1930 U. S. Census Wichita Co., TX
(C. Avis Catalog entry #935)
Wichita County
Wichita Falls City (part of)
Block #61
Enumeration Distr. #243-28
Supervisor's Distr. #3
Sheet 9A
page 9
Street: Fillmore
Kemp Building [there are many addresses listed in this Building, some are Owned and some are Rented]
Address Number 1401
Dwelling #133
Family #144
Avis, Jake, Head, m, w, 36, married, married at 25, owns home, home value 4000, not a farm, no radio, not in school, r/w/s English, bp: TX, fbp: TX, mbp: TX, Salesman in Petroleum, employed, salaried worker, veteran of World War
- , Gladys R., wife, f, w, 36, married, married at 25, homemaker, not in school, r/w/s English, bp: TX, fbp: United States, mbp: TN, not employed
- , Jake, Jr., son, m, w, 7, single, in school, r/w English, bp: TX, fbp: TX, mbp: TX
[this dwelling has another family which is renting]