Will/Estate Record

By cavis , 10 July 2012
Source Description
Estate of Gray Little

Source Type


Edgecombe Co., NC Deed Book 18
(C. Avis Catalog entry #625)

Division of Gray Little's estate

Deed Book 18, page 337

recorded Aug Ct 1823 

by court order commissioners divide the real estate of Maj. Gray Little, dec'd among the heirs at law, there being nine heirs and a total evaluation of $17,208.99 and each heir to receive $1912.11; lot $1 to Lydia Price, 245 acres of the upper end of the river tract, valued at $1960 and to pay to lot #5 $47.89; lot #2 to Gray Little, 245 acres being the middle part of the river tract valued at $1960 and to pay $47.89 to lot # 5; lot #3 to Benjamin Manning, 261 acres of the lower end of the river tract valued at $1960 and to pay lot #5 $42.83, lot #6 $3.22 and lot #7 $1.84; lot #4 to Penina Little 267 3/4 acres of the upper end of the home tract valued at $1606.50, 100 acres of the Rose Piney Wood tract valued at $100, 160 acres of the Wilson Tract valued at $160 and 40 acres of the Deal tract valued at $93.50 and to pay to lot #6 $47.89; lot #5 to Seth Little 159 acres of the Mansion house tract valued at $1431, 159 acres of the Causey Tract valued at $$342.50, which with money paid from other lots equals $1912.11; lot #6 to William Little 237 1/4 acres of the lower end of the home tract valued at $1423.50, 175 acres of the Polly Cherry tract valued at $$437.50 which with money received from other lots equals $1912.11; lot #7 to Charles Wilkinson's children 323 acres of the Thigpen & Bell tracts valued at $1292, 286 acres of the Big Swamp tract valued at $$429 and 79 acres of the Deal tract valued at $118.50 which with money received from other lots equals $1912.11; lot #8 to Elijah Manning 300 acres of the undivided Toisnot Swamp tract valued at $1800 and 174 acres of the Shellbank tract valued at $174 which with money received from other lots equals $1912.11; lot #9 to Blake Little 300 acres being the other half of the Toisnot Swamp tract valued at $1800, 74 acres of the New Swamp tract valued at $111 and the lot in Stantonsburg valued at $10 and to pay to lot #7 $8.89, 

signed Robt. Joyner, (Solo Pender), J.R. Lloyd, David Dancy.

By cavis , 10 July 2012
Source Description
Estate of Sarah Holleman (1823)

Source Type


Estate Records of Edgecombe Co., NC, 1820-1850, Vol. III (Joseph Watson)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #654)

Holleman, Sarah, account of sale...Aug. 22, 1823, Aug. Ct. 1823...
Division of the money arising from the estate equally among the heirs, namely: 1.) Blake H. Wiggins; 2.) Roland Wiggins; 3.) Thomas Sharpe in right of his wife, Eley; 4.) John Dunn in right of his wife, Cynthia; 5.) Charles Wilkinson in right of his wife, Nancy; 6. James Phillips in right of his wife, Crecy, Aug. 22, 1825, Aug. Ct. 1825.

By cavis , 10 July 2012
Source Description
Inventories of Charles Wilkinson (1834) and Joshua Wilkinson (1818)

Source Type


Estate Records of Edgecombe Co., NC 1820-1850, Vol. II (Watson) 
(C. Avis Catalog entry #577)

p. 233
Wilkinson, _____, division of negroes by commissioners between William Wilkinson and Lewelling Mooring and Sally, his wife, Dec. 26, 1834, Feb. Ct. 1835.

<abstracts follow>

Wilkinson, Allen D. 
orphan of Joshua Wilkinson

Wilkinson, Benjamin
dec'd in Feb. 1837

Wilkinson, Charles
Sale held 12/18/1834
William L. Wilkinson was a buyer
Silas Wilkinson held sale for 3 negroes 1836

p. 235
Wilkinson, John, Junr.
Charles Wilkinson was administrator 1820
Buyers included Charles, Ansey and John Wilkinson

Wilkinson, John
Charles Wilkinson and Jesse Knight were adminstrators 1823

Wilkinson, John
Sales held by Charles Wilkinson and Jesse Knight 1823-25
Charles, Silas, Levi and Benjamin Wilkinson bought
Account paid to Mildred Wilkinson
Board paid for Joshua Wilkinson
Levi Wilkinson drew lot for negroes 1830
Willie Atkinson drew lot in right of his wife Sally 1830
Shares of negroes to Joshua Wilkinson, John Wilkinson and Belinda Wilkinson 1835

Wilkinson, Joshua
Sales by executors John Wilkinson, Benjamin Wilkinson and Charles Wilkinson 8/14/1818
Mildred, Joshua, Charles, Benjamin, John, Sila and Benjamin Wilkinson, Sr. were buyers at sales in 1818-19

By cavis , 10 July 2012
Source Description
Estates of Joshua Wilkinson (1819) and Milly Wilkinson (1845)

Source Type


Wills from Edgecombe Co., NC
(C. Avis Catalog entry #576)

<This source has abstracts of the wills.  Good parts abstracted further here>

p. 357
Wilkinson, Benjamin
Wife:  Obedience
Exr:  Jesse Knight
Witnesses:  Bennett Bradley, John Garrett

Wilkinson, James
Wife & exr:  Julia
Children:  Mary, Washington
Also receiving:  Laura Esler (held in trust by William Esler)
Witnesses:  George Howard, L. D. Pender

Wilkinson, Joshua
Aug. Ct. 1819.  Bk. E, p. 194
Wife:  Mildred
Sons and exr:  John, Charles
Daughters:  Sarah Morris, Mary Dunn, Edith Knight
Sons:  Benjamin, Joshua, Silas
Grandsons:  Joel Whitfield, Benjamin Whitfield
Granddaughter:  Albenath Whitfield
Exr:  Benjamin Whitfield
Witnesses:  Frederick Mayo, William Worsley

p. 358
Wilkinson, Milly
Nov. Ct., 1845.  Bk. F, p.  325
Granddaughter:  Sary Ann Worseley
Exrs & friends:  Jesse Knight, John Garrett,
Witnesses:  Benjamin Knight, Joseph Garrett
New exr:  Eliza Taylor (Newton Taylor and Isaac Robbins bond)

By cavis , 9 July 2012
Source Description
Will of William Robertson

Source Type


Maury Co., Tennessee Wills Book D 1826-1829
(C. Avis Catalog entry #621)

FamilySearch film 4776150, image 183

[p. ]306
William R. Robertson's Will
to wit
     Know all men by their Presents that I William R. Robertson of Maury County and State of Tennessee in my Perfect mind and memory this 5th day of July A.D. 1827 do Give and bequeath unto my wife Alcey Robertson and to my Children Blount, Caroline, William[,] Henry and Sharp Robertson my farm fifty acres of Land the buildings and appurtaniances theron with the with the house hold and kitchen furniture. I do also give & bequeath unto my wife Alsey Robertson Enough of the Present crop for one years support & my sorrell horse, two cows, two heifers an Pair of Guns one plow & two hors and one axe I do also Give & bequeath to my Oldest son Blount my saddle.  My will and meaning [is] that my Land should be for the Use of my wife & children during her life and then belong equally to my children. I do also appoint Wm. B. Pillow my executor to Transact and settle all business agreeably to this will & according to law - this I declare to be my Last will & testament In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of July one thousand eight hundred & twenty seven.

Signed in presence of
Zebinia Cankey                                           Wm. R. Robertson
John Dickey     Jurat 
Thomas Sowery  Jurat

By cavis , 5 July 2012
Source Description
Will of William Maples, McMinn Co., TN 1855

Source Type


Will Book F, McMinn Co., TN

(C. Avis Catalog entry #259)


 p. 188, 364-365, 213-220



William Maples Dec Last Will & Testament

In the name of god amen 
I William Maples of the county of Mcminn and state of Tennessee knowing that it is appointed unto maan to die and being in my proper disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in words and figures following (ToWit) 
1st. After paying my funeral Expenses and all my Just debts I will and bequeath that all my property including Land Negroes personal property Shall be equally divided except that herein after provided for amongst all my Legatees and their bodily heirs (To Wit) 
Mary Ann Sarah E. Rachel C. James C. William H. Martha M. and the heirs of Ailcy J. Pridmore Dec. 
2nd. I Will and bequeath that my Negroes Shall be valued be three disinterested persons and ballotted for unless otherwise agreed upon by all my legatees except the minor heirs of Ailcy J. Pridmore Decd who will be entilted to their proportional part of the Negroes in Money and they are excluded from balloting for the Negroes because they are miners and could not take charge of the Negroes. 
3rd. I will and bequeath that my Land shall be sold on a credit of one and two years in equal installments. 
4. I will and bequeath that my personal property shall be sold on credit of 12 Months. 
5th. I will that if any of my Negroes from age sickness or otherwise should become as a charge or valueless a home and support shall be provided for them by my Legatees during their life. 
6th. I will and bequeath that my Granddaughter Ailcy E. Pridmore Shall have a bed and furniture also a saddle bridle and blanket. 
7th. I Nominate and appoint my son Wm. H. Maples my sole Executor. 
In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal  April 3rd 1855

Test                                                                                     his 
    W. C. Vaughan                                                  William  X  Maples 
    Jacob Lowe                                                                    mark

July County Court 1858


By cavis , 5 July 2012
Source Description
Estate record of Josiah Maples, Giles Co., TN 1813

Source Type


Estate Records of Giles Co., TN regarding Josiah Maples

(C. Avis Catalog entry #449) 

County Court Minute Book B - 1813

p. 4 11/16/1813 
execution of last will and testament of Josiah Maples deceased. 
returned an inventory of estate.

p. 64  9/1814 
William Maples and John Easley, exectors of estate of Josiah Maples deceased returned account of sales of estate.


p. 31  3/1814 
William Maples jury summons

p. 144  6/1815 
William Maples jury summons

p. 206  12/8/1815 
William Maples jury summons

p. 36  6/1814 
William Maples appointed overseer of road