
By cavis , 24 January 2024
Source Description
Obituary or Sallie Ann Booth Rambo Avis whfe of F. M. Avis - 1925

Wichita Daily Times 5/8/1925
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1324)

Mrs. F. M. Avis, Former Wichitan, Dies at Uvalde

    F. M. Avis of Imperial, Cal., who was called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. M. C. White, received a telegram Thursday night announcing the death of his wife who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Williams at Uvalde, Texas.
    Mrs. Avis died unexpectedly at 11:10 o'clock Thursday night. She had been visiting her daughter for some months after an illness, but had lately been much better and her death comes as a shock.
    Mrs. Avis was formerly Miss Annie Rambo, daughter of a pioneer Archer county family. She would have been 60 years old the 27th of next June. She lived for a time after her marriage in Wichita Falls, leaving here with her husband and family for Hereford, Texas in 1900, the family later moving to California. 
    She leaves her husband and four children, Lawrence Avis, living at Phoenix, Ariz.; Frank Avis, Jr., in Imperial, Cal.; Mrs. Catherine Bowes at Oakland,Cal.; and Mrs. Lawrence Williams at Uvalde, Texas.
    The body is being brought to Montague, Texas, where the funeral service will be held Saturday afternoon.

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