E 8/1829 - 5/1832
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1325)
"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Maury > Wills, 1829-1832, Vol. E > image 110 of 299; county courthouses, Tennessee.
p. 168
Robertson's Estate
List of Property
Recordd Sept. 14th 1829
A list of property sold belonging to the Estate of William R. Robertson desd on the 19th day of October 1827.
Robt F. Mathews 1 saw & 5 goose 00.871/2
do drawing knife & files 1.001/2
A. B. Alexander augurs & chilsels 1.691/2
do cuting bor. & knife 2.061/2
do do [dames?] & collar .25
do do 10 Gallons brandy @ 561/4 5.621/2
John Dickey 2 plane cuts .50
do do augers & saw 1.061/4
Joseph Gilmer foot ads .75
Edward Wortham drawing knife & [fragen?] .25
Isaac G. Standsbury 1 heifer 2.75
do do 20 gallons brandy 561/4 11.25
Elias Payton 1 small steer 4.25
James R. Dickey 1 old saddle 4.00
Joseph Hackney 1 musket gun 3.00
Silas Alexander 1 waggon 17.25
Michal Robertson 1 lot waggon Timber 9.00
Richard Kindle 1 sorrel mar 20.00
George W. Johnson do do 22.00
William B. Pillow [jewel an & froc?] 2.621/2
do do Plow & single tree 1.50
do 1 dun Yearling & cow 9.931/4
do 1 1/2 gallons brandy [cocts?] 5.70
Also Sold March 15th 1828
Thomas Lowery 9 barrals corn @ $1.621/2 14.621/4
do do 9 barrels @ 1.69 15.21
Joel Fagg one [ax?] 0.311/4
Alsey Robertson one heifer 3.25
1 lot of Hoggs do 50
[To?] 1746 lbs seeds cotton @ 1.50 [pr/a?] 26.19
[Accompts?] due the Estate 18.25
and $8.00 of this on insolvent person
W. B. Pillow Executor
Sworn to T d July 18th 1828 I. B. Porter
Wm. B. Pillow admr
of Wm R. Robason
"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Maury > Wills, 1829-1832, Vol. E > image 118 of 299; county courthouses, Tennessee.
p. 185
Wm. R. Robertson
Recordd Sept. 16, 1829
July 21st 1827
A Inventory of the Property beloning to the Estate of William R. Robertson decd
1 sorale mare 1 do do blind
1 waggon 4 head of cattle 1 cuting bow, 3 acres
2 pair gear 1 plow 1 old saddle 10 head Hogs
5 [ored?] wagon makers tools 1 shot gun
About 22 acres of corn and 5 acres cotton growing out of [which?]
one years support for the family is alowed by the will
W. B. Pillow
Sworn to in Open Court July 25 1827 JRC
"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Maury > Wills, 1829-1832, Vol. E > image 231 of 299; county courthouses, Tennessee.
p. 414
Wm. R. Robertson decd
Record 28th Oct 1831
Agreedate to an order of the worshipful court of Maury County Septr term 1830 We have proceded to make Settlement with William B. Pillow Esqr Executor of William R. Robeson
p. 415
Decd and do find as follows
The executor Dr as pr Bill of Sale $206.10 1/4
By voucher Nr 1 Silas Alexander acct $4.00
By voucher James Gilbreths note 10.12 1/2
By voucher Nr 3 Judget of Jas S. Walker 12.15
By voucher Nr 4 Michael Robersons acct. 24.75
By voucher Nr 5 An order to Jas Walker 2.40
By voucher Nr 6 Moses D. Harpers acct 5.50
By voucher Nr 7 A B Alexanders acct 3.86 3/4
By voucher Nr 8 Silas Alexanders acct 4.00
By voucher Nr 9 N W Brescoes acct 5.00
By voucher Nr 10 Richard Kendalls acct 3.81
By voucher Nr 11 Thos Hameltons Doct acct 8.50
By voucher Nr 12 Docr J B Hays acct 11.00
By voucher Nr 13 Buckner J. Michells acct 26.46
By voucher Nr 14 Constables Recpt 4.15
By voucher Nr 15 Clabn Harriss acct 12.31 1/4
By voucher Nr 16 Wm Holts acct 2.00
By voucher Nr 17 Evan & George Youngs 13.92
By voucher Nr 18 John Dakes Recpt 8.25
By voucher Nr 19 Edwd R. Houston acct 1.75
By voucher Nr 20 George Johnstons acct 11.66
By voucher Nr 21 Wm B. Pillows acct 7.06 1/4
By voucher Nr 22 Sherriff Recpts .65
By voucher Nr 23 Thomas Lowrys acct 10.00
By voucher Nr 24 Joel Haggss acct 8.00
By voucher Nr 25 Wm B. Petters acct 4.87 1/2
By voucher Nr 26 3 executions against Gunn Sheffield 6.75
Amt of Credit $212.84 1/2
The amt of the estate as pr Bill of Sale $206.10 1/4
The executor has over paid 6.74 1/4
To cash paid clerk for papers 2.37 1/2
Due the executor 9.11 3/4
Given under our hands and seals this 14th day of March 1831
Jn Mack JP {seal}
Job N. Thomas JP {seal}