
By cavis , 1 June 2020
Source Description
Joseph R. Rudd petition for Presidential pardon

Petition for Presidential  Pardon - Joseph R. Rudd
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1048) collection:  Confederate Amnesty Papers

Publication Number: M1003

NARA Catalog Id: 656621
NARA Catalog Title: Amnesty Papers, compiled 1865 - 1867
Date Range: 1865-67
Publisher: NARA
Record Group: 94
Short Description:  Applications for pardon submitted to President Andrew Johnson by former Confederates excluded from earlier amnesty proclamations.
Roll: 0051

Knoxville, Tennessee
January 6th 1866
His Excellency Andrew Johnson
President of the United States
    I Joseph Rudd a citizen of Monroe County Tennessee do hereby most respectively present this my petition for pardon. First representing that I was wholely opposed to secession at the time the question was submitted to the people of Tennessee.  I was a union man at that time and have been during the continuance of the rebellion.  I have never held any office either civil, military or diplomatic under the so called Confederate States nor have I ever rendered them any aid or comfort at any time - Excepting that to and being conscripted I served as a  teamster for the period of Six weeks.  I did not take the amnesty oath for the reason that I was and have ever been a union man.  On the 6th day of March last, I was arrested on an Indictment for Aid and Comfort and by reason of said  indictment I am now precluded from the benefits of the oath of amnesty which I have now taken.  I so not come within any of the exceptions named on Your Excellency's Proclamation of May 29th 1865 and therefore on consideration of the forgoing facts and that I may receive the benefits of Your Excellency's Proclamation of Amnesty I do hereby respectfully petition that you will grant and issue to me a full pardon and amnesty for all offenses by me committed arising from complicity either direct or implied in the late rebellion. And I will ever pray 
                                                            I have the honor to be 
                                                                        Very Respectfully 
                                                                                    Your Obdt Servt
                                                                                     Jo. R. Rudd

Knoxville, Tennessee
January 6th 1866
Rudd, Joseph
Monroe County
Petitions for full pardon and amnesty for all offenses committed by him committed arising from participation in the late rebellion.
Represents that he was opposed to session when the question was submitted to the people that he never held office under the so called Confederate States or gave them any aid or comfort except to serve as a teamster for the period of six weeks to avoid being conscripted.  Always was a union man and did not take the oath of amnesty.  Was arrested on an indictment for aid and comfort and is debarred from the benefits of the oath which he has now taken.  Does not come within any of the exceptions to the proclamation of May 29 1865.
Fleming Rush[?] [signed]

State of Tennessee
Executive Department
Nashville Jany 9 186[?]
Respectfully forwarded to the Honorable the Attorney General


W. G. Brownlow
Gov of Ten

[?] April 17th 66

Received from Department of Justice 
December 18, 1894
R. & P. 402986


Source Type