
By cavis , 5 December 2020
Source Description
David Avis buys land in Grayson Co., Texas - 1854

Texas General Land Office file #1837
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1070)

Fannin District Class 3

Recorded in Grayson County Book B p. 327

[in 1852, Harvey Slack got a land grant for 320 acres as a colonist of the Peter's Colony (#31).  In 1854, he sold the grant to David Avis for $120.  There are 8 pages in this file.  Only the useful parts are transcribed here.  Note that p. 7 seems to show David Avis as the County Clerk of Grayson County.]

======= page 7:  The Purchase ======= 

The State of Texas }
County of Grayson }   
Know all by these presents that I Harvey Slack of the County and State afforesaid [sic] have this day, for and in Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred & Twenty dollars to me paid by, David Avis of the County and State afforesaid [sic] have bargained Sold Released and Transfered [sic] and by these presents due bargain Sell Release and Transfer all my right Title Interest and Claim in and to My Colony Headright Certificate No. 31 for three hundred and Twenty acres of Land issued to the Said Harvey Slack by Wm D[?] Fitch Clerk of the County of the Grayson County on the 14th day of May AD 1852.  
To have and to hold the same unto him the Said David Avis his heirs or assigns together with all and Singular the rights privaledges [sic] and Benefits thereunto belonging to or in any wise incident or appertaining forever.
And I hereby authorize the Commissioner of the Genl Land Office to issue a pattent [sic] to the Land or Lands Claimed by Virtue of the Same to him the Said Avis in his own name.
In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal (using scrowl[?] for seal) this 29th day of July A.D. 1854.

Harvy Slack

C. C. Trells
Henry Slack

======= p.  4 The Survey =======

The State of Texas }
County of Grayson }   
Survey of three hundred and twenty acres of Land for David Avis Assigned of Harvey Slack by virtue of D. Slacks headright for 320 acres as a Setler [sic] in Peters Colony No. 31.  Isued [sic] by the County Court of Grayson County on the 17th day of May 1852 Situated in Grayson County on Range Creek 11 miles S60W from Sherman.  Beginning at a Stake and Mound in Prarie [sic] from which the N.E. Corner of Daniel Boon 320 acre Premption [sic] bears S18E648 vars. and a Hackbury [sic] Mrkd x bears S57W141 1/2 vars.  Thence North through Prarie [sic] 1900 vars a Stake from which a  large Willow Mrkd x bears West30 vars. Thence West 30 vars. Branch 950 vars. a Stake in Prarie [sic] no tree near.  Thence, South through Prarie [sic] 1900 vars. a Stake in Prarie [sic].  Thence East 490 vars. Branch 950 vars. Beginning.

Oct 5th 1854

C. S. Odell
D. Avis   C. C.

I G. W. Newcome Solemnly Declare under the Oath of my Office that the above Survey was made according to Law.  & the Lines & Corners together with the Marks Natural & Artificial are truly Described in the above field notes.

G. W. Newcome
C. S.   G. C. Texas


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