
By cavis , 5 August 2022
Source Description
Will of William Ayres - 1839

Will records Jefferson Co., Alabama, v. A 1818-1880 p. 301-304 
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1199) film #7737345 images #189-191


Jefferson County, Alabama

Will of William Ayres
1. Pay debts
2. To son William Madison Ayres:  Negro man named Augustus, Negro woman named Harriet, one Bed furniture & Bed Stead, one Horse Saddle & Bridle worth $100 in cash and $200 money
3. Remainder to wife Mary while she lives, then divided among seven children:
    John B. Ayres Jr.
    Joseph Ayres
    Elizabeth Burgin
    Huldah Draper
    Nancy Edmondson
    Caroline Gunnells
    Rebecca Thompson
    and half-shares to grandchildren William A. Burgin and Peggy Ann Thompson (children of Peggy Burgin deceased)
4. Sons John B. Ayres and Joseph Ayres to be appointed Executors and that they to be guardians for William Madison Ayres in the management of his inheritance

Dated:  8/12/1839  Signed:  Wm Ayres
Atest:  Benjamin Ayres, A. C. Gagne, B. E. Grace

Bond by:  John B. Ayres, Joseph Ayres, Waddy Edmundson, George L. Greene 
John B. Ayres, Joseph Ayres appointed executors of will of "William Ayres Senr decd"

Source Type