
By cavis , 19 August 2023
Source Description
Jake Avis runs for County Clerk - 1932

The Electra News, Electra, Texas 5/26/1932
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1284)


The Electra News (Electra, Tex.), Vol. 25, No. 38, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 26, 1932, newspaper, May 26, 1932; Electra, Texas. ( accessed June 20, 2023), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Electra Public Library.


p. 1

Jake Avis Candidate For County Clerk

    Jake Avis, prominent young business man of Wichita Falls, called on the "News" last Tuesday and announced his candidacy for County Clerk. He was born and raised in the county and knows the needs of the county and the office.
He authorizes the following statement:
    "In announcing my candidacy for county clerk of Wichita county I am asking for the first time a favor at the hands of the voters of this county. I was born in this county and except for the period spent in the army have lived here all my life.
    "I believe those who know me will say that I have done what I could forward the development of this county and will say that my long business and clerical experience qualify me for this important position.  I would like to be regarded as running on my merits.
    "I promise the people of Wichita county that, if elected, the duties of this office will have my constant and undivided attention, and that my administration of this office will be both economical and efficient.
    "I invite for my candidacy the careful consideration of every voter."


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