
By cavis , 26 May 2019
Source Description
Ann Hinton Reynolds data from query

The American Monthly Magazine (D. A. R. publication), Vol. 39, #6
(C. Avis Catalog entry #573)

p. 326


Hinton.—Ann  Hinton  was  b.   Sept., 1759, m. Isham Reynolds ab. 1779; in 1789 purchased a tract of land in what is now Hawkins Co., Tenn., and moved his family there from Buncombe Co., N. C.  They lived on this place the remainder of their lives.   She d. Aug. 23, 1842.  It is thought that the Reynolds family came  from  Va.  before  going to N.C., where Isham was m.  Wanted, names of parents of Ann Hinton, and all genealogical data concerning them.  F. K. R.


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