
By cavis , 18 September 2021
Source Description
Lawrence Avis and wife - 1920

Source Type


1920 U. S. Census Chaves Co., New Mexico
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1034)

New Mexico
Chaves County
Precinct 2
Roswell City
Supervisor's Distr. 1
Enumeration Distr. 6
Ward of City 4
Sheet 9A

Family 195
Laurence C. Avis, m, w, 27, married, bp: Texas,    fbp: Texas,    mbp: Texas, Machinist in garage
Alberta Avis,     f, w, 28, married, bp: Texas,    fbp: Missouri, mbp: Kentucky
Mrs. J. D. Overfelt, f, w, 46, roomer,  bp: Missouri, fbp: Missouri, mbp: Missouri


By cavis , 23 April 2021
Source Description
James H. Avis (c/o James) & family; John Avis (c/o James) & family; Jarboe families - 1880

Source Type


1880 U. S. Census Perry Co., Indiana
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1117)

Perry Co., Indiana
Union Township
Supervisor's Distr. 1
Enumeration Distr. 32


p. 10
Family 83
James Avis,    m, w,   43,       bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, Farmer
Sarah Avis,    f, w,   39, wife, bp: Indiana, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Main [sic], Keeping House
Sarah I. Avis, f, w,   12, dau., bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, School
Wm. F. Avis,   m, w,   10, son,  bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana
Mary C. Avis,  f, w,    7, dau., bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, cannot r/w
Chas. F. Avis, m, w,    3, son,  bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, cannot r/w
Emma A. Avis,  f, w, 9/12, dau., bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, cannot r/w, born in Aug.


p. 12
Family 102
John Avis,     m, w, 45, bp: Indiana, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Maryland, Farmer, cannot read
Nancy E. Avis, f, w, 32, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, Keeping House, cannot r/w
Sarah S. Avis, f, w,  9, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, attends school
Mary A. Avis,  f, w,  5, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana

Family 104
James Jarboe,     w, m, 27, bp: Indiana, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Maryland, Farmer, cannot r/w
Nancy Jarboe,     f, w, 27, bp: Indiana, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, Keeping House
Sylvester Jarboe, m, w,  7, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, attends school
Michael Jarboe,   m, w,  5, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana
Mary B. Jarboe,   f, w,  3, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana
James Jarboe,     m, w,  1, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana

Family 105
James Jarboe, Jr., m, w, 69, bp: Kentucky, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Maryland, Farmer
Matilda Jarboe,    f, w, 67, bp: Maryland, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Maryland, Keeping House

Family 106
John Jarboe,   m, w, 25, bp: Indiana, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Maryland, Farmer, cannot r/w
Mary Jarboe,   f, w, 24, bp: Indiana, fbp: Belgium,  mbp: Indiana, Keeping House, cannot r/w
Arthur Jarboe, m, w,  3, bp: Indiana, fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana

Family 107
Benedict Jarboe,  m, w, 56, bp: Kentucky, fbp: Maryland,  mbp: Kentucky, Farmer, cannot r/w
Catharine Jarboe, f, w, 54, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Kentucky,  mbp: Kentucky, Keeping House
Charles Jarboe,   m, w, 20, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Kentucky,  mbp: Indiana, Farm laborer, cannot r/w
William Jarboe,   m, w, 18, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Kentucky,  mbp: Indiana, Farm laborer, cannot r/w, attends school
Clara E. Jarboe,  f, w, 12, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Kentucky,  mbp: Indiana, At Home, cannot r/w, attends school

By cavis , 22 April 2021
Source Description
James H. Avis (c/o James) and family - 1910

Source Type


1910 U. S. Census Perry Co., Indiana
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1116)

Perry Co., Indiana
Union Township
Supervisor's Distr. 3
Enumeration Distr. 137
Sheet 15

Dwelling 282
Family 286
James H. Avis, m, w, 73, bp: Indiana, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Indiana,  married 49 years, Farmer, owns farm
Sarah A. Avis, f, w, 65, bp: Indiana, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Maryland, married 49 years, 9 kids/6 living
Joseph Avis,   m, w, 64, bp: Indiana, fbp: Maryland, mbp: Indiana, brother, cannot r/w, not employed


By cavis , 22 April 2021
Source Description
James H. Avis (c/o James) and family - 1900

Source Type


1900 U. S. Census Perry Co., Indiana
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1115)

Perry Co., Indiana
Union Township
Supervisor's Distr. 3
Enumeration Distr. 118
Sheet 4

Dwelling 66
Family 67
James H. Avis, m, w, 63, b. Mar 1837, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Maryland, mbp: Indiana,  married 40 years , Farmer, owns farm
Sarah A. Avis, f, w, 56, b. May 1844, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Maryland, mbp: Maryland, married 40 years, 9 kids/6 living
Janie Avis,    f, w, 17, b. Mar 1883, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana
, dau., single, At School (mo. in school: 5)
Clara E. Avis, f, w, 10, b. Dec 1889, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana
, dau., single, At School (mo. in school: 6)
Charles McCoy, m, w, 21, b. Aug 1878, bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky
, son-in-law, Farm Laborer, married 0 years
Emma A. McCoy, f, 2, 20, b. Aug 1879, bp: Indiana,  fbp: Indiana,  mbp: Indiana, dau., Teacher, married 0 years, 0 kids
Joseph Avis,   m, w, age unk.,        bp: Indiana,  fbp: Maryland, mbp: Indiana
, brother, single, Idiot, cannot r/w


By cavis , 16 March 2021
Source Description
Micajah Henry Greer family in Copiah Co., Mississippi - 1840

Source Type


1840 U. S. Census Copiah Co., Mississippi
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1080)

no page number

Hy Greer
    1 male:  20-29;   1 female: 15-19



By cavis , 10 March 2021
Source Description
Sallie Mooring family in Grimes Co., Texas. - 1880

Source Type


1880 U. S. Census Grimes Co., Texas
(C. Avis  Catalog entry #1111)

Grimes Co., Texas
Prairie Plains Precinct

p. 25
Supervisor's Distr. 4
Enumeration Distr. 67
Dwelling 168
Family 170
Sallie Mooring,      w, f, 63, widow,             bp: North Carolina, fbp: N.C.,     mbp: N.C., Keeping house
Mary Susan Mooring,  w, f, 46, daughter, single,  bp: North Carolina, fbp: N.C.,     mbp: N.C., School Teacher
Margaret E. Mooring, w, f, 43, daughter, single,  bp: Alabama,        fbp: N.C., 
    mbp: N.C., At home
Dialtha S. Mooring,  w, f, 26, daughter, single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: N.C., 
    mbp: N.C., At home
Virginia B. Mooring, w, f, 24, daughter, single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: N.C., 
    mbp: N.C., At home
Johny B. Mooring,    w, m, 21, son,      single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: N.C., 
    mbp: N.C., Works on farm
Martha M. Mooring,   w, f, 21, daughter, single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: N.C., 
    mbp: N.C., At home
Nannie M. Busick,    w, f, 56, Boarder,  widow,   bp: Tennessee,      fbp: N.C.,     mbp: N.C., At home
Malcom A. McCrea,    w, m, 33, Boarder,  widower, bp: Alabama,        fbp: Scotland, mbp: Ind,  Gaurding[sic] Convicts
John A. Ross,        w, m, 35, Boarder,  single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: Alabama,  mbp: Alabama, Gaurding[sic] Convicts

Dwelling 169
Family 171
John Mooring,      b, m, 67,                  married, bp: Virginia,       fbp: Va.,  mbp: Va.,  Farmer, cannot r/w
Elizabeth Mooring, b, f, 42, wife,    
        married, bp: South Carolina, fbp: S.C., mbp: S.C., Keeping House, cannot r/w
Solomon Mooring,   b, m, 22, son,     
        widower, bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C., works on farm, cannot r/w
Fanny Mooring,     b, f, 18, Daughter,
        single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C., works on farm, cannot r/w
Jacob Mooring,     b, m, 14, son,     
        single,  bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C., works on farm, cannot r/w
Seth Mooring,      b, m, 10, son,      
        single, bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C., works on farm, cannot r/w
Harriet Mooring,   b, f, 8, Daughter,  
        single, bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C.
Chaney Mooring,    b, f, 6, Daughter,  
        single, bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C.
Molley Mooring,    b, f, 4, Daughter,          single, bp: Texas, 
         fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C.
Betsy S. Mooring,  b, f, 11/12, Daughter,      single, bp: Texas, 
         fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C., born in July
James I. Mooring,  b, m, 4, Grand Son,         single, bp: Texas, 
         fbp: Unk., mbp: Texas
Jenny S. Mooring,  b, f, 1/12, Grand Daughter, single, bp: Texas,          fbp: Va.,  mbp: S.C., born in May


By cavis , 6 March 2021
Source Description
Mary Ayres Nave family & Charles C. Chiles family in Alabama - 1900

Source Type


1900 U. S. Census Jefferson Co., Alabama 
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1109)

Precinct 21 in Birmingham Ward 5th
Jefferson Co., Alabama
Supervisor's Dist. #5th-Ala
Enumeration Dist. # 144
Sheet 5A
Dwelling 36
Family 51
2117 4th Avenue
Mary E. Nave,      w, f, 55, b. 7/1844,  Head,       widow,   bp: Alabama,  fbp: S. Carolina, mbp: Alabama, 3 children/2 living, runs Boarding House (rented), married 29 years
Fannie Nave,       w, f, 25, b. 8/1874,  Daughter,   single,  bp: Alabama,  fbp: Alabama,     mbp: S. Carolina 
7 Boarders
David S. Anson,    w, m, 34, b. 2/1866,  S-in-Law,   widower, bp: Penn.,    fbp: Penn.,       mbp: Penn., Foundryman
Charley C. Chiles, w, m, 34, b. 7/1865,  S-in-Law,   married, bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky,    mbp: Kentucky, Merchant (Grocery),   married 11 years
Lena R. Chiles,    w, f, 30, b. 1/1870,  Daughter,   married, bp: Alabama,  fbp: Alabama,     mbp: Alabama, 3 children/3 living,   married 11 years
Dwight B. Chiles,  w, m, 10, b. 11/1889, G-son,      single,  bp: Alabama,  fbp: Alabama,     mbp: Alabama, At school
David A. Chiles,   w, m, 8,  b. 12/1891, G-son,      single,  bp: Alabama,  fbp: Alabama,     mbp: Alabama, At school
Sue M. Chiles,     w, f, 6,  b. 5/1894,  G-Daughter, single,  bp: Alabama,  fbp: Alabama,     mbp: Alabama
3 Boarders
2 Boarders
[all named persons above can read, write and speak English]
[occupations of boarders: machinist, call boy, telephone operator, railroad fireman, railroad switchman, railroad operator, electrician, train dispatcher]


By cavis , 6 March 2021
Source Description
Amanda Patton Chiles family in Kentucky - 1880

Source Type


1880 U. S. Census Pendleton Co., Kentucky
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1108)

Falmouth, Pendleton Co., Kentucky
p. 26
Supervisor Dist. #4
Enumeration Dist. #159
Ferry Street
Dwelling 214
Family 232
Amanda Chiles,  w, f, 42, wife, single, widowed, bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, HouseKeeping
Sue Chiles,     w, f, 21, daughter, single,      bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, At Home
Julia Chiles,   w, f, 20, daughter, single,      bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, At Home
John Chiles,    w, m, 17, son, single,           bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, Laborer

Charles Chiles, w, m, 15, son, single,           bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, works in [?] Mill, unemployed 3 months in last year
David Chiles,   w, m, 12, son, single,           bp: Kentucky, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky, At Home

[none have attended school in last year]

By cavis , 6 March 2021
Source Description
John L. Chiles family in Kentucky - 1870

Source Type


1870 U. S. Census Pendelton Co., Kentucky
(C. Avis Catalog #1107)

Falmouth, Pendleton Co., Kentucky
p. 7
P.O. Falmouth, Ky
Dwelling 41
Family 41
Jno. L. Chiles, 44, m, w, bp: Kentucky, Drayman,       pe:  200
Amanda Chiles,  34, f, w, bp: Kentucky, House Keeping, pe: 2000
Susan Chiles,   12, f, w, bp: Kentucky, attends school
Julia Chiles,   11, f, w, bp: Kentucky, attends school
John Chiles,     8, m, w, bp: Kentucky, attends school
Charles Chiles,  5, m, w, bp: Kentucky, attends school
D. Chiles,       4, m, w, bp: Kentucky
Wm. Dameron,    16, m, w, bp: Kentucky, Drayman


By cavis , 29 January 2021
Source Description
James Calvin Maples in Cherokee Co., Texas - 1860

Source Type


1860 U. S. Census Cherokee Co., Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1097)

p. 197
Beat No. 8
P.O. Rusk, Texas

dwelling 1315
family 1315
J. C. Maples, 39, m, Merchant, pe: 20000, bp: Alabama