Jefferson Co., Alabama Marriage Book 54
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1103)
"Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950," database with images, FamilySearch (ā¦ : 21 July 2015), 007316722 > image 288
p. 204
The State of Alabama,
Jefferson County.
You are hereby authorized to solemnize marriage between Harry Rembert Morris (28) Springville Ala., White, who is 21 years of age, and Miss Sue Mary Childs (18), White, who is 18 years of age, and to join them together in Matrimony, and certify the same in writing to this office as required by law.
Given under my hand, this 4 day of June 1912 J. P. Stiles Judge of Probate.
This certifies that I have solemnized Marriage between Harry Rembert Morris, White, and Miss Sue May Childs, White, according to law, at Birmingham in said County and State, on the 5th day of June 1912 J. F. Morris, Minister
The State of Alabama,
Jefferson County.
Know All Men by These Presents: That we Harry Rembert Morris and J. W. Thomasson are held and firmly bound ... to solemnize Marriage between the said Harry Rembert Morris, White, and Miss Sue Mary Childs, White, ...
Witness our hands and seals, this the 4th day of June 1912
Harry Rembert Morris
J. W. Thomasson
Approved: J. P. Stiles Judge of Probate