1920 U. S. Census Fulton Co., Georgia
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1243)
Fulton Co.
Supervisor's Distr. 5
Enumeration Distr. 139
Part of Ward 9
Sheet 13A
16 Sinclair Avenue
Dwelling 208
Family 286
Dave Chiles, head, m, w, 28, married, bp: Alabama, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Alabama
Clara Chiles, wife, f, w, 28, married, bp: Missouri, fbp: Kentucky, mbp: Kentucky
Joseph Chiles, son, m, w, 4 6/12, single, bp: Alabama, fbp: Alabama, mbp: Missouri
David Chiles, son, m, w, 2 1/12, single, bp: Alabama, fbp: Alabama, mbp: Missouri
home is owned with mortgage
father is Traveling Salesman with Flour Co.
adults can r/w/s English