Will Book 1791-1803, Elbert County, Georgia
(C. Avis Catalog entry #85)
Will Book 1791-1803 Elbert County Records, Office of Judge of Probate Court, Elberton, Georgia.
p. 53-55
In the Name of God amen. The twenty third day of September 1794. I William Hodge of the State of Georgia and County of Elbert, Being in a low State of Health but in perfect mind and Memory, thanks be Given to God, therefore calling unto mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament,
Viz. Principally and first of all I give and Recomend my Soul into the Hands of God that give it, and my Body I recomend to the Earth Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Plased God to bless me with in this Life, I give demisse[?] and Dispose of the Same in the following manner and for[-]
Imprimis, I bequeath to my sons John, Alexandr and Francis to Each of them three Pounds in Cash, Eighteen months after my Dicease and I allow my son John what Plank he wants for his own use free and my Large bible, Item I give to my Daughter Mary Twenty Pounds in trade four years after my Dicease, Item I give to my Daughter Elizabeth one cow and calf one womens Saddle and ten dollars in Money the first is got from Penselvania
Item I give to my Daughter Nancy one horse worth fifteen Pounds in trade one Womens Saddle and Bridle, and likewise the Cow that she Claims as hers and one other Cow of the Second Quallity and one third of the Dresser Furniture including what she has got
I Give to my Daughter Cynthia one Horse Worth fifteen Pounds in trade one Womens Saddle and Bridle and two Cows and Calves worth Six Pounds in trade and bed and bed Cloths with the third of the Dresser Furniture, and her Boarding free of the Estate whilst she Remains Single, Item I give to my two Sons William and Elliott the Estate I now Possess with Every thing belonging thereunto, Save what is mentioned above, which is to be Equally divided between them allowing the mare and Cow that my son William has got
Carried Forward
Brought Forward
to be reckoned up in his devid of the Creatures likewise my Son Elliott to have the third of the Dresser furniture
Item I allow my son James to be Schooled so as to Read write and Cypher well, as far as the five Common Rules the Colt that is now on the Plantation I give to my son James, I allow my sons William and Elliott to Purchase two hundred Acres of Land Such as they now live upon in Some Convenient place which they are to Give to my Son James free of any Incumberance when he Comes of age and a horse worth fifteen Pounds in trade and Saddle and Bridle likewise a decent suit of Cloaths Which they are to pay Equally Between them, my two sons Wm and Elliott is to pay all of all Debts due on the Estate and likewise to recover all Debts Due to the Estate for themselves
I likewise Constitute make and ordain William Applebay and my Son John to be my Soul Executors of this my Last will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I Have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the day and year above Written
Signed Sealed and Delivered by
the sd William Hodge as his Last will William {his mark} Hodge {seal}
and Testament in the Presence of us
James McCurdy
John Calvert
Record the above will of William Hodge late of Elbert Deceased the 3d day of october 1794
W. Higginbotham Regr. Peo.
The Inventory of William Hodge Esq. late of the County of Elbert decd is as followeth to Witt,
£ S P
one black horse £ 2 - one yearling Colt £ 2 4 0 0
one black mare £ 1 1 0 0
one Spotted Cow £ 1 10 one Rigged Cow £ 1 10 3 0 0
one Speckled Cow £ 2 one Speckled Heifer £ 1 8 2 8 0
one Dun Cow and Calf 1 10 0
one Red Regged Stear £ 1 8 - one black Regged Stear £ 1 8 2 16 0
one yellow Hefer £ 1 5 one spotted yearling heiffer 16/ 2 1 0
one black Rigged Steear 14/ one Red & White yearling heffer 9/4 1 3 4
one pair of boots 7/ 0 7 0
one Course Heckle 5/ one Log chain 9/4 0 14 4
one ax 7/ one Ditto 4/8 two Iron Wedges 3/6 0 15 2
one Waggon £ 9 - two pair of gears 14/ 9 14 0
fourteen hogs and 3 4 4 0
one pair of Chains 5/ one Large bible 14/ 0 19 0
a number of books 1 10 4
one Side Saddle £ 1 - one mans Saddle 7/ 1 7 0
His Wareing apparal 4 18 0
His Wifes apparel 3 2 8
one Box 1/2 one small Chest 7/ one Table 4-8 0 12 10
one Bedstead and bed Cloaths 3 10 0
one other ditto £ 3 -- one tin Lanthorn 1/6 3 1 6
three shears 6/ one bag 2-4 one auger 5/ 0 13 4
one Peace of Leather 4/8 one bell 3/ 0 7 8
one Spining Whell 7/ one flat Iron 3/ 0 10 0
one pot Rack 5/ Dresser Furniture £ 2-14 2 14 0
one Bridle 2/ one bedstead 2/ 0 4 0
Corn in the feild 7 9 4
Wheat and flour 12/ 0 12 0
The plantation Including the mills and other improvements 200 0 0
We the Subscribers being appointed and sworn agreable to Law have appraised the Estate of William Hodge Esq. Deceased agreable to the above Bill october the 20th 1794
William Furgus
Robert Cowdon
John M. Donnel
Recorded the above Inventory the 11th day of June in the year 1795
W. Higginbotham Regr. Peo.